I have heard this argument several times now that 'even the regular refs get some calls wrong'. But, close the commentators out for a minute and think if you have seen so many questionable calls in the three weeks we have witnessed ? To me, several games I have watched gave me the 'why and what are they flagging' moments. Last night, on the last drive itself there was an earlier phantom holding call that negated a GB INT. These are game deciding calls unlike the ones in the Pack-Giants game last year. DOes not make the officiating in that game correct but justice could be seen as being served as the Giants won. Last night there were several questionable calls, the refs appeared unsure of themselves many time (calling illegal block on #25 of the kicking team and then saying #25 of the receiving team when in fact there was no #25 on the receiving team).
I realize you think it was a correct call, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I have written why in another thread but this was not simultaneous possession.
Looks like even players are twitting their disagreement over the call: