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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. He needs to compete because he is a 12 year vet. You cant expect him to be in his prime, but as of now, JP has a job that was given to him, good preseason or not. Don't bring Elway or Young into this, cause that's an unfair comparison to any QB coming into a preseason. It's a given, Bledsoe is not Elway or Young. Drew gave you his best. The least you can do is thank him for what he gave you. Man, you give Bills fans a bad name.
  2. You know, assuming he's in good shape still, I think he'd be a great backup, not only for Buffalo, but for my 'phins as well.
  3. Don't count out Miami. Shaq's hurt, but there's a lot of season left. Plus, Miami's getting Mourning, just in time it seems. Watch this team still go to the finals.
  4. Anyone else have that nagging feeling that Jin understands English too? I kept thinking that the whole episode, and then at the end, when his Father tells him to move to America, there is his chance, and to do that, he needs to know English. What do you think?
  5. This all begs the following question: So what is the oddest drive thru place that you've ever seen? I once saw a Drive Thru TV/VCR repair. Those guys must be damn fast.
  6. I'm just saying, twice A-Rod has moved, and twice, his team has improved without him. Think of all the cap space the Vikes will have now. I think Derrick Mason might be a decent replacement, and yes, Mike Williams is available in the draft too. It just wouldn't surprise me at all.
  7. Another prediction. I dont know how, but somehow the Vikes make the SuperBowl. Its the whole "lose a superstar & get better" thing.
  8. Its no big secret that he's on the tail of his career, or that he's no stud superstar anymore. BUT! He's better than a lot of Starting QBs (Boller) and he can still win games. Watch him have a playoff season next year, and then a decent year, and then a backup year with Henson.. possibly two before he's gone.
  9. I'll second that with no hesitation.
  10. How does this make any sense at all. If he had a bad hair day, he'd use a hat to cover it up. If he had hat hair, it came from wearing his hat, which he chose. Either way, he was wearing a Dolphins hat, and not a Bills hat. I cant believe I just wasted my time arguing this point.
  11. Will you fans make up your minds! In one forum, you brag about the special teams, in another, its a weakness. The D is the only thing you can agree on. And even that Didn't get the job done against Pittsburgh. Great job.
  12. Every gangsta hanging on the street croner with their pants pulled low is going to have one.
  13. Me neither, that's one of the best quotes I've heard all year! More power to you Drew! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to all those Bills fans that criticized you through your 7-2 run last year.
  14. Why is it that he just seems to fit the Raiders persona? Good thing they've got Kerry Collins to throw him the ball.
  15. Watch it, or I'll use Nifty too!
  16. Amen, way to go. Its not easy raising children these days.
  17. Its been irking me too.
  18. ...Said the cow to the butcher. Was that too much? I never know.
  19. From the ESPN Daily Quickie Bledsoe to Dallas So much for "moving forward": Instead, the Cowboys and Parcells will continue to mortgage the future with an over-the-hill QB ... ... And a coach perhaps so obsessed by being displaced on the "All-Time" list by that other Bill that Parcells can't think straight. Henson vs. Bledsoe: Don't think this ends the Cowboys QB controversy; it's just "Drew-Drew," instead of "Drew-Vinny."
  20. Wow.. I'm in the middle of a newbie war here. heh heh.
  21. Everything he needs to suceed... yes, but you're off your rocker if you think its going to happen in 05. Give it a couple years at least.
  22. Perhaps this is what they're seeing: http://www.dallascowboys.com/cheerleaders/calendar.cfm
  23. Secrets... Just like the secret labor plan to replace the players with androids from Mars? heh heh heh Makes you wonder what other secrets are being kept.
  24. At the same time, you're assuming that Palmer was watching MTV and eating BBQ chips for the postseason? He knew he was gonig to be the starter, just as well as we know now that JP is starting. I'm sure he worked just as hard as Losman is working now. You put them both on an even plane, and Losman has the disadvantage because he was rehabbing, in addition to working out and studying.
  25. God blessed me to be fortunate enough to see Marino and Kelly play, in Miami. for that I am blessed. But to be a Dolphins fan, God had no hand in this. I merely chose the team that he wore on his hat.
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