I liked the Mighty Ducks. I hate that they dropped the 'Mighty' from the name. And that logo wasn't so bad. It was creative, Im not even sure what the new logo is.
Agreed. You'd think the people at the NHL would stop teams from doing this. Bad enough they let the Ducks change, now the Sabres might go down the crapper.
Name: Green, Walter L.
Alias: Walter Lee Green, Walterl Green, Walt Green, Ice Green, Walterice Green, Walter Green, Walterj Green
Hmm, seems he didnt devote all his brain cells to coming up with Aliases.
Not that it's easy, but you take your memories and head off to start a new relationship with another canine as soon as you're ready.
And may I suggest going to the bookstore and picking up Marley and Me. I can tell you'll love it.
2 points..
Ed was the guy screwing Kevin's wife, so Kevin was the one driving. Now we've eliminated Fit jokes.
And two... Ed was screwing Kevin's wife.
I'm glad that you could hold back..
We're all so relieved to hear that. Now let's raise her right, send her off to college, pay for her med school, and then she can cure cancer. Wouldn't that be nice?
The power of the Powder Blues.
I like how the Giants and Jets went to retro designs full time. I like the Bills and Chargers throwbacks. However, I Miami and the Bengals benefit from never going to throwbacks at all. Same for Seattle. And I like the Texans, and how their unis look like retros.