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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Big... um, tracts of land! Don't forget that one either.
  2. Oooh, creepy, I'm going to have to check that out.
  3. So would the jersey read "James" or "B*tch?"
  4. Sounds like a winner... I cant wait another 980 posts for that one to come around!
  5. So what's with the trend of deleting posts in TD Ep. 1?
  6. I don't say it often, but Ramius has a point.
  7. Why go against mainstream thinking, might as well do it in here.
  8. Do share your secret, I've got 30 lbs or so I wouldnt mind parting with.
  9. Matt Day-Mon!
  10. That's ok, I figure TD made you do it.
  11. Thankfully I finally overcame him, DAMN YOU TD!
  12. We're gonna get to 1000 today, in the next 5 mins probably. TD told me to stop.
  13. You've had that avatar for so long, and posted so much in the LOST thread, that id I ever meet you and you don't look exactly like Hurley, I'm going to be dissapointed.
  14. And to think, he's a product of FSU.
  15. Td just whispered something in my ear, he says: "Matt Day-mon"
  16. How long until Triumph gets his own show?
  17. And I just realized that one in five posts made by EC-Bills is in this forum. How many of us can claim that dedication? Not I, and surely not many of you. ("I can't Stop calling me Shirley!")
  18. TD asked me to remind everyone to put me down for 37 now.
  19. That's a shame, that's no kind of hobby. Someone should be paying you for that work.
  20. TD also made Beerball screw up his morning coffee.
  21. Technically, you're right. But still a d*ck thing to say.
  22. Akili Smith... he needs a job now!
  23. duey said it... Watch! Watch now, and think often.
  24. Are you kidding me? With all the drama going on in Miami with Ricky, new coach, #2 pick, and coming off a 4-12 season you dont think that ESPN's going to be all over them? They have been, and will continue to be. And by the way, it's a poll, not a pole. A pole is what your wife uses at work. See, that's a cheap shot.
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