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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. I'm all for freedom of speech, but sometimes a little common sense works wonders.
  2. Corky's is where I'd go. Apparently I need to try Rendezvous.
  3. you read the article, all strip malls and waffle houses.
  4. Nancy Grace is the most god-awful show host on TV. She's such a humanitarian, all she wants to do is save the animals, find the people, help the people, etc... Of all the crap she spews none of it is even remotely controversial, original, or even debateble to her guests. Anyone who disagrees with her is evil (See TD). And she's not even good to look at. I hated her since the Terry Shiavo case. I cant imagine what she'd be like covering sports.
  5. TD staged his own firing so he could run off to Rio, but will really secretly run the team using Marv Levy as a puppet, a trick he learned from his old friend Dick Cheney. oops, wrong thread.
  6. Well when the uneducated general public is scared of nuclear tehnology, it leaves us no place to turn but the "safe" coal industry.
  7. No 7-11 in Tally, and none within decent driving distance. <sigh>
  8. I'll tell you what I miss, IHOP and Denny's. There's none of either anywhere near Tallahassee. And while I"m ranting, I could go for a nice slurpee every now and then too!
  9. oh boy, when you all get started, its all down hill. I love it.
  10. Do they lay some carpet down? I hear they can buff the lobby pretty well too.
  11. What I cant understand is how Mr. Pan keeps showing up on this site! Who has that crapped bookmark. I mean besides me?
  12. No excuse, he should hit that no problem. We were blessed that PSU missed their kick too. I'm telling you, shoulda gone for 2 in the 2nd OT. I was thinking that right at that moment. ok, enough on topic crap.
  13. Make it three, and throw in an unarmed patriot for good measure. We can team up on him first.
  14. One thing that we have that I'm damn proud of: Hot Girls Hot Fans!
  15. have something against blondes?
  16. I saw this when it ran in the newspaper last month and thought about posting it, but now it seems to be a big deal. So here it is, Tallahassee's reaction to LOST. Visitors bureau irked by TV show Memo to the writers of "Lost" - next time you mention Tallahassee in your hit TV show, try to mention our canopy roads and Southern hospitality rather than our strip malls and Waffle Houses. At least that's what the Tallahassee Area Convention & Visitors Bureau wants you to do. The ABC show, about plane crash survivors stuck on an island so mysterious it makes the Twilight Zone seem like Mayberry, mentioned Tallahassee in its Nov. 30 episode. In a flashback sequence, the U.S. marshal pursuing Kate (Evangeline Lilly) tracks her down at a bus station, where she was buying a ticket to Tallahassee. "Tallahassee?" the marshal asks. "I spent a week in Tallahassee one night. It's all strip malls and Waffle Houses. What's a pretty girl like you going to do down in Tallahassee?" "I'm sure I'll find something," Kate replies before the marshal arrests her. Sharon Liggett, president and CEO of the Tallahassee Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, was flipping channels when the show aired and happened to catch the exchange between Kate and the marshal. "The way in which it was said did not shed a positive light on Tallahassee," she said. Liggett wrote a letter to "Lost" producers last week inviting them to visit Tallahassee to get a true feel for the town. "We would love to showcase the deep-rooted history, rolling hills, canopy roads of moss-draped oaks and Southern-style hospitality of Tallahassee with you," she wrote. "And maybe they'll take us up on it," she said later. The episode with the Tallahassee reference attracted 13.5 million viewers, according to the Nielsen ratings. That made it the nation's sixth most popular show of the week.
  17. you're right, completely and utterly. We need to do a home and home series. First match in the ocean, second on a prairie. I think the 4 feet of water is my attempt to pretty much even things up.
  18. Im almost willing to bet that some of those officials are where they are now because they escaped the mine. Not making excuses for whatever screw up happened though.
  19. Is it so difficult to put two real animals against each other? I mean really, these morons have a great idea for a show but then suck it up when it comes to filming time. Put the Rhino in with the elephant!, let the tiger and lion go at it. And would it be so hard to put a buffalo in 4 feet of water and let loose a dolphin?
  20. Its her, the boobs match. WTG on 10,000!
  21. At this weekend's Indiana Pacers-Washington Wizards game, a woman's reaction to a man's marriage proposal stuns an expectant crowd. The apparent proposal came at the end of a halftime contest on the Wizards home court Saturday night. The woman was blindfolded, sent out on the court, and told if she could find a local bank's mascot, she would win free Wizards tickets. As the crowd yelled "hot" and "cold," the woman roamed the court for about 10 seconds. Then, as she found and touched the bank mascot, she was told she won the contest. However, the public address announcer said there was a surprise. The man appeared from the bank mascot's costume, grabbed a microphone and then got down on one knee. As he began to speak to the woman, she paused and grabbed her face in shock. Then, as the crowd expected the man to pop question, the woman turned away from the man, and sprinted full speed across the basketball court. After running up a tunnel, she was stopped by a security guard. There was no indication on the broadcast whether the proposal was legitimate or not. But the stunt surprised the groaning crowd as a message saying, "She said No!" appeared on the arena's scoreboard. Slideshow
  22. There's video of that, someone's got to find it. The guy is in one of thoe inflatable suits, and so he starts to take it off, and the girl gets all shy, and when he drops to one knee, shows the ring, and mumbles something she runs off the court. sucks for him. If you're going to do that, you better damn well know the answer before you even consider it.
  23. We had some tornadoes, but none in our areas hit anything civilized. Just some trees knocked over. No one was around, so it didnt make a sound.
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