Couple of thoughts.
First off, I think LOST is the biggest reason I caved in and finally got a DVR. Now I love it. Football was incredible. Pause, go make a snack, come back and watch 45 mins commercial free!
Second, someone made a comment that maybe the island is really a space ship that crashed and started getting gorwth over the top of it. Any ides about this theory.
Third, I was thinking that the passion for Claire's baby was a decoy, and that they really always wanted Walt all along. But then I remembered the psychic, so there must be something about her baby. Another thought on that is that since Claire has given birth to the child, it can no longer be brought over to the "other's" side. Since that child is safe now, maybe they begin to focus on Walt?
Fourth, I'm stupid. I kept thinking that Desmond's accent was British, and had forgotten the Australian tie-in. Desmond does have a connection then, to the flight, or the island, or Claire? Do we know who the baby's father is?
Ok, I'm done.