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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I didnt mean all of you, and I agree that for you, it was the right move. But when ExiledinIllinois bashes a former player thathad a great game, you gotta question his motives. Like a selling a hot car, and then seeing someone else drive it faster than you ever did.
  2. I'm pretty sure with a comment like that, you watched every snap of the Bills games and none of the Cowboys game. That, and the fact that you're still trying to convince yourself that getting rid of Bledsoe was a good move. I'm not knocking JP, he had a great first game. But DB was almost perfect. 18/24, 3 TDs, no Fumbles and no INTs is hardly doing everything to lose. 4 sacks hurt, but its better than throwing the ball into a turnover.
  3. But the Chiefs O-Line doesnt explain the complete lack of NYJ Offense. Did Surtain and Knight really make that big an impact? I didnt see the game, so I really don't know.
  4. I saw that "pat, pat, pat" that keeps getting brought up, and I just laughed. First time I really paid attention, and bam there it was. That being said, he was solid on the day, no INTs and a few TDs. He's going to be alright. Its time for your worries to turn to JP and let Bledsoe do his thing.
  5. Question is, are the Jets that bad? Or are the Chiefs that good?
  6. Agreed, With that being said I wanted to bring something up: At the end of season 1, we were all dying for a a glimpse of more. And then on the website they had that trailer for season two that lauded "They are not the surivivors they think they are." Well it appears that tagline has been dropped in favor of "Everything happens for a reason." Anyone have any insight on why they pulled fast switch?
  7. Move Indy to #2, Pitt #3, and then the Chiefs. And while I'm at it, Miami's going tomove up a few spots in the future, but at the present, yeah this looks right.
  8. Lets leave his beatiality beat off materials out of this. Why he photoshopped me into them is a road I dont want to venture down.
  9. Wow. I am definately throwing up in my mouth, a little bit.
  10. alright, now you're just abusing the privilage.
  11. No offense, but Im not voting fifty cent to congress... or a local school board... or president of the PTA for that matter.
  12. Dont get pressured in the SB.
  13. I heard about that nasty Dihydrogen Monoxide. That's terrible, breathing it in will kill you, and it composes a majority of acid rain, and yet we all sit around and do nothing about it.
  14. From what I saw, rush the QB, let your corners play man, and let brady give up 14 pts on turnovers. No Tuck rule can save him that many times.
  15. Brady always folds under pressure. That's why I was amazed that they let Andruzzi walk. Let's find a defense that isn't relying on Warren Sapp for their Sacks and watch how Brady goes for 150 yds, 1 TD and 2 INTs.
  16. So the Bills were from Miami? Oh this gets better every second. And I always thought NYers were supposed to move to Miami at the end of their careers.
  17. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Man, that's way out on a limb.
  18. countdown before this gets moved to PPP... 5... 4... 3...
  19. Speaking of commerials, anyone else absolutely hate the "Pats draft Diet Pepsi Machine" spot? That has got to be the most retatta thing I've ever seen.
  20. Amen brother. 16-0 beats an average season anytime. So how many pro-bowlers?
  21. You think that Ravens fans are cramming into BK cause the King made a pick for their team? I heard they were going on an all BK diet because of the support they have for their team.
  22. I always hate it when they show someone'e highlight and its against the Phins. Seems to be a mutual feeling for all fans.
  23. If this is right, then: So should we hate the Colts for being the Yankees?
  24. But Texans was part of their history too, wasnt it?
  25. Sometimes I thought when Madden was released, it would force some to drop out of school, abandon girlfriends, and lock themselves in their rooms. Other times, friends have had women lock them away, never to see the outside world again. If there was ever a time I feared someone changing because of a discovery, it is duey, with his LOST dvd set. So long my pal, see you on premiere night, and I shall be dissapointed if you do not post at 10:01 PM.
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