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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Joke ? I take it you dis-agree with these two other columnists also who are proposing different solutions to the lack of capital: http://blogs.ft.com/wolfforum/ http://blogs.ft.com/wolfforum/2008/09/a-ma...tance/#more-186
  2. That would be me. While I am ecstatic about his development in general and his fair weather performances in particular, his performance should not fall off a cliff in inclement weather. We will have plenty of opportunities this year to see if he has progressed in that department compared to last year. I am praying he has ... It is fine to give him a pass for yesterdays sub-par quarters as he really wasn't getting any help.
  3. Which begs the question - how long before Moss starts throwing hissy fits....
  4. Yesterday the problem was not him being unable to throw deep. He was missing some short to medium throws through the better part of 3 quarters. As I said before, the dropsies were not helping. He did make a couple of very nice throws (kinda deep) to Parrish & Evans in the 4th. Fact is that we were just totally out of sync as an offense for 3 quarters - Trent was one factor. We can argue that he should have helped a struggling offense by elevating his level of play. But that will take experience and maturity which should come fast enough for him.
  5. .. Peters was horrible and the receivers were having a bad case of dropsies especially on key downs. Add to that some really bad officiating and we were looking terrible in the forst 3 quarters. Also note that Edwards' level of play went up immediately after it stopped raining. I really hope his increasing experience negates his marginal performances in poor weather to date. In any case, and to use a cliche, winning cures everything.
  6. Another take on the current crisis. Consider that the author is a professor of finance at the University of Chicago. His point is that the oft-repeated statement that toxic debts are the root of the current financial crisisis wrong: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/13a60574-862b-11...00779fd18c.html In addition, I would add that the basic philosophical problem I have is that he government should not be in the real estate business. Whether or not taking control of this depressed assets will eventually be profitable is immaterial. I have too little faith in the bureaucracy that they will do a good job in disposing off these assets at the right time, keep the sales process efficient and then eventually use the NET gains (if any) in a more productive way that the capital that is being considered for investment right now. No matter how this current bailout is being 'sold' to the public, we cannot deny that the current series of bail-outs will create a moral hazard in the future. Also, pumping so much money into the market heightens the risk of inflation.
  7. Just saw 'The Fly' after many many years and coincidentally that picture of Al Davis is similar to the half-transformed Jeff Goldblum. Then again, I may just be too drunk. Go Bills ! Can't wait for noon (CST).
  8. From what I have heard from several sources (my boss even met Jauron at a Bears camp when he was the HC here), DJ is a player's coach. It seems highly unlikely that he would take any action with his player that would be the equivalent of an 'FU'.
  9. Care to 'splain what the similarities are ? You are entitled to your prediction about the score but your logic leading up to it makes me want to
  10. As others have said, we need to take care of business against the Raiders and Rams. But to answer your question, I will start getting that warm fuzzy if we beat Arizona (they look like they are poised to climb out of the perennial hole just like us) and if we beat the Chargers, we will be THE smoking hot team in the league. Even if we split the Cards & Chargers games, I will think we are for real.
  11. You will need them with the crow you will be eating Sunday night. Welcome to this board. Rabid fan or not, your posts are mildly humorous and vastly entertaining as you make such an easy target. To be serious, here is why I think the Bills will kick your sorry Raider tushy: - Raiders don't have a bonafide passing threat. We will stack the box, dare McFadden to beat us. The front four and Poz will ensure McFadden does not have much running room which will leave JaMarcus's only option to throw to one of our CBs. - Your D is arguably talented with the boat load of $$s spent to acquire players. But I just don't get the feeling you are playing as a team. Individual talent does not make a strong D (or O) - Our OC is proving to be very creative in play calling. The Raiders D will try to defend multiple threats - Jackson and Lynch as receiving threats, Hardy as a 'high pass' catcher and Edwards to keep the chains moving. I think the Bills will pull away early and stay ahead to win 27-17.
  12. I personally would be happier with a 7.931 ranking, but then again there aren't fractional teams around. In any case, my post wasn't directed at you in particular and certainly wasn't meant to berate anyone. Just being my usual, cynical self.
  13. Setting aside my feelings about a graphic that shows four teams in the Superbowl, I love this sentence "Buffalo is easily the best AFC East team I've seen this year."
  14. Thank you. Fine post. I will add that my concerns are not particularly about the deep ball but the zip he can put on it for the short to medium throws and how accurate he is when the weather is not sunny, warm and calm.
  15. In the past the whining was about getting no respect and now the consensus is that we are ranked too high. TOO HIGH ???? Too much respect by Carucci ? What an unhappy, anal retentive bunch we have here.
  16. Yes it is early but the rules are the same for every team ranked by Carucci ie. your argument can be made for every team on that list. However, with our performances so far, with the traditional quality of our opponents, we should be no lower than 5-8 in the rankings.
  17. Thanx. P.S. Nice choice of words
  18. Several assumptions in this study: - How do we know that a smaller brain implies less intellect or lower capacity ? - How did they isolate the other sources that could have contributed to said shrinkage - What shrunk anyway ? The volume or surface area ? - Also indicated an effect of obesity and brain shrinkage. Which effect is more dominant ? I can't put credence into a study that has so many holes in it. Perhaps the entire study transcript may have covered these areas. My (now) 13 year old daughter voluntarily became a vegetarian 2 years back and her grades have not suffered. That is about as scientific a conclusion as the news article itself.
  19. Maybe I am naive, but I am not at all concerned. I feel confident that Jauron gets the team ready for the opponent and we won't play down to the level of the opponent. Even if the Faiders figure out who their HC is, they won't have enough time to game plan for us. We should be able to grind out a nice and comfortable win. Prediction: Bills win 27-17
  20. I voted for Jauron but it did not display the tally of votes. What's the current count ?
  21. Very good. Schonert's schemes seem to be involving many different players. Everybody seems to be getting his chance to catch and Evans being the reliable catcher is making the best of his opportunities. A few TDs would help make him happy also. A good time to get both Evans and Peters locked up is now.
  22. Yeah, they can get both Moulds and Price for cheap. What a re-union that will be. Weird thing is I can't think of any WR on our squad that I can consider trading to them.
  23. Yes I agree. To the nay-sayers, I say that why don't we enjoy the fact that we are 2-0. The league is not made up of teams that are healthy across the board. Wins are tough to come by in the pseudo-parity that exists. We have been on the other side of the fence for far too long. It is time for other teams to now start making excuses for their loses to us. I am perfectly happy where we are at. 2-0 and a real chance of going 4-0 and 6-2 (tough games against Cards and Chargers). When is the last time we truly believed we deserved that record ? I am all for tempering our enthusiasm as a Superbowl-bound team but not for being an winning team in the present with a future that is bright.
  24. Well, the Jax O is not a symbol of health & experience either. I think a lot depends on how our O performs against their D. I expect our D to dominate and a score from the D will go a long way to ensuring a win.
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