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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. He may have the better team (last year) But I had the beter golf shot! (read his sig)
  2. I think I love it when the Spock Nerd shows up to anger the StarWars Nerds.
  3. And he lives with one too!!!
  4. Dude..... read that again.... Fantasy Soccer.... Let's take it word by word... Fantasy, as in not real. Soccer, a sport no one should ever do fantasy sports in.
  5. Ok, if youre going to start being nice to me, I'll go elsewhere. You rmy sworn enemy ajzepp, I cant have you going soft on me now! Well, you're an ok guy. I guess I take back calling you an attention whore. Seriously, I love my Fins, but I came here cause Ramius kept talking about what a great group you are, and he lives and dies Bills football. So blame him for dragging me in here. I'm not going to be a troll, I can make intelligent conversation! And more importantly, I can wipe my own ass (Big Daddy).
  6. Brett only one win Super Bowl.... dont you want the next Tom Brady? <ducks random items being tossed by other TSW members> MONTANA! I meant the next Joe Montana! <whoo>
  7. They had nowhere to go really, but up.
  8. you've got good point buftx, but sometimes fans can just completely 180 on a certian player. Most of the time it is the fault of that player, but some other times, it isnt. Miami fans turned on Fiedler fast when he couldnt get the job done anymore. Likewise, Ricky Williams fell out of favor real fast.... but that was his own fault. We're fans, its our job to cheer and jeer. And likewise, as you and ajzepp are doing, its our job to defend our players to the end, or bash them out of town. But really, he wasn't bashing Bledsoe all the much.
  9. Pro Player was bought out...the naming rights were, since Pro Player went of biz a few years ago. So, we now have Dolphins Stadium. Finally, a decent name.
  10. Good team that couldnt hang with the league. If you watched the games, we started awful, too many injuries and distractions. 1-8 to start the season. Then Jim Bates became head coach and we went 3-4. We played well, stayed close in most of the games, but no big QB to win in the 4th, and no running game to kill time when we did have the lead. Remember the rematch against buffalo, we were in that for most of the game.
  11. you're telling me.... Your team didnt go 4-12 this season.
  12. Not strong silent type at all. He wasn't the Montana leader either, like the infamous John Candy line. Marino yelled at you right on the field, a fierce competitor. I really think him and Kelly were of the same type. Definitely not a Bledsoe type at all. Losman, you just dont know yet. Same for Feely... he's not there yet, but I think its cause of confidence. When Marino and Kelly were becoming legends, they were respected throughout, so if one of them yelled at you, you knew that you messed up and had to go and fix it.
  13. I think he shoulda had a fair shot, but then again, I'm not a GM.
  14. I think he's goig to be fine, just don't expect miracles the first season. This is a long term move for you. give it two years, expect the Pats and Jets at the top of the conference this year, and my Fins and your Bills fighting for 8-8 or 9-7. Or... I would not be shocked, if its a three team race at the top of the AFC East again, like this past year and it takes the Fins two years to rebuild. All I'm saying is dont' expect Losman to be 11-5 or anything ridiculous. Im happy if my Fins just look good this year.
  15. So, what you're telling me is that Clarrett is out as an option for them?
  16. At least until the first regular season play. Sorry, couldnt resist. heh heh.
  17. I thought Bledsoe didnt want the competition, and told TD right out, so they released him.
  18. What about a thre way trade? Send Shelton to Buffalo, Henry to Minnesota, and Bennett to Arizona.
  19. Well its obvious that the weakness is the O-line, so I think JP was brgging about how great the team is, and overstepped himself. BUT! He's a smart guy and recoverd quickly. How's that?
  20. They got a lot of those in Big D, from the Aikman days, and god knows that Vinny needed some last season.
  21. What in the name of Zeus' butthole, does that mean?
  22. TV Commercials all over. From what I can guess from the commercials: SPOILER, I think..: Guy gets accused of acrime he didnt commit, and as punishment gets put into a sensory deprivation chamber. When he's in htere he travels back in time, trying to correct what went wrong, and how he got framed for murder. I think its odd but hey, the odder the better.
  23. Not sure if a film starring Brody, with as much publicity as it has gotten, can really be considered Indy. Are you sure this is independant?
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