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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. But how many other teams passed on Moss too? Don't think that one belongs on the list. I think Marinovich belongs on this list though.
  2. Thanks for the help, didnt know about the OT button. I didnt link the article cause it was so short, I just figured I'd include it, but for those of you dying to click: Here's the link.
  3. Any more like him? Bill Logal logged onto his computer Sunday night with the intention of paying his city garbage fee. Unfortunately for Logal, Buffalo's City Hall Web site was temporarily down, a claim the city challenges. What city officials won't contest is that, yes, the city was late paying its Web site registration fee and, yes, Logal paid it on the city's behalf. That's right. Logal, who lives 1,300 miles away in Dallas but owns a house here, took it upon himself to pay the city's $46.99 renewal fee. "I did 'em a favor," he told Off Main last week. "The site was down, down, down, so I paid to get it up so I could pay my user fee." At first, city officials didn't believe it, pooh-poohing any notion that a taxpayer, especially an out-of-town taxpayer, would dig into his own pocket to help City Hall. In the end, they acknowledged Logal's gesture and even grumbled a little over the need to reimburse him. Logal, by the way, is in no rush for the cash.
  4. Hardy har har. Let me not go into the first rounder for Drew Bledsoe.
  5. Congrats on the promotion... now go watch office space, memoriaze all the good lines, and be ready for a case of the Mondays.... <sigh>
  6. Your dreaming if you are.
  7. Ok, another serious question for the group: Again, I'm talking about character, so which team in the NFL is best known for good, and best known for bad character. I imagine Dallas and Oakland getting votes for bad... but what about the good?
  8. I am not a looney! Why should I be attired with the epithet looney merely because I have a pet halibut? I've heard tell that Sir Gerald Nabardo has a pet prawn called Simon (you wouldn't call him a looney); furthermore, Dawn Pailthorpe, the lady show-jumper, had a clam, called Stafford, after the late Chancellor, Allan Bullock has two pikes, both called Chris, and Marcel Proust had an haddock! So, if you're calling the author of 'A la recherche du temps perdu' a looney, I shall have to ask you to step outside! Sorry, I had to.
  9. I think the resolution comes out nicely for everyone, and the big winner is the Jimmy V Fund. Anyone upset with that, is just bush league.
  10. Yes, I knew that Eric, friends with ERic the fish. (Eric was an halibut).
  11. That's not bad at all if you realize that this is a kid still, and there's a lot of growing up to do still. Give him a chance and see how he does. Best kicker since Janikowski, and he's a steal in the 2nd round. Remember, Peyton didnt get to where he is in his first season.
  12. As another Tallahassee FSU person here, Steer clear of this kid as a QB. He's got issues, and not the kind that go away either. Pete Rose can't get back into the HOF for gambling on his own team, why should McPherson get another chance? Even worse, don't forget the theft charges and the check cashing schene he was into. Leave him in the Arena leagues.
  13. So is he damaged goods? Isn't there a rule protecting players from being released when they're hurt?
  14. What about the character of the Bills? The integrity of the team?
  15. Well I'm impressed by the responses I'm getting, cause I'm sure the same question posed about character would get different responses from different teams, with the Raiders of course being the lowest, as they would take anything to win.
  16. Ok, so if you had a chacne to get Randy Moss for dirt cheap, are you telling me that you'd pass because of hs character? I want to believe fans that say that, but GMs are more aobut playmakers, than character.
  17. By the way, I heard a song on the radio called "Cowbell" by a group called Dirty Gringos. It's got all the lines from the skit, I thought you'd get a kick out of that.
  18. Anyone know why he was released? It seems Belicheck can just go around and cu whoever he wants, replace them with some no name, and still win! WTF?!?!
  19. I thought that was one of the better masks... it's that dumb scorpion thing Mariano wears that gets me.
  20. Wow, the newbie's rebelious.... Was I that bad when I started?
  21. This has been kicking my butt for days now, everytime I see it, I recognize the Baseball players : Mariano Rivera, Pujols, and Torii Hunter. But the football players, I'm shady on: Roethlisburger, Urlacher, and.... ?
  22. 7. Dolphins sign the best coach available, and start to rebuild.
  23. The question is how far will he fall. Me and Ramius have a bet on what day of the draft he's going to go.
  24. This does sound redundant, all is does is give the whiner Coles what he wants.
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