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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Do you really believe that ? We hung 34 on the Ravens, taking them to OT. Then we lost close games to teams with good winning records. Then we won two in a row scoring 49 points in our last game. Don't you see a pattern of a hard playing team that can give even the good teams a run for the money ? I think the Ravens game was actually the beginning of our turnaround and we are just seeing a tough bunch playing together as a team and performing far above their individual talent levels. So, the Ravens game was close NOT because they overlooked us.
  2. Thanx. I disagree with the ruling anyway ... I won't be surprised if Gailey came forward and said he would pay the fine for Stevie
  3. That was excessive celebration ? really ? I suppose the league must be fining Packers players for the Lambeau Leap also ?
  4. And the third ....
  5. (Assuming you are all volunteering) You do realize you aren't helping your own candidacy, don't you ?
  6. Sure, if I wasn't married.
  7. This entire discussion reminds me of the one when Moulds and Price were doing so well together. The feeling was that Price was a legitimate #1 receiver, a notion that was disproven much to the chagrin of the Falcons. We should see how the overall offense is performing, how the ball is being spread around and be content that we are doing the right things. We need Evans and Johnson together continue the success through the air.
  8. As I love movies a lot, I find it difficult to comprehend going several years without watching one. But more power to you if your life has better ways to keep you occupied. Carry on ...
  9. But if they did, would u go to church every 5 years ? But seriously man, you really do need to catch a show once in a while. I am sure there is some genre, some director or some movie that you will find enjoyable. Seems like you have shut out one avenue of relaxation completely out.
  10. I suppose we need to give Edwards some more time considering he is a rookie DC. And the mid season adjustment was a good indication of the willingness to change if things aren't working (e.g. atrocious run D in the first few games). Again, it will be interesting to see what the FO does if the D shows continued improvement but a top flight proven (ex) DC becomes available.
  11. 1. I am not convinced yet about Edwards adequacy as a DC. Yesterday's performance of the D was good but then again I will like it tested against a more consistent O than the Bengals'. In the vein of constantly looking to upgrade talent, will the FO be willing to dump Edwards if Wade Phillips, Marvin Lewis or John Fox become available ? 2. Too early to get rid of him. Maybe he is sliding but he is so far proven himself in the Ralph and also in clutch situations. Lets give him the rest of the season esp now that the weather is turning. 3. Agree. Except for Evans, the entire crop is a bunch of 'nobodys' (shudder). Talk about maximizing talent !! 4. Agree. Fitzy has brought excitement back to the O. Granted Gailey may have a lot to do with the O success but the players are doing well. Having said that, if a stud QB is available in the next draft we take him. The pressure to start him soon will be off and he can learn in the next 1-2 years behind Fitzy. But the strategy for the next draft becomes a bit simpler as the pressure to take a QB is reduced and we can go BPA (as long as we don't carry it too far) 12. Always
  12. You do ? I actually think his commentary is very observant, knowledgeable and incisive. rarely is he wrong or totally off the mark. And to the OP - I watched most of yesterday's game and I recall him saying the Giants need to pressure and hit him to slow him down but nothing much beyond that. Again, I did not watch every minute of the game.
  13. I was responding to the statement that the position of your first pick matters on draft day. One # 1 pick does not make your point. Ben was #14 (I think) and again, Pats* regularly draft low. Detroit, 49ers have been picking high for years with marginal results. Draft strategy, good scouting and consistently picking high performers is the key to long term success in the NFL today, irrespective of draft position. How does whatever you wrote refute my rebuttal to that point ?
  14. Wrong. All that matters is picking the right players for your team year after year. If you are picking teams to make your point, I will chose perennially elite teams such as the Colts, Steelers, Patriots* as examples of teams who regularly pick out of the top 10 (or even 20) yet manage to bring in enough talent to stay at the top. I will root for us winning every game day with no ifs, ands or buts.
  15. Highest RZ efficiency One of the least penalized team in terms of number of penalties and # of yards. Guys, we are heading in the right direction
  16. Freddie 6 rushes 35 yards so far. nice
  17. Excellent play calling so far on O
  18. Long drive time wise but we havent moved much
  19. Nice play kiddo ! (Nelson)
  20. No kidding !! That was huge mistake trying to jam that in there considering the coverage
  21. Need to make a D stand
  22. In which case, I will endorse, nominate and vote for you.
  23. Having the ninth highest tackles so far this season isn't good enough for you ? http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=0&statisticCategory=TACKLES&conference=null&season=2010&seasonType=REG Are you going to rationalize away that stat to support your contention that he is not good ? Poz is not a problem on our defense.
  24. Hey guys, Just writing a quick note from India where I have been vacationing for the past 2 weeks and will be for the next 5 days or so. Missed the Chiefs and Bears game though none of them gave us the coveted first win. I was supposed to return this Saturday but work called and gave me an opportunity to present at a conference so will be back next week. Some views from this side of the globe: - The Obama visit was a huge hit. Newspapers, TV, people were totally enamoured by both the Obamas and there is lot of respect for them here. The question most often raised was how his visit really helped the Indian economy (which I suppose is a good thing for the US economy if you believe in a zero sum game which ofcourse it never is) - It is friggin hot here in Mumbai even in November and most houses I visit don't have a/c. Friends and relatives have been going overboard to entertain me though - Food is incredible - been eating everything I want, any where I want and so far the tummy is totally stable - Have been following the Bills the rare times I find an internet cafe and I suppose this was as good a year as any to miss three games. having said all of the above, I am already home sick and can't wait to get back. Stay cool my friends and see you on the other side in a few days.
  25. In addition to the above, I would say that Cutler came to Chicago with a lot of fanfare and lot of hoopla. The expectations were gargantuan as they should have been considering what the Bears gave up for him. But pairing him with Martz was the wrong move (heck not too many QBs and offenses are matched well to Martz anyway but that is besides the point). As it is Cutler is careless with the ball and not a game manager. Both are qualities that I want in a QB, hence I prefer Fitz (atleast the way he has played these past few games). Another thought may be that Gailey is making the most of what Fitz has to offer - a studious approach to the game, fast thinking on the field and ability to take calculated risks. Perhaps Gailey could have done the same for Cutler but Cutler does not strike me as a learner type. Hence my vote goes for Fitz and I hope he continues to do well for us
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