NFL = TV Show. Might as well face facts now.
Frenchbread pizza sounds great... is it still making it from scratch if you buy the bread? Anyhow, I'm excited. Should be a great one.
I meant that in contrast to his uncle, the General. I have nothing but Respect for the two. By the way, Gen. Newton was a pilot, and his call sign was Fig.
Seen them before, and they are awesome. My old roomie is USAF, and his dad is only a Colonel, but his uncle is **** General. He used to fly the Thunderbirds. Much respect for him.
Quite frankly I dont believe he's coming back until I see him working out with the team or hear it from his lips. I think this whole thing is a ploy. I dont buy it for a second. The guys a cancer and it would be hard for me to welcome him back in the locker room.
That's actually why I'm headed there. A civilian friend of mine is marrying her High School sweetheart, and a few days later he's graduating and getting assignment, so its an exciting few days for them. I figured I might as well make a trip of it if I'm going to go out there. Can't wait to see the academy.
So I'm off to Denver next week for 5 days. Was wondering if anyone could suggest some good places to eat, or some things to see. I've already got my Rockies tix (Going to see the ballpark, not the team), and I'm thinking about six flags for a day. Anyone help me out?
Same thing you did with McGahee, let him learn a season, and then start him in the next year. If Williams shows potential, that's trade bait, and thebest possibility for his future. I still have a feeling he's only in for one or two years.
No one has mentioned the self-fulfilling prophecy. Anakin has dreams that Padme dies in childbirth. The series of events he chooses to try to prevent this from happening lead the prophecy being fulfilled. This is a lot like Oedipus or any number of other Greek myths. If Anakin had ignored his visions, would Padme have survived?
You're a good man, keep up the good work, lock up tight, and best of luck to you. The guy in our area was nowhere near as bad, this guy seems smart and dangerous, two things you dont want.
All this proves is that Dolphins are more sophisticated mammals than another certiain land roving mammal that does little more than graze, mate, and sh*t.
Still better than being a Raider.