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Hogboy Swine

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Everything posted by Hogboy Swine

  1. Paul McCartney is a doper, an aduterer and a Vegan. Because of his lifestyle and outlook, I found it more vulgar than Janet's wrinkled boob. I was repulsed.
  2. Krabs ain't no big deal. You just buy this specal 'nad shampoo that comes with its own fine-toothed comb. the shampoo kills 'em and you comb the dead ones out of there....lather, comb, rinse, repeat....
  3. You have a problem with me, Bubba?
  4. It's your fault you have the gout---YOU GLUTTON
  5. I have a suggestion...Let's talk about volunteer firemen who start arson fires
  6. Listen, Mike...I have been around a long time. I know quite a few things about life and health. Have yuo ever actually MET some of the people who frequent TSW? Well, I have and most of them are either mentally or emotionally retarded. They create these web board "personas" that make them seem really cool, but in real life these people are a laugingstock. Take my word about this, Mike...I am one of the only actually cool people around here and you need to listen to me. Understand me, IGMO?
  7. John, how many posts ago was it when you were going to fly to Buffalo to meet "Combo" (me) in the stadium parking lot for a "spearing contest"? You sure swollowed the hook that day, bud.
  8. Mike, why do you feel the need to swear at me? I am just trying to help this igmo.
  9. Your T-SHIRTS don't impress me. I used to have a Rocherster D&C Hyperbills "Beat The Geek" bumper sticker
  10. Let me get this straight.....You have a deisease and you seek help in a sports web site? Why not call a doctor, Snapperhead?
  11. I think Flutie needs to be the starter
  12. I have no desire to listen to any advice from Moulds unless it is advice on how to spit on my girlfriend
  13. Why water it down?
  14. I could not get to the story using that link. Are you sure they werent talking about Lackawanna, PA? Even back in the 60's and mis 70's Lackawanna was Polish and Irish with very few Blacks. I remember playing a scrimmidge against Baker-Victory in the 70's. I was 6 inches taller and 60 lbs heavier than the guy across the line from me and the tough little bastard gave me fits all day.
  15. Nothing shocks me about these filthy Englishmen. They have opressed my people for centuries. They have tried forced my people to renounce their religious beliefs for a bowl of soup. But my people faught them and we continue to fight them: 26+6=1
  16. Anita the Swedish Nymphet (1972) I saw it at the Capri Art Theatre on Baily My buddies and I walked up there and snuck in some bottles of Tango and Boones Farm. We made sure we sat every other seat so people didnt think we were homos or something
  17. Oh, you can bet TD will spend the off season signing on to TBD to find out what kind of advice you snapperheads have for him
  18. Good...Close the stinking store. Wal Mart is garbage. they have destroyed small towns in the USA and I am sure they are also doing it in Canada. They have their commericals (propaganda) where they act like they are nice to these oldsters who pass out the smiley stickers. The truth is they treat these poor old buzzards like garbage as they do the rest of their employees
  19. I was gonna make the joke either about picking her up on a corner for 40 bucks or stuffing a dollar in her g string in the Colony, but you guys beat me to it
  20. What the hell is wrong with obese sergeants who swear at rookies????
  21. EVERYBODY needs to SHUT UP George Bush didn't ask anybody to pay for his Yale education, and he didn't whine about it either. I have 2 kids in college and one going to law school next year. All get some form financial aid beside what I pay out. I am bombarded with mail and phone calls asking me for donations. On top of that, my alma mater, UB calls and mails me with their begging. Most of the time it is a student who makes the phone calls. The last time I got a call from UB I told the poor girl that as a UB grad I could only find work as a janitor. Unless I hit the Megamilions it ain't gonna happen.
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