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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. One of my favorite guilty pleasures.
  2. The butterfly effect. I had to deal with Ashton, but the story is really well written, and it all ties together at the end.
  3. So here's how they came out when I finally framed them: "Claw" in brown frame "Grove Interrupted" in black frame "Tesla Light" in a floating frame
  4. My flag only has 49 fuggin stars, because I dont recognize the Commonwealth of Virgina. Screw them.
  5. What would really rock would be taking weekend trips to Havana, in the same way the west coast does with Vegas. Think of it... it's all laid out for us.
  6. Cuba's already practically the 51st state, let's make it official. Then we can move the Saints there!
  7. Dont normally watch the show, but it was pretty good. The cast is amazing, Shatner, Spader and Bergen setting it for everyone else. Good show, may have to watch from now on.
  8. Thank you all, I'm going to get the pieces framed today and then I'll let you know what prices I decide upon. Thanks for all your comments. Maybe I'll share some more stuff as I take more pictures. I know I took some great pics of Ramius and his girl, but havent gotten those scanned. Ramius, can you share those?
  9. I'm an XM guy too, having every baseball game on the system was a big sell. I could care less about Howard Stern, so that wasn't even a concern. XM also has comedy stations, and the music between the two are competitive and comparable. Stern is going to be the big sell for Sirius, though XM has Opie and Anthony. Im not sure about Sirius, but XM also has an online feature where you can listen online, included in service.
  10. Yeah I could do that, and itd be quick and easy. But if you use the red filter when taking the picture, it will show more contrast in the sky. As it is now, the blue sky will show up as a very light gray. Different filters will change the way the sky appears, as is done in this test shot: Filter Use
  11. And the donation of his lottery winnings too. What a Demi-god.
  12. I love the idea of donig this in B&W but if I did that, Id have to go back and reshoot it. Reason being that if I use a red filter with B&W film I can get more contrast from the sky too. There's a hint for any amateur photogrpaher, red filter, blue sky, B&W film. Always comes out nicely.
  13. Thanks everyone for the comments. Another photographer with much more experience charges $74 and up. I think the Grove Interrupted could bring in as much as $150. The others I'm going to list at $100 I think.
  14. Three of my photographs are going to be shown in an art gallery this coming month, and since none of you are going to be in Tallahassee to attend, I thought at the very least I'd show them to you. Also, they want me to list prices for the pieces. I'm going to get them matted and put in nice frames, so the starting cost should be near $30. So if you could give me suggestions, that would help too. Thanks! Tesla Light Grove Interrupted Claw
  15. Again, your avatar makes me think of how much I love those Monkey commercials for that job site.
  16. sometimes I forget where I am....
  17. ok Nick, help me out... where are you gonna be?
  18. For someone with 33 posts, you sure do time them well.. Ok, for me, the top scary movie is something that stayed with you and creeps you out for days afterwards. So, here's my list: Jaws - scared of the water for months. The Blair Witch Project - I kept seeing that guy crouching in the corner in my dark room... shudder Nightmare on Elm Street - Anything that gets you while you're sleeping.. is no good. The Ring - Just a well made creepy movie. And Ramius, I love poktergiest, but it didnt creep me out for days afterwards. Still a great movie. I was visiting New Orleans a few years ago. Ramius, my GF, and I went into this art gallery and found some paintings by Robert Cook. Well this one inp articular creeped us out. I loved the way it was creepy. What do you guys think? Six of One
  19. Yeah, that's awfully suspicious. And right out of the movies. heh, I bet TD had something to do with this.
  20. Just comes down to the fact that People are quiet when things are going well.
  21. Not me. The Feely trade may ultimately go down as one of the worse trades in the team history. a high 2nd rounder, for a player that didnt even start for a complete season, sent packing with another draft pick for a nobody, and we still never got to see Mrs. Feely (Heather Mitts) in a bikini. well.... here ya go.
  22. That episode was sick... laughed my ass of, but it was still sick. All time favorite for me was the spooky fish. Gotta watch it in Spooky vision though. heh heh.
  23. Wednesady nights. Same time as lost. I just DVR it and catch it later. Good stuff, they'll catch evidence, and do whatever it takes to disprove it, so it's more believeable that the hunters that use psychics. As far as movies, the RING is awesome, and Ringu, the original japanese is great stuff too. No one mentioned Suspiria, an old italian movie that was creepy as hell. . .never got past the first few minutes of it. Great stuff. Also, when I was a kid, the original Nightmare on Elm street gave me nightmares for weeks.
  24. Gee, you think that one up by yourself, or did TD help? Actually, Im quite dissapointed too. I have NO IDEA who Lemon is, but I got this off NFL.com
  25. Happy Birthday Y muchas felicidades... heh.
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