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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. So if you think getting tats reflects bad judgment, why are you worried about just the ones that are visible ?
  2. If post count alone brought more privileges, I shudder to think of some who would qualify. If you had to go by post count, we could get a little scientific about this if you can get a distribution of number of posters versus # of their posts. Then you could divide this curve into, say, seven sections and round up the numbers to assign cut-off points for each level.
  3. If you were posting Bills related stuff on a CFL website for 6-7 years, I have a category for you ...
  4. Do we really need to ? Ranking by number of posts is really not useful but I cannot think of a better way. e.g. we can have a Hall of Fame moron or a Undrafted Future HOF. I vote to keep it the same. If you hadn't put the requirement of serious responses, I would have suggested a list that looks like: Troll Teen Moron Moron Self Centered Idiot Anal Retentive Verbose Media
  5. Much as I disagree with the attitude and waffling of Favre, I think he has plenty of enablers who allow him to indulge in this behavior. Those include media outlets such as ESPN, teams such as the Jets & Vikings and fans of such teams who now flood the phone lines of sporting stores for a purple Favre jersey. As far as Favre is concerned, he waffles but implicitly lays out his conditions of employment - no training camp, hefty salary and a starter spot (to begin the season). Can you really blame him when teams are willing to capitulate and agree to these unsaid conditions ? The guy is the NFL equivalent of a cash cow - rides on previous reputation and rakes in the millions with really no long term commitment. I think your disgust should be first directed at the enablers and then at Favre.
  6. And you would lose that bet. I got it for myself. From before or after the time I got it, I couldn't care less what other people think about it. However, I do care about what my employer thinks and have it on my biceps (pic to left) so it is covered normally and is visible during non-working hours/outside work. As an aside, the most stupid question people ask me after having seen it for several months is "is it permanent ?"
  7. He is just entering his second year, was injured for a fair bit of time last year and reportedly has been playing well this pre-season. Plus, Jauron typically gives players more chances to play towards the end of their first season or into their second. What makes you think Ellis will be gone ? If someone has to go, I think it will be between Kelsay and Bryan.
  8. So true. Another thought experiment is: Say you are in the market to buy an LCD TV costing $900 in your local store. You already are in the store, and just before you pay your friend calls and says that a store 30 miles away has the exact same TV for $200 less. Do you make the drive ? I certainly would to get the lower price. Now subsitute a $25,000 car instead of the $900 TV in the above scenario. Do you make the drive ? Most people won't 'cos considering the price of the car, $200 is insignificant. But the financial situation is exactly the same - a saving of $200 so you should do the drive in either situation (all other things being the same). Hence, I agree with you Simon that $4 million means a lot no matter what the overall value of the deal.
  9. Sorry. Projections concerning money are made solely for my personal gain
  10. That or the fact that he can still get teams to pay him ~ $10 MM for a short term commitment and no long term expectations
  11. Actually, I am quite happy that it is not being covered. I don't want their negotiations to turn into a media circus. However, I do want the deal to be done soon and him practicing.
  12. Actually I am sure it is.
  13. Exchange during yesterday's Monday Night Football (I liberally paraphrase): Tirico (?) "Several un-named Vikings players are convinced Favre will be playing for them soon" Jon Gruden" What is this 'un-named' stuff ? Be man enough and let yourself be named" The first statement seems to be coming to pass here (pun intended): Favre in MN
  14. At least somebody thinks TBD is a valuable news source.
  15. I just gave her five licks ... oooppsss..... clicks
  16. I still have to see how Trent performs over the course of the entire season. And Fitz is 1-1 in terms of performance in pre-season games for us. So, I think it is too early to tell.
  17. Sounds like you had a good time. You didn't miss anything. We just felt like collectively expressing our love towards you.
  18. Did you truly miss the threads of that mofo last night ?
  19. True and I agree you did not. Perhaps I should not have quoted you specifically when posted. I just don't want even the vague drift of the thread to go towards a starting job competition.
  20. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but please guys consider the facts on Vick's NFL performance first. He had talent but has underperformed in the NFL (check my earlier posts for clarification). He would be in competition for the backup position. I am not sold on Trent Edwards yet, but his stats so far are better than Vick's and show no reason why TE should compete with Vick for the starting job. And this was before he 'left' the NFL. Given the baggage that comes with Vick, I would be in favor of getting a different QB to back Trent up such as a Griese.
  21. Based on the other responses to this post, I think not.
  22. Not technically a cliche, but ending every other sentence with 'know what I mean' drives me nuts
  23. Twitter ? Really ? Tell me it is over Facebook and I will believe you. But seriously, there is inconsistency in these rumors. One said he flew into Buffalo relatively late at night. Another says he rented a National car ~ 6:30 pm. So one of them is wrong (I hope all of them are)
  24. First of all - congratulations on admitting the problem. I had the misfortune of living with an alcoholic for 3-4 years. Her personality would change radically after 2-3 drinks and I spent the better part of those years fighting at nights, getting inadequate sleep etc. It was very very tough but even tougher for her to admit she had a problem. She went to rehab twice but relapsed. Then I threatened divorce and after that she had two thoroughly embarassing situations she got herself into. I pulled her parents into the picture (to that point they were oblivious to the situation). Somehow, something clicked inside her after those sequence of events. She quit (did not got to AA as it had not worked for her in the past), took up regular intense workouts and started mending things with me. We also changed our circle of friends. She did start again in extreme moderation but in these past two years we have not had a single incident. She drinks 3-4 beers a week now and alcohol is just not an important part of her life any more. She likes to say that nothing external will work until (1) one admits his/her problem and (2) Makes up her mind to solve the problem. She thinks her internal resolve is so strong that external influences don't matter any more. I know this won't work for everyone but is just a very very personal example. I know other people would have given up on her but as tough as those years were, I am happy we pulled out of them. Examples i can cite: - A distant cousin became an alcoholic at about age 45 and by age 52 he was dead of liver cirrhosis (spelling?) - a friend (a diabetic) was addicted and got into a serious accident a few years back. Quit completely but relapsed after 6 years. Last year he relapsed again. In July he went on a 2 week drinking spree where he just sat home and drank. One Sunday he was admitted to the ICU because he could not move or function. His sodium and sugar balance was so badly affected that it affected his brain. Doctors now say that he may have permanently lost some motor functions. All in all, quit or go into extreme moderation. Your life is valuable to you and to your loved ones.
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