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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. There are several inherent problems with the concept of electric plug-in cars. The stated goal is to reduce emissions. However, we need to not look simply at the car and its emissions but the entire energy chain by which a energy source is converted to electricity and used to power such cars. Electricity is generated primarily by either nuclear or hydrocarbon based fuels. US power plants, overall, have a thermal efficiency of 33% (that much of the sources' energy gets converted to usable energy). Then the electricity is transmitted via the power grid resulting in further losses (not sure of the exact % of losses but it is likely around 30%). So looking at it holistically, the percent of energy converted is very low compared to on-site power generation or the ICE. Secondly, it is debatable whether emissions are reduced or not for the planet. Coal and natural gas both pollute to varying degrees. Nuclear is clean and renewable energy sources are too expensive right now. We may find emissions lower on the road but concentrated at the power plants. Ultimately, I am not sure if the emissions per mile driven are better in plug-in cars. Lastly, the world is consuming electricity at a fast pace. New power plants, upgrading of existing power plants is required just to keep up with the demand growth. Any growth of such plug-in cars will directionally make matters worse. I realize that adoption rates will be too slow for such cars to make any measurable dent in the electricity demand - but directionally it is still not correct.
  2. I wonder if we want to spend $8 MM for a LB, which is what he will need to be 'happy'. Agreed that he is a proven commodity but it depends on how many items are left on Marv's shopping list.
  3. I see little reason to complain, assuming this story is true. It implies that Denver was not willing to give up 'big money'. Also, we don't know what trade offers we have but I highly doubt they are any better than a 3rd round pick (else Levy would have gone for it). WM and Rosenhaus are now understanding the value of a underperforming RB in the NFL today. Good for the Bills - he will shut up and play as he knows the only way to get a lucrative contract is to put up huge numbers in 2007.
  4. hey, hey there newbie. People have been giving you civilized responses so respond with some modicum of decency. You get to violate that guideline when you have been around a while and proven your worth.
  5. Without any sort of calculations, my guess is we have a bit less than half of our $31 MM remaining. Which is still quite a bit of coin. I think we will not blow it all and save some to extend JP and LE. EDIT: I was a bit off on my 'little less than half' estimate. I assumed all contracts to be total value divided by length of contract. 31 MM - 6 Kelsay - 2.6 Hargrove, Tim Anderson, Greer - 7 Dockery - 5 Walker - 1 Whittle = 9.4 Tight but can squeeze in a couple more mid-tier FAs. Ofcourse if Spikes is traded, we save $2.8 MM in cap space.
  6. Apart from his comments after he left Buffalo, he did not do anything wrong as a person. If NE had any class, they would contact him to see if he is going to retire and allow him to retire a Patriot.
  7. $1 MM this year http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-b...p&type=lgns
  8. Ganesh, I am going to stop our discussion as we have hijacked this thread a bit. Maybe we can pick it up in a more relevant thread.
  9. We dis-agree and that is perfectly fine. If he was seen as a key piece of the offense going forward, the management (specifically DJ) would have taken steps to pacify the current situation. Him being opened for trading appears to be a pro-active move by the Bills management - not one initiated by WM. This by itself implies that the management is down on his abilities as an individual and team player - not a vote of confidence in favor of him. Consider how they handled the Nate Clements situation last year. The team needed his services for one more year while the coaches evaluated personnel and Levy did the best thing possible at that time. I realize that the WM situation is not the exact opposite but isn't it telling that they are willing to let him go a year before his contract is up ? If they valued him enough for the 2007 season, they would not be worried about him hitting the open market next year.
  10. Not denying that he is the starting running back. I am just not sure the team is gelling behind him or that he is a 'big' part of the offense ...
  11. Burning bridges is generally not a good thing to do but that is exactly what EM did on his way out of here. Secondly, as I have been saying this administration prefers guys in their 20s. Lastly, which current WR do we displace to make room for EM ? I think EM's recent performance makes it difficult for him to displace Reed, Price, Parrish. Aiken maybe but it is a stretch. All in all, I highly doubt we show any interest in him. The Jets or NE may sign him up for a 1 or 2 year deal and EM may go for it just to spite the Bills. If he had kept his attitude and expectations in check and gone with the program, he could have gracefully retired a Bill.
  12. A few additional thoughts: The current management is true to its word - they have professed that they prefer to sign their own before looking in free agency. They did exactly that with the Kelsay signing (and Josh Reed before that, and Lindell .....). I like the fact that they have a strategy and they stick to it. Also lost in all these numbers is the fact that Kelsay is happy to be here in Buffalo and has said he would like to end his career here. How many free agents are going to have that attitude ? While, at this point, it doesnt look like we got a hometown discount, that attitude with all the other positive points brought up in this thread, alone make this a good signing.
  13. Same thought crossed my mind. He is on the wrong side of 30 and the current staff does not like that. If we lose NC, I think we will go with Youboty and draft another corner because the choices in FA are not very attractive.
  14. Yep, right after her wrote this (already quoted on this board): "My upset special for a no-name guy who will get the richest: Buffalo defensive end Chris Kelsay." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writ.../26/indy/1.html
  15. .. thus confirming the Bills will not take Willis even if he is available
  16. Kelly, just nitpicking here - Marv said they will be bringing in 4-5 guys. I heard that as 4-5 interviews and not actual acquisitions (unless we have a 100% strike rate which is unrealistic). Even if we get 2 really good guys from the outside, I will be happy.
  17. Agreed. I thought him giving the example of balancing the need to get a good guard and keeping your own at a high price was quite telling. Quite clear they will balance the budget between pressing needs (guard) against his preference to keep your own (NC). The reason this is significant to me is that he will not let his overall philosophy get in the way of making a practical choice.
  18. I did not intend to make the leap that his demeanour necessarily implied good ability to improve the team. I purely meant it as a comment on him as an individual.
  19. He was corrected by someone from the audience about that. Marv meant that JP is on the border of that fictitious demarcation and will only rise higher with a better supporting cast.
  20. General comment - I was pleasantly surprised by how well he has aged. Someone not knowing Marv could peg his age in the mid-60s. He is so unbelievably cohesive with his sentences, bright and energetic. People taking pot shots at his age can only wish they grow up to be as young looking as him at that age.
  21. .... or a good position for average to above-average coach to come in and win them a Superbowl (think Gruden with the Bucs after Dungy was let go). I for one am not surprised. Marty's pathetic post-season record had to catch up with him sometime. I don't care if people say the players did not play hard enough or whatever other excuse they can think of for the loss to NE. You have to seriously doubt the HC if his teams consistently underachieve in the post-season. The coordinators may have left knowing MS was going to be fired. Wade landed himself a nice job which, had he waited for the MS firing, he may have lost out on.
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