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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. This almost sounds too goo to be true. Can we verify with another article.
  2. Good luck with your surgery, I'll send positive thoughts your way.
  3. Yes you are. This requires at least 4 viewings for full effect.
  4. ESPN and KFFL would be all over this if its a trade.
  5. If this happened over a month ago, why is ti just being released now?
  6. OK Satch, just be sure to stay away from TD, especially if you have children. We all know TD made you lurk for 6 years.
  7. Isnt that a monopoly, and therefore illegal? Where's the real anti-trust lawsuits when you need it.
  8. TD Gave Celine Dion her recording contract.
  9. Best video you've never seen but need to right now: Benny Benassi - Satisfaction
  10. The music has been excellent all season, with the haunting theme, orchestra and piano. Wow... great stuff.
  11. I can't believe no one has mentioned Chris Isaak's Wicked Game or Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing. And if you dont remember these, you'll never forget them once you see them.
  12. How can you ahte Zach, he's like the quietest player, makes no noise or stupid personal moves, doesnt do drugs or beat his wife or run over traffic cops. Hate a real tard, like McMichael, fine, I'll give that to you. Even Wicky, but Zach? Come on man.
  13. Yes, but which toilet paper is in the master bath, and which is in the guest room?
  14. 40? Hmmm, gotta get a coffin and use it as a bar. Tricky to do, expensive if you dont find the right place, but it sets the mood for over the hill.
  15. Dont put words in my mouth, that's not at all what I said. Now if you're going to be like that, I hope he stinks like Josh Reed.
  16. Wow, $8.00, I woulda bid for it at that price.
  17. Looking at the play again, The pass wasn't perfect, but it goes right through his arms. Its the kind of pass you need to catch in the NFL. Stop putting a positive spin on that play. The only good part of that was that both players are healthy afterwards. Berlin: Bad pass. Parrish: Shoulda caught it. Samuels: Bad tackle.
  18. Ok, so we all agree, big hit, probably not a legal hit, but Parrish didnt get up, and from my recollection, even Samuels was a little bit wobbly afterwards. So, the point of this thread is now null and void. Sorry.
  19. Louis Oliver. And what the hell? Bernie Parmalee? how obscure. You should hate Gus Scott and Bob Griese, Paul Warfield and John Offerdahl. Parmalee was a joke. Oh, nice to be hated I'd rather that than all of you just accepting me blindly.
  20. Well then chief, be as vocal as possible.
  21. And Jay Fielder has a diploma from Dartmouth, doesnt mean he knows anything about football. But, of course, he is your VP. Remember that next time you're at the company picnic listening to the Bills-Fins game on the radio.
  22. Ever hear Bobcat Goldthwait in concert? He said on some show, that "Johnny Depp is a sexy guy, and I'm straight. I mean, I'm straight, but I'm not crazy straight. Like if it came to a choice between Rosie O'Donnel and Johnny Depp, that'd be the easiest decision I'd ever make. I'd be like 'be sure to use extra lube Johnny.'" sick, but he may have a point.
  23. Damn dirty chicken!
  24. I'm surprised no one has jumpes all over this loaded question.
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