Heard that too, and honestly, I can never see him in a fins uniform ever again. I really dont think he's going to play football ever again. I dont know what Saban is up to, but one thing is clear: This is a different Dolfins team than ever before.
Let me explain, Shula was there forever, he had his style, his success and failures, but most of the teams were about the same. Johnson came in and was more of a transition than anything. He didnt have the rebuild ability he had in Dallas. And when he decided to leave, he groomed Weinerman in his likeness to be his succesor. Saban is coming from a different school of football thought, and that makes this Dolphins team an enigma. This is the first major overhaul since the franchise began.
I dont know what to expect, but from what i've seen so far, I dont like it.