Willis? Willis? Dontrelle Willis maybe.
And I hate the U. BUT, as thug as he is, I respect Edge for his game, and for what he's done off the field.
Get this: He bought a store downtown of the town where he grew up, and turned it into a youth center, put inTVs, books, video games, foosball. And then he left the doors unlocked. He gets so much respect that no one steals anything from there. Well one night I guess he was working late on seomthing in the center, and he fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV. When he woke up, some kids had come in to use the center, saw him sleeping, didnt want to wake him, and went to sleep on the floor. So he wakes up to 6 or 7 kids sleeping around him.
Cute story. Shows he's a cool guy.