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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. wow... only one vote to keep, looks like Ramius' vote sticks out like a Dolfan on a Bills board.
  2. Heck, I might even watch the .... the .... WNBA There I said it! But not for a whole game, and only while Im deciding what else might be on.
  3. Pisses me off that what counts for a foul for Ben Wallace, doesnt count for Dwayne Wade, or what gets Shaq to the line doesnt for someone else. NBA needs major rule clarification.
  4. I always hated how Miami stadium were half full if something wasnt on the line, but I actually herd Colin Cowherd give a good explanation that spans not only across the NFL, but into other sports as well. Buffalo is a small market. That's not a bad thing, but it's a fact. Miami is not. On a Sunday afternoon in Miami, there are other places to be. The beach, malls (which arent so much about shopping as they are about socializing), boating, fishing, restaurants, other sports even. Same in San Diego, LA, Tampa. Because there's so much competition of things to do, those fans that arent die-hard go do other things. Mid Decemeber in Buffalo, football is life. Not so much in Miami. I wish we had more die-hards, but sometimes if the choice is Bikini clad women and a frosty beverage in my hand, that's hard to pass up.
  5. So, time to make your choice clear... Poll up.
  6. So what started this? The following: Ramius: btw-theres a pic of us in my personal photo... Crap Throwing Monkey: That's you? What, is TD making you wear that crap on your chin? Ramius: TD told me it would look good, much to the chagrin of many others...the problem is if i get rid of it, i go back to looking 19 again...as opposed to the 20 yrs old i look with it VABills: It's kind of blood stained. Maybe TD has a urinary tract infection. Puhonix: Wow.. let me go off topic: Ramius's GF made you say that! TD may be slightly (not copmletely) innocent on that one. Beerball: I thought he was drooling tobaccey juice down his chin? It could be blood though. TD does not believe in safe sex. Crap Throwing Monkey: How do we know that's off topic? Maybe TD is Ramius' girlfriend... VABills: TD in drag, dresses up fairly well then.
  7. And its not, but it can be done. I'm fortunate that when my girl moved in, I still had roomates (Ramius included) and that created a nifty buffer zone for us. I had a buddy to run to to catch baseball and PS2 with, and that left her to her alone to, kept her occupied, and she didnt bug me cause she knew I was with my buddy.
  8. Wow.. let me go off topic: Ramius's GF made you say that! TD may be slightly (not copmletely) innocent on that one.
  9. TD made me use regular mustard in my fried baloney sammich last night.
  10. Give up all hope of having any say in the decorating process. Denis Leary, a smart man, once said: "Guys, if you live with a woman, even if you're not married to her, get this straight: give up any idea of being a part of the interior decoration.... Your sports mirrors, your beer mirrors, put them in storage, somewhere where you can visit it every now and then. I've been to Wayne Gretzky's house, he's got five MVP trophies, you know where they are? They're in the garage!"
  11. I dont think its a matter of age, as much as it is a matter of maturity. Seems that you've gone too far to turn back now. For survival, do your tasks and dont expect her to do hers. This is no longer a "roomate I'm sleeping with" situation, so if she leaves dirty clothes laying around, you get it. If she leaves dirty dishes, you clean them. Sure, you can leave them for her, but then she's going to b*tch, and thats the last thing you want when you no longer have your own escape room. Last words of advice, you're trapped now, so don't let arguments get out of hand.
  12. Easier to do when the GF is out of town. On that note, TD made Ramius' GF go out of town for the summer.
  13. Someone willing to help me kidnap the real Rachel Nichols and replace her with this new and improved version?
  14. No doubt they hire minorities first too. Affirmitive action is out of hand. Lets be blind about things and simply hire the best person for the job.
  15. Rock is Dead!! Long Live Paper and Scissors!
  16. TD was drunk this year for the NFL Draft (-5,000) ...On Cosmos (-25,000) ...With the cast of Queer eye (-50,000)
  17. Jim Morrison Did Acid?!?!?!?!
  18. Jim, that's tough and I feel awful that the disease did that to her. However, I'm confident that she's going to grow up to be a great young woman, one Ramius would like to teach and date (not necessarily at the same time, but not necessarily at different times either).
  19. No way... its too good to ruin anything. Watch, and let me know when you're finished. I'll be here waiting.
  20. Thanks Ramius... Dunno how I missed this since this is a major newstory on the one cause I always contribute to.
  21. Back to the show... I got hooked last year, bought the DVD when it came out in December, and now am hooked on season two. I'm glad its getting recognition, I hate to see good shows cancelled, and "The simple Life" keeps getting renewed. So, are we allowed to start debating points?
  22. TD made me think that after a week of being away from the board, this would've slipped to the second page. DAMN TD Shakes my faith!
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