Saw Star Trek and Angels & Demons this weekend:
Star Trek: I am not a trekkie but a fan of the original series. Post-Cloverfield I was very skeptical of any JJ Abrams movie so went in expecting little. I was far and away impressed with this movie. Well handled story-line, good acting and special effects. In short, the movie did everything well - thrilled, entertained and kept me engaged.
A&D: Very disappointing movie. Ron Howard attempts to answer critics of The Da Vinci Code by simplifying the plot and adding more action. What results, however, is a movie with a lot of plot holes. In addition, the movie is lifeless, un-engaging and also devoid of any fun. It just feels like a big chase with people running around trying to do something. The actors also turn in some of their most emotionless performances. Tom Hanks and Ewan McGregor are way better than this. While Da Vinci Code did not make for a good movie-going experience, at least it stayed true to the source material and for that it was mildly engaging. in A&D, the soul is missing. I recommend giving it a pass.