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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Couple of thoughts. First off, I think LOST is the biggest reason I caved in and finally got a DVR. Now I love it. Football was incredible. Pause, go make a snack, come back and watch 45 mins commercial free! Second, someone made a comment that maybe the island is really a space ship that crashed and started getting gorwth over the top of it. Any ides about this theory. Third, I was thinking that the passion for Claire's baby was a decoy, and that they really always wanted Walt all along. But then I remembered the psychic, so there must be something about her baby. Another thought on that is that since Claire has given birth to the child, it can no longer be brought over to the "other's" side. Since that child is safe now, maybe they begin to focus on Walt? Fourth, I'm stupid. I kept thinking that Desmond's accent was British, and had forgotten the Australian tie-in. Desmond does have a connection then, to the flight, or the island, or Claire? Do we know who the baby's father is? Ok, I'm done.
  2. Ok, so I'll give you that. Yesterday's win can be called "backing in." But again, I ask you, how was the week one game "backing in?" You're quoting me, but not even answering my question. Thank you for the little bit of respect that I ask for. Miami's not going to win the SuperBowl, but we can sure beat contenders, and hang with most of the teams in the NFL. I think 8-8 is not as much of a stretch as I thought during the pres-season.
  3. Ahhh, the things that bitterness makes us say. Dolphins played with the lead most of the game, and came back in the fourth to win it with a FG. Not a great way to win, but a win nonetheless. Now, how you can possibly call the Denver game "backing into a win?"
  4. Everyone was giving Sabine a hard time for going with 2 QBs into the season opener. Well, it apears that Gus has jumped up and snagged the spot, and having a clear starter is making things easier in Miami. His accuracy (Yeah, its weird to type that) is great, and he's making good decisions in the pocket. Ronnie Brown is running better every game, and while he doesnt have the breakout season that Cadillac is having, he's going to be alright. And so you know, Feely is back to being third string.
  5. Glad you insisted, and glad that there are other Dolfans out there that give us a decent name. After all, for every dude like the one at the bar, there's a BF.
  6. Towrads the end of the game, Pennington was either handing off or lobbing the ball up. I'm surprised he completed any long passes after the start of the 4th quarter. Any word on what Fiedler went down with?
  7. I think your gonna hafta explaion that.
  8. I wont be shoclked when it hits Louisianna again.
  9. So then.... they have a radio!
  10. But this is Culpepper AM (After Moss). We really don't know how he'll be without his #1 target.
  11. I'm using psychology here. Since we knew what to listen for, we heard what we wanted to hear Walt say. However, I'm not 100% sure that is exactly what he said. What else could he be saying?
  12. Gus hasn't been that bad this season. Not terrific, but he's doing his part. And at least he hasn't stepped out of the back of the end zone. Rookie mistake.
  13. quiet.... last thing I want is to see those again. Can we get a Hillary Duff, maybe?
  14. Im kinda in shock that Gus isnt on this list. Can we get a link?
  15. I thought it was just a wobble, but now its a northward movement. Bad for NO.
  16. Great party, by the way, I have someone's Kate inflatable doll, anyone want to lay claim to it? Oh, and Duey, I have your Hurley inflatable here too. heh heh.
  17. You know, I'd forgotten about Ethan, but now that we've seen Desmond, I like the theory of them being bunk mates. Glad that we also know that 108 is the sum of the numbers. I saw the number, but hadnt figured out what they meant. I also realize that I need to get a DVR, which I plan on doing this weekend. Can anyone post exactly what Walt said to Shannon. I know he said it backwards, but did he say the words backwards, or was the entire thing backards? A couple of background things I still want to know, Why was hurley (duey) in the psych ward? As always, more questions than answers.
  18. So, Saints move to San Antonio, storms head in that direction. Saints move to play in Baton Rogue, uh oh.
  19. How many of you have a 45 T Magnet. Seeing as how mine's the only one in the world, I'll take the safe bet and say NO ONE! heh heh. So, Tell me about this laser, and is it possible to attach to the head of a shark?
  20. So be honest, who went into the spoiler post and looked? Ramius warned me and I've been steering clear, but some jackass just bumped it.
  21. Didnt know you were going to get to use the 900Mhz. Scientist are lining up to get to use that baby. And yes, it is true that I have walked into many fields and had to replace cards. I trust cash more, simply because those fields will leave me at a restauarant and leave me with no choice but to let the sweetie pay. Which is actually a pretty damned good scam. What's really fun is getting on the 45 Tesla Hybrid and watch the scientist fall over carrying metallic non-magnetic items. Gotta love the Eddy Currents.
  22. JSP: For the Show: look here. But who are we kidding, for the babes, clickie here.
  23. I cant believe this is still going on, but I'll throw mine in too. You havent lived until you've had some Chorizo, nice hispanic sausage. Any doubters only need to see how Rachel Ray loves using Chorizo in her kitchen.
  24. Probably why you couldnt get a date your first year here. I Keed! I Keed!
  25. Republica Deportiva, great show if you know spanish. It's like a bunch of stand-up segments that they do on sportscenter, talking about the week's upcoming sports, and lots of hot chick, and gratuitous bikini shots.
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