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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Cool, I forget that Sicilians hardly consider themselves Italian at all.
  2. He mentioned Soccer, so Im guessing its like you from Buffalo hating me from Miami because of the Fins regardless of great seafood and sunny weather.
  3. Tom Brady a liar? No, stop it.... Next you'll tell me that Bruschi doesnt have superhuman powers.
  4. No. He sang Yesterday with Linkin Park. Jay-Z just went "Uh" and "yeah" in the background.
  5. Good call on Amos Lee, by teh way., He sounds a lot like Teddy Geiger, so you may want to give him a chance.
  6. What do you have against Torino?
  7. I doubt she's on ice anyway.... You know what they say, no one likes cold *#%#&.
  8. I'll take your word for it, since I know not a damn thing about snow.
  9. Why not post on the JETS board, I'm sure they'd be jumping for a chance to see nudes...
  10. None In Tallahassee!!! <ducks to avoid thrown snowballs>
  11. WEll, last night I was drinking Merlot, and finished that with a glass of an ice wine I had been chilling. Its interesting. Either way, I went to bed happy.
  12. Happy Birthday Dean...
  13. She's 21, feel no such guilt.
  14. All those shots of her are nice, but the firs one still beats the rest. Great photo, great pose, and it brings the shock value... wowwie wow wow.
  15. Usually the way to go to find them. That, and an hour or so on XM unsigned.
  16. Well, to use a movie example, Kevin Smith. He did Chasing Amy, MAllrats, Dogma, Clerks, got bigger, and then he did Jersey girl... oh joy.
  17. My big love is finding the nobody bands that are undiscovered, and loving their stuff. Vertical Horizon was great until they went mainstream. A few bands I still enjoy are Guster and Jennifer Chapin. Want to listen to someone new? My newest find is Teddy Geiger. Watch him get big real fast.
  18. Damn French Kanadians.....
  19. Not this time. I believe only rap stars ahve theat ability. They apparently learned it from Elvis.
  20. Interestingly, Airbus got bigger with its planes, Boeing built smaller. Time will tell who won that gamble. Oh, and Virgin has already line dup to buy a bunch of these monsters.
  21. Yes, but I can mute Ms. Spears. Manilow's mug still hows up on the screen no matter what.
  22. details....details...
  23. Not to mention that damn commercial that's on TV all the time now.
  24. Isn't that more Meazza's style?
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