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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Did you need to quote the whole thing for that line?
  2. Most. Pointless. Thread. Ever.
  3. I agree all the way with these pics.
  4. Well, that wouls make us feel better, at least some of us.
  5. Was that the one with Yoshi? and you had to cross these gates to finish the levels?
  6. Sorry LA, but I read your post, then saw your avatar, and realized that the only thing that could make your kid better than remembering your favorite pie, is remembering your favorites ya-ya's, and bringing you a pair for father's day.
  7. The question you have to ask yourself is... Would it have hurt any less if it was a month later? Six months? A year? Probably not, so let it go, and get on with your life. If this is such a big issue, next time you have the chance, go for it. And don't ever let TD do this to you again. oops, had to slip that in.
  8. I think youre thinking of the Final Countdown with Kirk Douglas, where a Navy Aircraft carrier goes back in time to the day before Pearl Harbor, but decides not to interfere with history.
  9. Love those baseball movies, so let me ask, what did you think of For Love Of The Game?
  10. Wow, am I missing something.... 16 minutes and a complete 180 on stance. Either that or he's the happiest loser I've ever seen.
  11. Umm, so is the fan under the candelight? Or are the embracees unser the candlelight, cause that wax can burn. Unless I'm missing th kinkiness of the entire thing.
  12. Pre-heat, as in heat-before. How does that word even exist. As soon as you turn on the oven, you're not preheating anymore!
  13. heh heh heh. Man secret code. She's good looking girl, great curves, but her face...
  14. Taylor's always impressed me, since his rookie campaign I thought he was pro-bowl material (Is that an insult?) Good CB, gets his hands on the balls and wraps up the ball-carrier quickly. If he feels like a DUI or beating his GF he's more than welcome in Miami, as long as he shows up on Sundays.
  15. By the way, nothing makes me happier than when a girl has high speed internet.
  16. There's actually a book called "Jump the Shark" that sold so well I was able to pick it up at the Discovery Channel Store for $2.99. But it ranges away from just TV shows and gets into sports, Actors, and even Music. An example, I believe, if I remember correctly, that the NHL jumped the shark with the glow puck FOX tried in the mid-90s.
  17. Yay.... started off this morning with 28 in a row!
  18. Wow, that's... odd.
  19. I'm glad you called them NJ, that is what they truly are.
  20. Must work for the Gov't.
  21. Biggest factor is that more people are staying home for their movies. Home theatres are the hot thing and DVD rentals (Net flix) are high. Why go see a movie with the family for $50 or more when you can see it at home without driving and do so for under $10.
  22. That's a nice shot, i like that one.
  23. Yeah.... uh huh... See I'm not willing to classify the whole lot of us, or any group, into any column. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of Fins fans went ahead and voted for Miami anyway, but you can't tell me that Buffalo didnt have its fair share of fans that are voting them to the top regardless of how the team looks. Every city has some fans that will always vote them #1 regardless of anything else. I don't call it ignoreance, I call it blind faith.
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