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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I just dont think he gave up Boone. If that was it, why would he bring him back to the camp. I think Locke was angry that Boone was lost, and in his frustration, he went back to the hatch.
  2. Anyone else see Paula just come apart at the seams? Wow, is she sleeping with him or what? I even saw her go over and hug his Mom. That's just sad.
  3. Dont all desert islands?
  4. So is Serenity a completely new movie? or is it a retelling of the pilot with more fx?
  5. What a great album... I'd consider it, but for me: Reel Big Fish - Turn the Radio Off
  6. I dont think they actually destroy them, but send them over seas to third world countries. I can name a lot of places in Honduras or Nicaragua that can use some T-shirts and hats. When I went to visit Nicaragua, I saw some incorrect chamionship gear.
  7. I had a first occur in my household last night. Constantine was so bad, my GF let me change the channel to sports! That's gotta tell you something about how bad it was.
  8. Never met a beaver I couldn't lick. WHAT?!?!
  9. Is it possible you keep him for the year, and then franchise him?
  10. Its not my fault I'm here, TD invited me!
  11. Dont say this often, but Ramius is right, no better way to break it in than a lot of catch. Toss it for 30 minutes a day, and a week or so should do it.
  12. OK, I'll chime in: Wasn't TD steering the Exxon Valdez?
  13. It drives me crazy when people enter a thread to post about how dumb it is. What was it about the topic that made you think "Gosh I really hate StarWars, I hate it so much I'm going to spend my time reading the post and replying!" It's people like you that call up CNN and spend $1.99 a call to vote "undecided."
  14. It was a great piece, but one that was aired in October. Great story, great kid, and I know he's got a future in the NFL.
  15. Just remember, that success in college never means success in the NFL. Just look at Spurrier. Granted, Saban has done it now in two places, the NFL is still a whole different beast.
  16. JP Losman... "The Gun Slinger"
  17. Louis Jordan did a Friday Night Fish Fry... same song? As for me: Gotta put Springsteen's Glory Days on that CD. I was making a CD myself yesterday, inspired by the foundations, Buttercup.
  18. Wow, that's interesting. I've made no big secret that I dont like what he's been doing, almost gutting this team to rebuild it. But I hope your right. I was excited about him coming to Miami, and then mad at him for tearing this team apart.
  19. On the bright side of things, Mike Tice can get you a great deal on Super Bowl tickets.
  20. I've got the similar dilemma here. And I'm not even a Bills fan! The covereage is awesome, I wish I had the same done for my fins.
  21. I remember last year, watching the draft with Ramius. I distincly remember how he blew up when the Steelers took Roethlis..whatever. I had no idea what he was on, I wasn't that big on him. He calmed down and blew up, the good way, later on when JP was picked. Those are my memories of last year. This year.... BBQ and I'll watch the whole first round, again with Ramius while our women do, whatever it is that they do.
  22. Don't the raiders already wear these? Well, not DURING games... but I think they've all wore them sometime. It's gotta be a bad sign, when your kicker has jail time.
  23. Oooooo, I see.
  24. Hardly anyone can cover Moss (outside of Chicago anyway). But I think he'll do a good job taking McCardell and Lelie out of the game. He's not going to shut them down, that's obvious, but I think on average, he can hold them to under 100 yards a game.
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