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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Miller was lightning quick
  2. Omg. He should have gone feet first
  3. Terrible (good) effort by Hill
  4. What's with the players slipping?
  5. Did you miss the first half?
  6. McDaniels pretty much just be quaking. We can do two fer now
  7. Has Buffalo Joe suited up today?
  8. Need to button up the middle
  9. 2 back to back first downs, I am so done with this team
  10. Joe Cool. Looked so relaxed before that call
  11. We have 9 receivers? (Lol)
  12. I need somepne to look at the all-22 and tell me MHJr wasn't open more often
  13. Ummm... So the coordinator tells him where the ball is supposed to go and MHJ is targeted 3 times. Which means the coordinator didn't want to feature their (presumed) studly, high pick WR? I am confused
  14. For yesterday: Total plays = 56 Runs = 33 (59%) JA runs (included in above) = 9 Stupid calc but if we subtract 9 from each number, the run percent = 24/47 = 51%
  15. I can understand not having basements in Houston and NOLA but why isn't it a thing in NorCal??
  16. So, McDermott does not treat rookies with kid gloves? 😃
  17. Seems like this was said after every victory last year. I agree with the ST coach but give credit to the others . A season opener is generally tough , especially with so much turnover on the roster including some veterans. For a young team to comeback and win is a positive. Yea, we can always be better. (That is a philosophical statement)
  18. Does the new house have a basement? I found that the amount of sound seeping to a topmost level of a house or to the outside is very low. Only sound / rumbles that travel are from a subwoofer. So if you have a basement, I highly suggest using that as your man/woman cave.
  19. I never wish injury on anyone but my hot take is that Rodgers won't finish the regular season
  20. Couple of points 1. Is this new money which counts against the cap this year? If yes, where did it come from and could we have spent it elsewhere such as on a WR 2. @Simonhad said mid season that he was a liability. What do you think about this extension ?
  21. Consistent is JP's game. She isn't going to blow anyone away with precision line shots or hit a lot of aces. I agree she absorbs pace very well. She just has to let Sabalenka make the errors as she did after Muchova was blowing her out of the stadium for the first 9 games yesterday
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