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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I'm thinking about setting up my own webpage for selling prints. After so many times of people asking you to take pictures for them, or wanting one of yours for their walls, I think I can at least beging to think about it. So, here's a couple of pics that I took last month that are great portraits. I've just started working with portraits, but the one thing I really wanted was to take some different shots, not the traditional studio glamour shots. The More I See You (Ramius' GF) Pretty Please? (Puhonix's GF) So, what do you all think? (And AJZepp, this was not to make you want to move to Tallahassee, though you are welcome anytime).
  2. so it does.... And yes, I've had exactly one, and I think I'll leave it at that.
  3. Miami is giving 11.5 to Tennessee. I don't bet on the favorite team, but I would glady take the points. What about the NCAA, any games out there you see as locks?
  4. Still smaller than Hardee's Monster Burger: Hardee's new burger boasts two 1/3-pound slabs of Angus beef, four strips of bacon, three slices of American cheese and some mayonnaise -- all on a buttered, toasted, sesame seed bun. 1,420-calorie 107 grams of fat
  5. Dammit, I had money that the S was for Succubus.
  6. shoulda listened to me.
  7. Neither did Detroit.
  8. Then go back to bed!!!
  9. Oh dear god, nobody click on that, i'm saving you, trust me.
  10. This sounds like the start of Millen's WR fetish. "What this teams needs, is another #1 Wide Receiver!" That worked so well in Detroit. By all means, I hope you guys go out and do it too.
  11. I love NCIS, but LOST is so much better.
  12. I'd ask the same thing, but now I see the kind of reply i'd get...
  13. worst. thread. ever. spooooork
  14. Perfect example of pissing away good talent. His Sr. year of high school ESPN Magazine interviewed him about becoming the first to try to go straight to the NFL out of HS. Dumbass couldn't even keep his sh*t straight for one year.
  15. Vince Young would be the only one to go to the school and take notes. "What? There's no 'E' in Potato?!?!"
  16. Laughing and crying at the same side?
  17. damn, beat me to it. gmta.
  18. No offense, but I don't think there's anyone on this rollercoaster that needed a Mularki-review. I mean really, throw me a friggin bone here, I think we all know Mark Mularki. Especially me now.
  19. Will the San Diego game be a double throwback?
  20. We need to make a list of the least (or most) desirable players to take to school. Im not even sure if the Bachelor makes that list.
  21. That's awesome, what a sense of pride. I too have a student that's in the NFL now. Not that I'm neccesarily proud of him. Antonio Cromartie, I had him his senior year, and he rarely had his HW, in fact, was usually absent, out with his football buddies in a year long celebration of senioritis. He left FSU early, and went in the 1st round, so good for him. But he's not the most educated kid.
  22. How come when I volunteer for science, its never for projects like this? High magnetic field science is not the place to be...
  23. I was on campus yesterday, one of the frats has this painted on the sidewalk and wall in front of their house: Fire Jeff Bowden Now!! Not subtle at all, gotta love it.
  24. Times like this we need the FU smiley.
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