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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Good point... what if Lamont Jordan tears his ACL in pre-season, and all of a sudden the Raiders need TH.
  2. Hmm, interesting. Are trades and everything allowed? If so, I'm in, and I'll be Miami. heh heh.
  3. Havent seen the show in a while, is Kit still on? She was my babe of choice.
  4. Nadia owned the stage last night, we all agre on that, but Jessica really rocked out. And cleavage draws in the male vote. Nanny Jr. has got to go, but I think she just might survive anyway. Janay is long overdue to go. Gone tonight: Constantine, Travis, Janay, Lindsey. I'd rather keep Linds, and lose Nanny Jr, but I just think that Nanny Jr has a cult following.
  5. With as much tequila as there would be in that bar, do you think they'd be able to tell the difference? Plus, the bartender is probably as smashed as the judges and contestants. Didnt something eerily similar happen in Russia? replace tequila with vodka, and pesos with rubles, and you've got your story.
  6. Shots of water and a little food coloring and you could be grand champion!
  7. I thought alcohol did that to you?
  8. Omaha weather report this morning. Looks like Thursday's gonna be a warm one, bring extra sunscreen.
  9. Top Score Jackass
  10. 5300.21. Ramius, you suck.
  11. Trent: "I wish they still had fights in this game so I could B word-slap Wayne" Mike: "What they don't have fighting anymore?" Trent: "Ya, doesn't that suck" Mike: "Why'd they get rid of the fighting it's the best part of the old version" Sue: "I think kids were hitting each other or something" Trent: "Ya, but you make there heads bleed on this one" Mike: "Make someone's head bleed" Trent: "I'm making Gretzky's head bleed for super-fan #99 over here" Sue: "Pause the game" Trent: "I got f*cking Wayne" Sue: "Pause the game" Trent: "Alright like you scored all day, Look it Mike I got Wayne, little Wayne's legs are shaking back and forth" Sue: "What the " Cant find the script online and its killing me now.
  12. See, that wasnt funny, that was painful. ouch....
  13. Steal the pic and scan it. I know someone on TSW can photoshop it. Also, leave a note on his desk saying "4-12" If he's a real fan, he'll take immediate offense. If he's only a casual fan, he'll ignore it. This will tell. Yeah I know, I'm a dolfan, but I can appreciate a good joke. And I think Ramius might be in for a few now that the seeds have taken root.
  14. You know ajzepp, you're money baby, you're money and you don't even know it. Though my Fav line is:"We'll be up five-hunny by midnight." Ahh, must see that tonight. I never bought the special edition DVD, anyone know if it's any good?
  15. What's that say about Butch Davis? NFL Network Commercial: "Kellen Winslow is the best thing that ever happened to Butch Davis." heh heh.
  16. So long as its a trade of first round picks, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Im not big about giving up a #1 straight up. Where is Seattle drafting?
  17. Oh that's good... LOTR is a great trilogy! But the ttile of best film ever is going to be disputed forever. That could be its own thread. You have to mention Godfather, Star Wars, Reservoir Dogs, Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, Joe Dirt, Swingers, and yes, even Titanic. You can argue it forever, so just appreciate it for what it is, and place it in the upper echelon of movies.
  18. Any other Pro Bowlers (Past, Present, or Future) you want to name? You're right, Taylor couldnt cover those guys, but half the DB in the league have trouble with those guys. Throw in Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, Derrick Mason, Chris Chambers, Hines Ward... But! for every one of those guys, you get an Eddie Drummond, Az Hakim, David Tyree and Jonathan Smith. Boy, blow an argument out of the water why doncha.
  19. Thank you. Just wanted to clear that up. I got XM instead of Sirius, though it was a hard choice. I love the NFL package idea, but I thinik I'll get more use out of MLB on XM. Ive already heard a few games on Spring Training.
  20. Id fire back along the same lines, but I'd have half the board on me. Instead: Dude, stop smoking crack and admit you've got a 10 loss season on the horizon! Suck it!
  21. I like this idea better. Good thinking.
  22. Dude! You gotta stop Agreeing with me!
  23. Dude, Taylor is one of the leaner faster DE in the NFL, nothing like the big guys like of the past. I think he'll be fine covering TE or even a slot WR. Now, I'm not saying he's gonna shut down TO or even Evans, but he'll be fine at OLB.
  24. I didnt say it was fair, just the way it was.
  25. Constatine and Travis hae to be out this week. I can't believe he tried to beatbox in the middle of his performance.
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