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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I didnt even know that Losman really did have a fumble yesterday That's funny.. heh heh.
  2. Sub in McGahee, Moulds, Evans... It wasn't a shot at anyone. As for Miami, let the Matt Leinart countdown clock begin. But please, let's keep this off topic.
  3. I can just see a certain someone holding the baby Nicholas, and then fumbling the baby as Losman fumbles the snap...
  4. I think it's clear that AL shot Shannon. She's not coming back, she's not just wounded, she's dead, and AL shot her. How Sayid gets tied up to a tree though, I've no idea.
  5. Good to be back... and no, you cant pin the death on Ana Lucia directly, but the connection is there, and with a show like this, you take what you can get.
  6. Little late, but this weekend was all Glenfiddich on the rocks.
  7. People unserstand, all in their own way. Texas took down Oklahoma, PSU beat... well, I guess most of the Big 10 (11!), and my season can be salvaged if the Noles can beat the Gay-tors this weekend in the Swamp and win the state title (already beat Miami). Auburn gets to beat Bama, and hell, even Vandy got to take out Tennessee.
  8. Ok, so my turn to input: Reading i think mostly everything was covered. 1. The other Dharma logo is the one with the arrow, which to me yells of a compass, and so I'd assume is the Electromagnetic observation station. 2. The logo on the shark does not match the swan, or the arrow, and so it is the one on the scientist's lab coat in the orientation video, where it just reads "Dharma." 3. Ana Lucia cut off the radio transmission to Boone, and then shot Shannon, meaning in some way she's responsible for both deaths. 4. Nathan was not an infiltrator, as that would be too good.... but Goodwin was. Ethan's full name was Ethan Rom, which is an anagram for Other Man. Can we get Goodwin's full name?
  9. What a load of crap. Polar reversals are normal, and in fact, the exact location of Earth's magnetic field moves feet, or inches every year. The fact that the poles flip from one to the other is a well documented event that does little more than force our compasses backwards. In fact, Earth is overdue for a reversal. Now, if you want to mix Electromagnetic fields into this argument, I think I know my way around that subject, so I can safely say this moron has no friggin clue to what is going on. Yes, everything on this planet will react to a strong enough magnetic field, including biologicals and plastics. But for these items to react, the field has to be much MUCH stronger than anything created in nature. And even an area on the island of increased magnetic fields would have to be tremendous in nature to effect these items. Furthermore, for a field to be strong enough to pull in a plane, it would also have to be large enough for the plane to be in that field, and thats just impossible. Puhonix Education Coordinator National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Tallahassee, FL
  10. Yeah. we all want to beat the pats, it just seems that we both choked away the chance.
  11. So I've been mostly absent from this side of the board, but yeah, you pretty much nailed it with the bad play calling. I can't recall an NFL game where the same play was called back to back, and didnt work the first time. I think Ronnie woulda ran it in from 5 out. Then again, The Pats need to keep their mircale stature with ESPN, so they had to win it. I think I actually heard something along the lines of: I cant remember the last time Tom Brady didnt win a game in the 4th Quarter. Well I do, and it was in Miami, last year.
  12. Damn, beat me to it.... Gotta like the leopard thong.
  13. Dammit, how could I have forgotten Bitanic...
  14. Supposedly, the general rule (not official in any way) is the ball is spotted where the live ball last touched the ground. So on a missed FG, the ball is spotted down. But on Punts that go wrong, they do not get the ball where the punter stood cause the ball didnt touch the ground.
  15. Mamacita no longer, RIP.
  16. A vote against Bruschi will bring his wrath upon you.
  17. The hunt for Red Cocktober.
  18. I think Shannon's dad was pretty far gone by the time he came to the hospital. They said they couldnt resucitate him, so I dont think the choice came to Jack at all.
  19. They said that next week will be an extended edition, anyone know how extended it will be?
  20. Oooohh, I like that.
  21. I'm liking this, I'm going to say that the blonde chick from the tail section group gets it. Another non-crucial character bites it. Though, I'll still say that killing off Boone was still gutsy for the producers.
  22. Like you hadn't been planning on using that line on Mandy Moore... c'mon, speak up!
  23. Its obvious, but its a different, country, different lifestyle copmletely. Lawlessness is just part of it. When I visited Nicaragua (where I was born) the lifestyle is so much more casual, but everyone hires their own neighborhood security to patrol the area, and the really rich hire armed guards to stand watch at night. On the positive, long long breaks where families get together to eat at home, and much less stress.
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