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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. No kidding, I'd go to jail for 6 months for $600 Million.
  2. Who cares how much they spend, as long as they keep losing. Its like watching the Yankees spend away, and then finish behind Toronto in the final standings. ahh, what a pleasure that would be.
  3. Its great to pick on each other, but its great to have a common enemy. Down with the JETS!
  4. Good, Casue I'd never take him for a third round. I'm glad the feeling is mutual.
  5. But wouldn't that be better than no hockey at all?
  6. sick... Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day.
  7. Keep the system in place now, just eliminate owners. Now GMS are hired and fired depending on how good a job they're doing, and that would continue. Instead of coming from an owner, those decicions would come from NHL HQ. For example, lets say a gM starts a new 5 year contract. For him to keep his job, HQ states that the team must be over .500 for at least 3 of those seasons, and must make the playoffs once. He meets the goals, he gets a raise. He doesn't, buh bye. Players would get the same things (different goals, asst, depending on what pay bracket you are in) Meet the goals or exceed, move up. Dont meet, move down. Same for Head Coaches, with the assistants being hired and fired by the head coach. (Same for GM hiring and firinf the front office).
  8. See!! Lent is working!! heh heh
  9. Thought about it, but its too vague.... How many survived the plane crash? Do you count the Deputy who died of injuries sustained in the crash? 23 Get off the island? 23 get home safely? Too many questions.
  10. so much for that.
  11. Well that's the point, for those people that are rude and obnoxious.... Lent is a chance for them to start saying please and thank you, as well as just be politer. I'm not saying that we all need that, but I know we can think of certain people that could use the help. Perhaps a better example would be kicking a bad habit (smoking, drinking, drugs) or start excercise, doing a good deed a day (I did this once, and it does carry over).
  12. Its not alwyas about sacrifice, I talked to my priest about this a couple years ago, and he said the point of lent isnt to sacrifice something, but to do something to improve yourself. Giving up chocolate is cute for the kids, yes. But we need to do the same: Give up alcohol, and then after lent, don't pick it up again. This was a start, now keep it going. He used to tell me that being nicer to people, or saying please and thank you, is just as good as giving up McDonalds.
  13. Player salaries would barely break $100. And that's a good day for them. A friend of mine is mexican in our FFL and his team is the: Tijuana Tomato Pickers.
  14. New contest: Best name for the "new" Mexico City Franchise.
  15. Just a suggestion, can't we split the thread in half, one with spoilers, and one without? It'd just be a whole lot easier for those who need the suprise aspect to be in a safe forum.
  16. I dont think so, I think if they but the league, they can control costs, salaries, and place the teams where they will do best i.e. the North and Canada. Small market teams still do good in certain places, as long as there's a draw, I think they'll plce the teams just about anywhere. Of course, what do I know about hockey, I grew up in Miami.
  17. I sometimes think the writers are just playing with us, throwing in those little details to get us all agitated over everything... lol. Ok, as per requests: SPOILER: Next new episode, they're on an island still.
  18. ah... fudge.
  19. I think seeing a famous sports guy retire is one of Denis Leary's reasons that you are allowed to cry. "And it's very difficult, as a guy, to learn how to cry. You know? It's one of those very tough things. The only time we like to cry is like when a famous sports guy retires, you know? We get one tear, right here it kinda wells up. That's teh only time it's okay. Even your friends go, "Hey, it's just a guy retiring. It's not a movie or anything, he's okay. He's not wearing a dress or a bra, he's fine. It's just a sports guy." You know, that's a genetic thing. I think that's so deep in men--in the DNA--that crying thing. Because we know. We know, even at moments when we're supposed to cry, we just can't bring it out of ourselves, can we? We're just kinda like, (uncertain)"I'm gonna cry . . . (determined) Goddammit, I can't cry, my balls are just too goddamn big, I guess." You know? It's very difficult."
  20. Maybe if they buy it, they can finally put some sense in the league.
  21. Michael was mostly unemployed, so it must have been Locke that was in the box company. Also I missed that 815 was on the airplane, is that true?
  22. Ok, what's the significance of 815?
  23. I love it... of course, I think Miami as the background would fit better. But as is... I love it.
  24. DogPound!!! Anyway, the Bobby Brown thing was just odd, if I remember correctly, that was Nikko Smith, which is Ozzie Smith's son. Look again, and you'll see the resemblance to the Wizard of Oz.
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