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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Jarrah is his surname, as in Sayid Jarrah.
  2. Charlie has two that come up (journal and Drive Shaft Pass) And if Shannon comes up, repeated clicking of her seat makes Sayid's passport get darker and darker. Locke's is the only one with sound.
  3. Interesting, what if LOST doesnt mean that they are lost somewhere, but that they lost something dear to them. Sayid and Nadia, Jack lost his Father, Locke lost his outback trip... this doesnt fit everyone, of course.
  4. TD chose that name on purpose, just to piss you off.
  5. Oh man, I'm going nuts with this one. Check this: 510 Landed JFK 13:10 13:15 12 RMA 06:20 06:40 4 572 Landed EDR 07:00 08:05 6 ATL 13:25 14:20 15 901 Landed CDG 16:43 16:55 4 OKR 09:20 09:45 6 815 Alert SYD 14:04 14:08 15 LAX 03:16 03:23 42 671 Landed ULP 10:05 10:25 18 JJA 20:15 20:45 13 722 Landed LAX 15:35 15:40 5 EWR 01:05 01:25 2 For our dear flight 815... read the last two digits rom left to right. 815 Alert SYD 14:04 14:08 15 LAX 03:16 03:23 42
  6. Bump I'm leaving tomorrow, so any last minute advice is appreciated.
  7. Has Exodus Part II aired yet?
  8. Little bit more for you: According to local legends, the Mapinguari, a large, nocturnal, red-haired monster with a disorienting stench, roams the Amazon jungle of Brazil. Locals describe the Mapinguari as standing about two meters tall when on its hind legs. Interestingly, its feet are turned backwards and it is reportedly capable of ripping apart palm trees with its large claws. Although most scientists dismiss the Mapinguari as myth, a few, among them ornithologist David Oren, believe the Mapinguari may actually exist. They theorize that it may be a surviving giant ground sloth similar to the Mylodon, generally thought to have gone extinct about ten thousand years ago. It would not be entirely unprecedented to discover a living specimen of a species thought to be extinct for such a long period. In 1972, Dr. Ralph Wetzel discovered living specimens of the Chacoan Peccary, a close relative of pigs and boars, while on an expedition to the Gran Chaco. Prior to his discovery, the only example of this type of peccary had come from fossil remains, and they were generally considered to have died out about ten thousand years ago.
  9. And the pink sheet says "No Mapinguari! Not Yet!" Wonder what that is? Google search shows it some sort of sloth?
  10. mmmmmm, No. But! There are parts of it that are extremely accurate. Airplanes do crash, and there are islands in the Pacific!
  11. but that's two more goals that I've seen on National Hockey Night all year long.
  12. They've got a league... and I dont need to remind you about the embarrassment and greed that is the NHL.
  13. Put an object in net guarded by a man, on a playing surface roughly rectangular. And do all this without using your hands. Well Europe has soccer, and we have.. Hockey? kinda? At least they have their house in order.
  14. Wanna talk about the dumbing down of America? How about paying athletes millions even though they dont have a college education, and to be honest, most dont have an adequate high school education. What bout Paris Hilton being drooled over by millions even though she cant do a single thing on her own. And your worried about what basicaly boils down to a musical variety show similar to Ed Sullivan or Dean Martin. Pick your battles better next time.
  15. Care to tell a little about the original night stalker? I dont recall it at all.
  16. From what I can understand, every european league plays their season, and then the top teams from those leagues get together to find Europe's grand champion. Kinda cool really, wish that we had something like that, or even let the top two MLS teams in.
  17. And this is different from Hockey how? Goals are about the same, but there are less shots in soccer.
  18. Great post. Didnt realize that Liverpool's goals were so close together. I guess the NFL equivalent would be TD, Onside kick leading to a quick TD, and an INT TD. Nice... I also heard Liverpool cannot defend its title, can we clear that up?
  19. TD Took Walt and shot Sawyer.
  20. YES!!! My thoughts exactly.
  21. Connction that no one had mentioned: When Locke and Jack were talking about the hatch and guessing what is inside of it, Locke says Hope. Well if you think back to Greek Mythology, you'd remember that when Pandora opened her cursed box, all the vices, diseases, and evil flew out of the box to afflict humanity forever, but she closed the box, and sealed Hope inside it. She later opened the box and let hope out, to fix the maladies that had been released before it.
  22. Ok, wow... so much to say. Need to plan out this post. But the first thing I wanted to say was that the monster appears to be formless, a black cloud that can grab things at its will. I really dont think it has a shape, but has taken shapes in the past, and will continue to do so. Also, Danielle did not start the fire for the black smoke. The others started it, and Danielle was fooled like the rest to prepare for the others. She thought that by taking the baby, she could trade it for Alex. She's a victim like the rest.
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