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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I went to HS and college with Derrick Gibson of the Raiders. He's decent, but was great in HS and college. Better than him, I've got two studs at FSU that I taught when they were in HS: CB Antonio Cromarite and WR Fred Rouse. watch them, they'll be big someday.
  2. I dont keep stats of what thread I've started. But for you, it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think your an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove it.
  3. XspendersX has got to be the biggest waste of memory on a hard drive I've ever seen. There's gotta be someway you have to earn your right to start threads. Let's see, so far he's got: advice for belicheck, what jerseay flutie wears in the hall (of fame!), and the now deleted "What cigarettes do you smoke?" Like I said, a string of posts worthy of Jason Giambi.
  4. DONT GO!! TD is your therapist in disguise!
  5. $12.99 a month, and a deal at that. Sirius is saturating their dial with every channel they could possibly think of. They're coming out with a Martha Stewart channel, what the hell is that?
  6. All this talk and no one calls for me? Wow, I was worried for a while, but no more, I'm glad thet the feelings are mutual, and that the rivalry goes on forever. But! I get more satisfaction now out of beating the Patsies that I do out of beating the Bills. That being said, Any good rival sohld hate their competition. so for 15 weeks out of the season, I think we can semi-stand each other, enjoying the Jets imploding, or the weekly Tom Brady report. But for two weeks, maybe three, I hate you guys. Screw you guys, I'm gong home.
  7. TD's birth name was Poston.
  8. I hope all the medical stuff goes well, but it never hurts to have prayers sent in your direction. Will be praying for you.
  9. JOURNEY!!!!! Woohoo!! Long Live Steve Perry!
  10. TD owns Swingline and makes bad staplers that piss me off when I need them the most.
  11. It helps that you're not in NYC too.
  12. Wow, those last four posts just look confusing.
  13. That's like using Jenna Jameson as a virgin sacrifice...
  14. Any friend of AJ is a friend of mine... wait, did I just say that? Wow, this really is a kinder gentler board. Oh yeah, I'm a nube too, I guess, and a Fin too. Ramius dragged me in here kicking and screaming, and I threw myself into the forums guns balzing. Good to be here, love the smart football talk, but I guess every team's bound to have their idiots, just so happens most of them live in New England. Anyway, glad to be around, love chatting it up here, love the community feeling, and Im looking forward to being a regular come football season.
  15. put the picture under black light and hold it up to a mirror, and the signature says "Son of Satan" I have it on good authority from Ramius' brother's pseudo girlfriend.
  16. “Al Qaeda or Terrell Owens, huh? I think I would probably select Al Qaeda, too,” McNabb said. “I can understand why so many fans despise him. To tell you the truth, I actually sent him some hate mail the other day myself. It was written in crayon and it said how I was going to be coming to his house and chopping him into little pieces. Then just to be mysterious I signed it ‘The Angel of Death.’ It didn’t work, though. He knew immediately it was from me. I guess I shouldn’t have used my Donovan McNabb stationary.”
  17. Seattle needs people that can catch the ball.
  18. TD just called me and said he "needed to borrow about tree-fitty" I said "I ain't giving you no tree-fitty you goddamn TD! Get your own goddamn money!"
  19. Here's my first good thought of the morning. The island assumed that Johanna was trying to escape, not just going for a swim, so it took her.
  20. Worse yet is when you drink and head home... make drunk calls or IMs, and then decide to leave again..... uh oh
  21. There's gotta be more than just the explanation of "thats no place you want to go." And I think Walt has alot more to play in this. Anyone notice the look he gave Locke?
  22. What you do with the dog and a tub of Peanut Butter is your business, but no offing me thank you very much. Let me remind you I only bring up Wide Right in self defense. Kelly may never have one won, but Marino didnt either.
  23. They never told us why Locke knocked out Sayid. But I think its interesting that they agree that Locke is the best bet to get them off the island.
  24. Syracuse anyone?
  25. I understood that there were different cities, different places, but it always confused me when it was sotrmy outside, but on the TV it was a bright beautiful day at some ballpark. Strangely, I understood when it was rainy on tv but sunny outside though.
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