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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I think it just makes your drunker, with more energy to spend... sounds like trouble.
  2. From the Dolfan, here's hoping that he's in a better place, with loved ones gone before him. Prayers, and good thoughts.
  3. Where do you get this news from?
  4. No to mention the RB heavy draft. He's going to end up not playing next year at this rate.
  5. Bud's doing the same thing.. I just dont get the whole drunk/energy drink connection.
  6. Miami, FL / M 26 / Tallahassee, FL
  7. ...The Eagles lately.
  8. None of us will ever see that, for that would mark the apocalypse.
  9. Let's see what we can do about that, Muahahahaha!
  10. What can I say, I'm lucky to have her. She's terrific, and I will marry her someday, but more than anything, i love giving her a hard time. I'll look into her eyes lovingly, and say things like: "I hope my next girlfriend is as great as you" or "If you didnt like the 49ers, we'd be married by now." She'll alwyas hit me for it, but she knows I kid. "I kid! I kid"
  11. Woohoo! Science Ed!!
  12. Yes, but they do it beacuse they love it! My GF is a chef, still looking for aplace to make her mark. Actually, let me rephrase, she's a baker, more into ckaes and desserts than anything.
  13. Florida State!! 2002, BS in Science Ed.
  14. Well, since your gonna kick me anyways, his foot wasnt in the crease either. just kidding Nuh uh no he did not! I know you juss did not say dat, Mira aqui, ay unas cosas que... oh.. did I slip into Spanish... my bad. Loo-see, ju hav sum splainin too do.
  15. I second that. the next dog we get is going to be a boxer!
  16. Isnt it cruel to name that thing Deuce? I mean, itsnt the animal abuse.... Oh that's right, it's a cat. Nevermind.
  17. Absilutely nothing wrong with that. The pound, OR a rescue. If you're pick on getting purebreeds, you can get these and more through recue organizations for just about every breed of animal.
  18. Surtain is on the block, and remember what the Dolphins corners did against Brady late in the season. Dont tell me Dungy wouldn't kill to get that type of D against NE.
  19. Its a vicious killing machine!!!! ACtually, its real demeanor is more of an attention whore. I sit and watch TV, and not more than 5 seconds after I sit, he jumps into my lap and snuggles up. What's great is taking him outside and letting him run. WOW! Get him to a full sprint and its a mazing seeing him go!
  20. So which of these back ends up in Miami? Alexander or Edge?
  21. I'm gonna go out of the mainstream and suggest my favortie breed, Italian Greyhound. They're pretty much shrunken version of greyhounds, and are just as fast, and just as smart. Very loyal, very attached to owners. They dont bark (unless playing or threatened) and need very little grooming (don't shed either). This is a great low maintenence dog, that only needs excercise, and care in colder weather. I love mine to death: My dog napping My dog in bed
  22. Ok ok... maybe that was a little below the belt. But it proved my point. I suppose around here, bringing that up is as bad as a kick to the groin.
  23. Ahem: "Most teams couldnt make it to four straight Super Bowls, at least we did that!" Feel better?
  24. I posted this in the original cat-hater thread this morning, but I'm glad to see it again.
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