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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Yes, but like Dan Rather, he will reach thousands more than you or I. And unfortunately, that gives him credibility beyond any that we have.
  2. I agree, the pressure is more on AZ than on the Bills. You might be able to get Shelton for cheap.
  3. If you were going to use Womack anyway, do the trade!
  4. So who's your Util with Soriano?
  5. No one ever said this was easy.... good luck.
  6. Lets not forget your major man crush on Rich Harden... He can pitch 1/3 inning, give up 6 ER, 4 HR, 8 Wild pitches in his last spring start and you'd still keep him in your rotation, and probably promote him to opening day starter.
  7. Good point, when the right house comes along, it'll scream your name. This is a major investment, and not something you want to rush into. What we ended up doing is building a home in a new development. That way we got everything we wanted, exactly the way we wanted it, and had a lot of say in the layout and format of the house. Its our dreamhouse, and the area around us is booming. Since we bought the house 5 months ago, the price has already gone up $10,000. And its still going up, with bigger houses and more neighborhoods popping up.
  8. Ramius and I were just there in August. Gotta love that place, the river, the music, the food. Wow. We even got upgraded because they didnt have the room we had reserved, so we had to kick it in a $450 a night Suite, and we payed less that a hundred bucks a night.
  9. "Are you just going to sit there and stuff lobster in your face?" <sobbing>"Yes, Pinchy would have wanted it that way."
  10. How old are the two houses? And the neighborhoods? There's a lot of factors other than the conditions of the house. Can you tell us a little more?
  11. Oh well, just saw the thread... But now we all now, for next time.
  12. If its not too late, make sure you get a Hand Grenade at a place called Tropical... something. Trust me, you'll see Hand Grenades. Try one, and dont rush to try the next one. The thing hits you like a Bledsoe sack 5 minutes later. 2 or 3 should finish you for the night. Another interesting drink is the Shark attack, same place. If you order that, be sure to tip the bartender. Hell, be sure to tip them anyway.
  13. So is this the new forum to whine about our exes?
  14. It's easy to make him out to be a villain, after all, he is trying to kill someone. Leave out the facts, and instant villain. Factor in the court costs, a 7 year battle, zero inheritance, and the fact the he visits her everyday... not so much of a villain.
  15. whole lotta movement, but in the end, your still standing in the same place. Bledsoe gone, Losman in: evens out. Losman may turn out better in the end, but currently he has zero experience, and yes, that hurts.
  16. Thanks Dan, good to know.
  17. First off, this has been going on in courts for 7 years, so it didnt just come up. And two, he stands to inherit zero money from this, so $$ is not his motive. Yes he has moved, and has 2 kids with his new lover, but he is still married to Schiavo by his choice (he could get a divorce if he wanted, but doesnt) Gotta get your facts straight if you're going to make an argument.
  18. Really? you must be the first. Everyone else I've talked too thought we needed to send him back to avoid an international incident. I thought he belonged with his family, and that the Cuban community was playing it up much more than needed.
  19. I believe that this phenomenon only exists in pro sports, where a team that you cant stand gets so bad, you feel a little sorry for them. No such compassion exists in college sports. I could be watching a competitive tiddly winks tournament with FSU against UF, and I'll hate the gators all the way down. If UF went 0-12 in football, it would make my season, and if FSU went 1-11, with our only win against the Gators, it would also make my season.
  20. Why is it that Florida gets such a horrible rap from the rest of the country. It really shows how out of touch we can be sometimes. Remember Elain? Outside of Miami, everyone wanted to send him back. Now, only here in Tallahassee, and wherever Terri is located, are protesters fighting for her life. The rest of America sees what kind of life she's living, and wants her to rest peacefully.
  21. haha, cute Ramius. Careful, I know wher you sleep, I'll sic the dog on you. heh heh.
  22. I ahve to fly to Dallas in the coming days, and I am NOT looking forward to it. All I know is that anything metal is going in my bag, and I'm only taking essentials with me for carry on.
  23. But the pushups skit, was pathetically bad. I mean, god awful.
  24. Perhaps shots of beer are mre in accordance? (Power hour = take a shot of beer every minute for an hour)
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