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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I was wondering where he's been.
  2. I always liked you until just then... I'm not going to tell anyone I'm a leafs fan.
  3. awful, just awful. Between MM and Jeff Bowden at FSU, I have no offense.
  4. ahh there you are, was wondering when you'd show up.
  5. Ok, Its Monday, and a whole new week. Thankfully, I can look forward to Tennessee coming in. I never thought I'd say that. Oh, and so you know, I watched the game surrounded by 4 Bills fans.
  6. here do you think I found the link here?
  7. Good Fantasy advice, drop McMichael, but nothing that's going to help us too much in real life too, whatever Meathead does, is going to hurt, and he's not going to compare to Linehan. We'll miss him. And the Bills do have moments of brilliance. But they are moments, and just moments right now. Oh, and I loved Chambers diving TD catch. Too little, too late, but still an awesome catch.
  8. Can anyone here write me a prescrition for Zanax, Prozac? I'll need refills until December, thank you.
  9. I'll take any positives out of that, thanks.
  10. Yeah, I noticed that, no running game, no pass protection, those kind of things are obvious.
  11. Ok, I'm here to take my licks, watched the whole thing with Ramius, and got hell all day long. One thing I'm wondering, is Miami tha bad, or ar the Bills that good, or is there some combination of both? Ok, I'm ready to take my licks.
  12. seriously, if the back strap is going down, and gravity (as far asi know) still pulls down, how do those things stay up?
  13. 0-70s for you, that was 0for 80-90s for me.
  14. WEll, one came right off the top of my head, my camera. Granted, I need a laptop so I can download, and maybe someone to appreciate the pictures.
  15. 10:30 AM, any pics or news??
  16. eww
  17. Cheers for ASU! But of course, FSU has its fair share as well.
  18. God, reading that article made me want both teams to make run so that the second meeting has playoff implications. I miss those days, where the game was life and death. You hve no idea how much I hate Thurman Thomas and Don Bebe.
  19. Somehow I remember seeing a sign on TV, during a Buffalo-Miami game, that said "At least our snow isn't illegal" Anyone confirm this?
  20. Agreed. Whatever happened, we'll never know. But let's not destroy Kelly's image now. RIP buddy.
  21. somebody close this thread please.
  22. I'll say this, I personally hate the Jets, cause there's nothing I hate more that Fire-fat-ass Ed, and that stupid cheer. So he can spell! That's supposed to strike fear in me? As for Buffalo, Yes, that's my top rivalry, but not a hate. I always hated Buffalo growing up, but man, those Marino-Kelly years were amazing. Miami and Buffalo were the top two teams in the AFC year in, year out. But because they had to play each other so much, they usually didnt make the AFC Championship together (Ok, I'll be honest, Since Buffalo owned Miami in those years, Miami never made it that far). But that's not a hate reason. In fact, thinking back on it, it's a respect rivalry. I hate the Jets, and if you must know, I hate the U. (U of Miami).
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