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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. To make things worse, I'm a naturalized citizen.
  2. For us Americans its a case of shrinking to that size. You sure you're not a Brit Ramius?
  3. Only on what I've downloaded.
  4. Of course not. They're called Spelling Abejas.
  5. That's text book poetic justice.
  6. It's the Hollywood thing to do right now, the trendy thing. As Leary said: "I know that's a cliche, that you change when you've got a kid. I also know it's the big fashion thing right now. Back in the eighties it was cocaine. Now it's 'Here's my kid. He matches my couch.'"
  7. By definition, a real space vehicle is not intended to de-orbit, so the ISS is a real space vehicle. But yes, we need to use our current knowledge and tchnology to get a new shuttle, the ones we currently have alwready have outlived the Apollo program.
  8. No, not that one. I still have that one.
  9. Ok, I'll call it an offensive explosion, and say it's 1-0. No, ok, seriously you guys. I take Italy and my cheating ex-GF to beat the Brewmasters that serve Budweiser by a score of 3-2.
  10. lol, so wrong.. But then agin, she could probably just stop her monthly visit, couldnt she?
  11. Season one: Excellent! Season Two: Let down Season Three: On par with LOST as an addicting TV show. They're not going to kill Matthew, he's an ultimate villain. I don't think they'll kill Alana or Sean. My money is on Kevin (The scientist). After all he's been injecting himself with hte promycin for weeks now, and with Diane being sick, no one has been in to chek on him. He's gone.
  12. C'mon AJZepp, don't drop the ball.....
  13. ouch.. But let's be honest, make it Ontario and let everyone have fun with it. AJ, I'm waiting...
  14. How about this. I skipped over this thread because of the very real possibility that the title was a warning that there were long posts within.
  15. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to copy and paste that exact post from the iggle board, onto the main site of TSW and let's see what type of reaction we can get out of them. Just a comparison study, that's all. (Feeling particularly mischievous this morning)
  16. I'm in, jus for the morning though.
  17. Wow, I had the over/under near 3 posts.
  18. Why would you even click on that? It has male, and cameltoe in the topic. You're just asking for trouble now. Put the drink down, and click on ratemycameltoe again. and don't forget, the internet is for... umm....
  19. So after all that, I decided against going with the popular winner. I think the sepia just captures a better mood, and is a shot that has more of a grandiose feel to it. So here it is, my contest entry: God's Blessing Briana III On another note, someone pointed out to me that if you look at the blue picture, you can see a face in the clouds. Anyone else see it?
  20. That's an impressive scrotum.
  21. See what happens when you skim and not read.
  22. I'm looking at getting a 70-300mm soon. But I love the Macro shots too, so I've been looking on Ebay for just the right Macro lens.
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