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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. lol, classic. Easter's not here yet. And as I've come to understand it, Ramius tells me that this list shows the top posters of the last 24 hours, so the system doesnt clear out at midnight or anything.
  2. Maybe someday I'll let you all know how to make $40 a post. But to learn that, you have to buy my book, posting for dummies! I'm in education, and its spring break, so things for me are slow in the office.
  3. Hey lookee at that, Im in the top 10!
  4. From what I'm understanding, if the Colts are willing to take less than a 1st rounder, I think this trade gets done straight up, player for player.
  5. This was just too good: Cat Fud
  6. I cant believe this has gone for two pages. Ok, I'll do it: Finally! The Rock has come back, to Two Bills Drive!
  7. Dude, dont even joke aout HIV, I wouldnt wish that on my worse enemies, not even Pats fans. OTOH, The pretty much rules out the entire San Francisco area.
  8. Im not sure if I read sarcasm in that or not.
  9. Ok, maybe I'm lost, Dont the bears have the A-train? Why do they need a RB?
  10. Who should not donate blood? Anyone who has ever used intravenous drugs (illegal IV drugs) Men who have had sexual contact with other men since 1977 Anyone who has ever received clotting factor concentrates Anyone with a positive test for HIV (AIDS virus) Men and women who have engaged in sex for money or drugs since 1977 Anyone who has had hepatitis since his or her eleventh birthday Anyone who has had babesiosis or Chagas disease Anyone who has taken Tegison for psoriasis Anyone who has risk factors for Crueutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or who has an immediate family member with CJD Anyone who has risk factors for vCJD Anyone who spent three months or more in the United Kingdom from 1980 through 1996 Anyone who has spent five years in Europe from 1980 to the present. My mom is in the UK group... Im not sure where I fall in, but they cant accept my blood.
  11. Can't give blood. I was exposed to TB, so they no longer take mine, and my Mom cant give either because of some trip she took when she was younger (Africa I believe).
  12. Nope. But I know Gus isn't the answer either. Think the fins take a QB with their pick if they get Edge?
  13. If your talking about Dana Jacobsen, you couldnt be more wrong. The girl knows her sports! Listening to her on Mike & Mike was a thrill, and then seeing her, she's not hard on the eyes. I dont know what face or look your referring to, but Jacobsen is a solid reporter.
  14. Now all they need is a winning team.
  15. Gus as a backup only. If he ever starts for reasons other than injury, shoot me. I'll be the first guy at the stadium with a large bulzeye sign hanging on the stadium walls.
  16. Dude, I may be a Dolfan, but come on, Garcia is nothing more than dead weight, last year in Cleveland showed it. I truly think he's done, but Edge still has years left in him. Don't forget the revenge factor. Edge isnt happy in Indy, he wants to be in Miami. I can think of one oother star athlete who wasnt happy in their home, and came to Miami, and made an immediate impact. Thanks Kobe for sending Shaq our way! I say the Fins get Edge, and still draft a RB with #1.
  17. Will get that note to him when he gets back in town. Where is he, you may ask? Buffalo! Freezing his spring break away. (No that's its much warmer in Florida, the high is just breaking 60, hardly beach weather.)
  18. That's a beautiful thing. Makes you wish every team would do nice things like this.
  19. I cant believe your all upset about this! For one, your whining about a pre-season game. And two, your mad about the Fins being in it, cause they had such a terrible season. Umm, what about the Bears? 5-11 is one whole game better than Miami, but that's not upsetting anyone? Geez, I swear things like this prove that Buff fans can be the most paranoid and bitter fans on the planet.
  20. Even better than that, here's a shocker of a news story: Cat shoots man
  21. Willis? Willis? Dontrelle Willis maybe. And I hate the U. BUT, as thug as he is, I respect Edge for his game, and for what he's done off the field. Get this: He bought a store downtown of the town where he grew up, and turned it into a youth center, put inTVs, books, video games, foosball. And then he left the doors unlocked. He gets so much respect that no one steals anything from there. Well one night I guess he was working late on seomthing in the center, and he fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV. When he woke up, some kids had come in to use the center, saw him sleeping, didnt want to wake him, and went to sleep on the floor. So he wakes up to 6 or 7 kids sleeping around him. Cute story. Shows he's a cool guy.
  22. Nice! She's gorgeous.
  23. I hate to tell you that you're wrong, but you're wrong. Actually I love telling you that.
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