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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Whosh, I got 21, then blew the easy .4 <- straightaway shot.
  2. But why, I can be realistic and know they need to rebuild before anyone even mentions superbowl. If they think that the fins can win the division, then they should also have the best offseason, logically. ("They had a terrible offseason, but I think they can go from 4-12 and win the division over the defending champs") If you think that, you're a chump.
  3. Wait... just hit 20.
  4. He's adopting a kid who fits his image. Deion won't adopt an orphan with the club foot, they'd have nothing in common. With this kid, they can talk football, work out together, study film, play madden, it's a good fit for him. At least he's doing something good.
  5. Curse the Canadian who buys this...
  6. Thoughts and prayers coming your way from a long time rival.
  7. Wow, I love my fins.... but sometimes you have to be realistic.
  8. Well there goes my day at work.... 17 in a row, if anyone's curious.
  9. Dont think so.... Seen things like this before. It could be that the car was travelling fairly fast, and hit the telephone pole which was at an angle. The car then traveled up the pole veering to the side as gravity pulls it back down, the tire then gets snagged on the powerline while the rest of the car hangs down below it. Ehh, its a reasonable exxplanation, and not any more farfetched than the actual image.
  10. Could it be that TD caused the quake? Oops. Wrong thread, wrong day.
  11. How exactly do you explain that? Engine failure isnt going to cause it to fall out of the sky.
  12. Didn't he pull that trick once before?
  13. I'd like to echo that, sometimes some fans like to group everyone into the same category, like Mass-holes and Dol-felons. Celever names, but we're not all jackasses. I actually like to know something about all the other teams so that when I meet someone from somewhere I can talk about (aboot, for you Canucks) their team. Like I said, most of the people on here are opneminded and make it easy for myself to come in and chat.
  14. At the Copa, Copacabana The hottest spot north of Havana At the Copa, Copacabana Music and passion were always in fashion At the Copa....they fell in love.
  15. Depends, does R. Kelly still keep his residence there?
  16. Don't forget that Fred Taylor is injury prone, and that hurts him, but helps Henry's playing time.
  17. Funny, I was thinking the same thing about the Bills....
  18. Ramius dragged me into this, and I gotta thank him for it. He's right about the whole nuclear family, community feel. I know you all truly love your Bills, but are just as passionate about looking after each other. Maybe it's just sending out a prayer when its needed, sometimes its more involved. But it's always heartfelt and appreciated. On a personal note, Ramius, you've been like a thinner, faster, white version of me. And that ain't half bad. More than that, you've been a baseball buddy, a football fiend, and overall just a great guy. Gonna miss you when you move out in August, but I know we'll still hang out, golf course, sports bar, or hooters.
  19. Kid's got some big ears, and those pants! Who dresses their kid in red pants anymore? Oh wait..... heh heh, nevermind. cute kid Cheeseburger
  20. Was gonna do that but wasnt sure anyone would get it.
  21. Probably the least popular on here, but I'm on my profile as well. I'm in the 'Fins baseball jersey. <Ducks to avoid items thrown> The GF is in the ESPN Gear.
  22. I'd hope so. And I hope they won't get penalized either.
  23. Exactly, this isn't the nice generous move that it looks like on the surface. They plan to keep Yankee stadium as a museum of baseball history and build the new ballpark across the street, but they're robbing money of teams trying to be competitive in smaller markets (screw the D-rays if they're not gonna put $$ back into their team). Smart move by Steinbrenner, bad for baseball.
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