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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Actually we're doing some of this work at my lab. Some of the cancer breath specimens are sent to the dogs, and the other are cryo forzen and then run in our 9.4 Tesla ICR magnet that will identify all the components in the breath. Pretty much its a high powered super glorified Mass Spec. Then the two studies are brought back together and compared. Interesting stuff. We've got a standard schnauzer (sp) and a Munserlander Pointer. Both are AKC show dogs, and the schnauzer has won several awards.
  2. Beat me to it.... oh well. I guess its just preventing another Jackson 5 meltdown.
  3. Who the hell is that Santa Claus?!?!?!
  4. When was this said?
  5. Or wrath... you know, your choice. Spelling matters not on this show anyhow. Combining two of my favorite things: How funny would it be if someone auditioned singing "The internet is for porn."
  6. Does that mean Jack flashbacks?
  7. Yeah...we're gonna need a name and pictures to verify.
  8. The first two notes werent even that bad. OTOH I thought crazy Dave was a mess, voice, and leaps alike. weird....
  9. Lottery, 4,8,15,16,23,42.
  10. I gotta say the first twins were better, and rocking with the Temptations... come on, that's great!
  11. I just keep wondering if there's hidden meaning here, or are we reading too far into it? I mean, Eko's not exactly a common name. But I'd expect the plans registration, clearly shown, to have a 4, 8, 15, etc... in it. Did the producers overlook this?
  12. How has this survived so long in the on-topic category? must've had seconds of retatta for lunch today in OBD or something.
  13. Got me humming that damn tune now... catchy tune.
  14. boy, that's a let down.
  15. ESPN is fake?!?!?! You mean the Whitesox didnt win the series? The Pats arent actually winning 3 of the last 4, and Duke's not undefeated? Or is this all scripted for our entertainment? So you dont agree with ESPN, they are biased, they are slanted, and they show favoritism. That doesnt make the news fake. When it comes to draft, everything is speculation, and so ESPN makes a bigdeal of opinions. And a majority of the time they highlight the opinions of experts. So-called experts, but people that know a whole lot more than you or I. When we have GMs and coaches on our speed dial, then our opinions will get shown too.
  16. worse minute of my life.
  17. Is Jaws even interested in a coaching job?
  18. Should that be in concrete like all the playoff predictions for this past year?
  19. Interesting point, and a theory that's been thrown about forever. Here's the thing. I truly believe that the producers would toss in the book, just to rekindle a theory that they've already dismissed.
  20. Dude, dont be such a b*tch. We dont all pay for your mistake.
  21. So how was the Celine Dion marathon?
  22. Ha!! Id love to see Ditka get another chance. Gibbs is winning in DC, lets see what Levy and Ditka can do.
  23. You forgot to bow down as you typed that!!! That means Bruschi and his Demi-God Chuck Norris will show up at your door..... hell, your probably already dead.
  24. Actually, I missed it completely too, didnt see it until I found it on ESPN.com last night. See, if this type of deal had happened to the Patriots, ESPN would be all over it, interviewing him, the owner, Tedi Bruschi the man with superhuman strength (all hail!), the coach's wife, the coach's neighbor, the neighbor's son... Some teams just dont get the same exposure.
  25. Too bad the same cant be said for TD.
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