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Everything posted by Puhonix

  1. Is there a link to this? Or has all evidence been erased?
  2. Dammit Ramius!!! Get 'er Done!
  3. No thanks, I've got leftover Oxycontin from my last surgery.
  4. This ranks among the saddest before and after ever. But how about that before! Wow!
  5. And Clinton as well.
  6. Ok ok, sheesh, he's going. I wasn't overly concerned with it since it's not affecting him as far as I can tell. But he's going in today.
  7. We ahve to be carerful... Knightly is going down that road too.
  8. Not a dead tick. And its been a few days, no change.
  9. Remember what it was called or caused by?
  10. Well, they destroyed Commander in Chief.
  11. So I've got a two year old Italian Greyhound. He's had his shots, in good shape. A few days ago we noticed a mole like thing on his rear leg. It's red and swollen, about .5 cm big. There's no bite mark, and he doesnt show any ill effects. Any ideas?
  12. Out of curiosity, what would the grade be if it was a guy?
  13. It's called Lechon, you make it in a caja china. If I could bring one up to Buffalo, you'd be impressed.
  14. You have to realize that we can't all tailgate 24/7 as much as we want to. Real food has to come in sometime. With that said, I'm still happy with my B.
  15. I'm so sorry, I didn't know.....
  16. With the standard deduction, that's not bad at all. And normally, there's onion, garlic, and tomato chunks in it, but my GF doens't like the seasonings, so she makes it plain.
  17. Can I got Dol-Felon hate here? Sheesh, all this and you forget to mention me and Donahoe. Oh, and CTM forgot to call Meazza a Dago Wop.
  18. Picadillo. Essentially its ground beef cooked with hashbrowns and tomato sauce. Served over white rice.
  19. Nothing's been done well since Ron Burgandy left....
  20. It seems imminent that SNL would make a parody of it. Has it been done?
  21. I think this belongs here. SOAP Early Cast Interviews NSFW - Language Who knew so many stars auditioned for it?
  22. Could you imagine if the NFL started fining players for provoking?
  23. Tough to argue with logic like that.
  24. "Please sir, may I have your pants?" Hooray Responsibility!
  25. You'll have to excuse my randomness of posting, but Im home sick and this is my savior (This or the Tony Danza Show). So here's what I'm asking. The largest razor on the market right now is the Gilette Fusion, 5 razors. So how long until we get 6 razors? I say within 12 months.
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