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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. That's right, Palmer was healthy and practicing for his first year... so this is even larger step back for the Bills.
  2. Gotta be embarrasing to have spelled Bob Vila's name wrong on your name. But I'm no master speller, so I'll let it slide. Good luck in the boards, and drop the logical argument crap right outside the door. No room for that here.
  3. That's the real reason he's gonig to Dallas. Come to think of it, it may also explain why Parcells is in Dallas. Do they even play football there? Are we so sure that practices aren't really just massive parties in a hot tub? I mean, it explains their record last year.
  4. Manning leads the Colts past New England on the strength of 3 Vanderjackass field goals, and three throwing TDs. Which brings his actual total for the season to... 49?
  5. only five in the second? To quote another topic this morning... minor details.
  6. Its nice to rebound like that, and pick up a win, evening your mark for the weekend at 1-1. (I can just hear Madden saying it now... ARGH!)
  7. Drew won't play all four years, he knows it and we know it. I bet he plays two, decent years, then gets bumped by his namesake.
  8. Can someone post a link, I'd like to see these for myself.
  9. Im not sure if I'm seeing this right, but ESPN is saying that the Bills went 9-8 last season. Bills 2004 results According to this, they went out on Nov. 6 and played the Pats in a secret game, that they lost. I can't make this crap up... look for yourself!
  10. You've got to be kidding me? How fast you turn on the guy who led you to a 7-2 mark over end of the season, and ALMOST took a team that started 0-4 into the playoffs. Yeah, Dallas is in real trouble now. I'll go way out, and say that Dallas has a better season than the Bills, and that Bledsoe has a better year than Losman. I'm not sure about past this year, but for this year, the Bills stepped back.
  11. Is it possible for the NHL to put in place their own rules, and then invite the players back at their own convenience? I mean, its not the players league, they're just employees. Right?
  12. So who's going to be the first to post the unedited version?
  13. This trade make a lot of sense for eveyone included. What if Buffalo also includes a draft pick if they cant sign Henry to a long term deal.
  14. You have to hope to see the Raiders. As bad as Miami's record was, they were a better team than the record showed. Same for Houston and New Orleans. Not so for San Fran, or Cleveland. I'd hope to see JP start the season against Oakland. They're bad... I mean real bad.
  15. If we're going down that road, lets redefine sport. or... not.
  16. That's not even close to the worst url I've ever seen. Click on this if you dare: www.penisland.net And, Believe it or not, this is SFW.
  17. More importantly, the NHL can come back next year with replacement players, and the players can have no say agasint it. Why? Cause the NHL players are playing now in minor leagues, or other hockey leagues. Those are jobs they're taking away from other players. So... when other players take their jobs, they'll have no argument. But from what I understand, laws in Canada prevent the NHL from using replacement players?
  18. Let's not start with these, I could go all day telling these. It's the one side I definately never show my girlfriend.
  19. A friend of mine in HS was on the football team, and he always told me that "There is no I in team, but there is a ME." I guess you can't spell team without me.
  20. Producers said that this show was not going to take on a Castaway feel. That all the survivors would somehow find food, so seeing them waste away is not an option.
  21. You're right, to be the best, you gotta beat the best. That means, giving 110%. Everyone, giving their all. There is no I in team, and winning isnt everything, its the only thing. Finally, remember that, like baseball, football is 90% mental. The other half is physical.
  22. Ok, for your exact situation, let me ask you this: What is better, a tough, well played game against the Pitt starters in week 17, or a win over their subs? A win is a win, take it however you may. This isn't college football with quality wins. W-L is all that counts in the NFL.
  23. Kate is not an expert on boars, and yes, the Polar Bear has been seen in the same scene with Locke. Remember when they save the kids from the bear, trapped inside the tree?
  24. Didnt you just draft a QB in the first round, last year? If the best player available is a position you don't need, do you still draft him? Wasnt this board just singing the praises of Losman? Can I possibly end this post on the strength of four consecutive questions?
  25. Well said!
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