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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. There was enough crying going on in her behalf by Sierra, man were those floodgates or what. I dont see why they cry... its either them or you, and you dont want it to be you.
  2. I would have played my game on time earlier in the day if your own ball and chain hadn't kept you from getting home earlier. Two wrongs dont make a right, unless both Brady and Belicheck sold their souls. Congrats on the baby 18months late erynthered. I'll get on my Marino popsicle just as soon as your finished with your Kelly popsicle.
  3. Possibly, but but I can use use gooder english. Look out for Drew Weatherford. He's supposed to be a real threat to both, at least in spring practice. Bowden cant use his man-crush on Rix anymore, so we'll have real competition for QB this year.
  4. I'll really miss her voice, singing and talking. Oh wait, no I won't.
  5. I'm telling a certain young lady that you said that.
  6. No one's said Indianapolis International Raceway. I'd love to see the Indy 500 one day. I know its not as popular as Daytona is now, but I love the open wheel cars.
  7. Ahhh, Pure Platinum, gotcha. I love talent.
  8. The Olympics have the strrcitest drug testing in any sports, and that's well known. A second positive reult is a lifetime ban, so how in the nameof Zeus' butthole, can you say that?
  9. What's that suppsoed to mean? And this is offically the second LAMP by proxy this week. Is this an ongoing theme?
  10. Id go with Nascar. Can I say Nascar? Nascar.
  11. Oh, this isnt the thread for the Donahoe circle jerk? Am I in the wrong room? Wrong day? From an outside view, Donahoe did an amazing job recenlt, getting Evans, WM and JP most recently, so why's everyone bitchin?
  12. Dude, you just posted three in a row, doesnt that qualify as LAMP?
  13. See, there are benefits to being a channel flipper.
  14. Did last night's show get anyone to change their votes? I got bored quick and just flipped the channel.
  15. Same place I was... here on TBD.
  16. This is right along the lines of what you were talking about, I didnt really think Florida would get wrapped up in this, but then again, we are Florida, the laughing stock of the nation. TALLAHASSEE — Republicans on the House Choice and Innovation Committee voted along party lines Tuesday to pass a bill that aims to stamp out “leftist totalitarianism” by “dictator professors” in the classrooms of Florida’s universities. Baxley said a university education should be more than “one biased view by the professor, who as a dictator controls the classroom,” as part of “a misuse of their platform to indoctrinate the next generation with their own views.” The bill sets a statewide standard that students cannot be punished for professing beliefs with which their professors disagree. Professors would also be advised to teach alternative “serious academic theories” that may disagree with their personal views. link I just dont see creationism as a "serious academic theory."
  17. You've got me on the wrong side. I'm not saying Rush is my hero, but he speaks the truth. That being said, I'm not going to start a political debate here.
  18. I said it once, I'll say it again, at least its not FOX News.
  19. Show me proof of creationism, and I'll change my beliefs. For now though, I'm more tempted to believe that the car went from the Model T, along several steps, to where we are now. I dont think Henry Ford woke up one morning and found a Ferrari in his garage.
  20. Give it a year or two, we'll be back. Unless of course, the Saban experience proves to be like Washington and their Spurrier experience. God forbid that happens.
  21. Hey! Screw you buddy! Screw you guys, I'm going home.
  22. I could have sworn there was something about more atmosphere changing the way it looks.... but after thinking about it you're right. The atmosphere thing is why the sun appears orange on the horizon. I mixed up my celestial bodies, so sue me.
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