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Everything posted by krazykat

  1. Probably right although I did see at least some starters in there through the first half. Could have been more offense that I'm remembering. It's not as if I was glued to the set after being disgusted by the performance of our first teams. Besides, as stated, you can formally pen me in as being on the record that I also don't think that Losman is a long-term solution at QB. He'd be better than Edwards, but only because Edwards won't get it done. Did you notice how the defensive front seven of the Skins showed us no respect deep yesterday though? Their front four did a good enough job by themselves but they got help anyway and rendered our OL play entirely ineffective.
  2. You'll be agreeing with a lot more by the end of the season.
  3. He was actually playing against a good chunk of the Skins' starting D unit last night for a while. They didn't pull all of their starters as quickly as we did. Then again, they didn't prove competence like we did last year either.
  4. You've got to be kidding? You're counting sacks? Did you bother to look at other factors such as 1st-down conversions, 3rd-down conversions, offensive yardage, and offensive scoring at all? Or are you one of those that thinks that just because you allow more sacks you lose? Sacks are one component. People here completely overreact to sacks. Why not just fumble on 1st down of every possession? You'll have zero sacks on the whole season and set an NFL record for fewest sacks allowed. Can we think outside of the box here. And a small box it is.
  5. I'm ready for a real line and not one that the FO decides is good simply because they pay more money for it. Then again, could be the FO. OOPS!! There I go again.
  6. He was obviously being facetious. He also knows that how the team plays is out of his control but he/she is a fan regardless. Most have no clue why we really suck, and if it's told to them they go ballistic and begin acting like children throwing temper tantrums at the mere suggestion. So I will refrain from doing it.
  7. Look, you can't keep on jockeying QBs in and out every six games and expect to appear competent. These guys have made their bed and now they must lie in it. What they need to do is pick one and back him. If he fails, then they go down with the ship. They've done that with Edwards. So now Jauron either posts a winning season and proves that he's a competent head coach and overseer of defensive and offensive coordinators or packs up his sh!~ and leaves town at the end of the season. I mean who wants to watch more of this crap if we keep losing. Let's see what happens here, but they're not going to change their minds and if they do don't expect Losman to lead ust to the playoffs either. He may be better, but he still has his issues. Most of his shorter passes were very high if you didn't notice. The problem is still the lines. Brandon is playing chicken with Peters but doesn't know that Peters jumped out of his car a while ago and is on the hill watching from the sidelines as Brandon looks more the horses a$$ with every passing day now. Otherwise we have Dockery and that's about it in terms of line talent that makes the kind of difference that puts teams in the playoffs. Defensively, we have Stroud. Schobel isn't what he used to be, Kelsay is mediocre, and I didn't see anything from anyone else last night that screamed "great pick up" from the front-7. After that we have players trying to remain starters rather than backups. I hope that McKelvin is as good at CB as he is at KR.
  8. Neither QB has a good handle on the short game. Neither QB is accurate in short to medium situations. I'm sure that both have their off days and on days, but neither is even remotely consistent. Regardless, the team has spoken and chosen, it's Edwards. Jauron had better hope he does it because there aren't going to be a lot of sympathetic fans at the end of the year if Edwards is at the bottom of the charts in rating and other stats and the offense sucked as a result. And if that happens we probably won't have a winning season and both Jauron's and Brandon's butts will be on the line also.
  9. Poise trumps everything don't forget. Trent looked very poised sucking. So we're all set. Nothing to see here, move along.
  10. I also noticed that the defense struggles mightily the second the play doesn't go between the Ts.
  11. The team both offensively and defensively needs to show some changes from last year and they haven't yet. Because if the season started right now the odds of an offense that's virtually the same playing differently that it did to round out last year aren't good. The preseason is for honing your units. I don't understand why the starting units didn't get more time. It's not like we're protecting a championship team from injury or anything. Most people saw little to be hopeful about last night. Let's see how they play at home v. Pittsburgh on Thursday night. Hopefully Jauron will leave the starters in for an entire half or even three quarters. They obviously need reps. And Langston Walker at LT was not good.
  12. What's even funnier, at least as far as you guys go, is that this is a complete deja vu from seaons past right down to your predictions and statements. Isn't it up to the team to prove at some point that it's not simply business as usual? I mean you guys talk as if the default is that we barely missed winning the AFC Championship laste year when it's the other way around. Of course you won't recognize or admit that. Otherwise I don't think anything's funny after that. I find it pathetic that the team appears to stink again and that the reasons why are supported here.
  13. Perfect Phase II (Denial) post. Of course the denial phase typically lasts into late October/early November. Meanwhile, people such as yourself keep actively supporting our misery.
  14. We're already there. Why do you think we had to pay Dockery retarded money. I hope all of the pie in the sky people here are right, because it's gonna be uglier than we've ever known in Buffalo after this season if we have another losing one.
  15. Then make yourself more clear when quoting me please. You quoted me on this topic, and then transitioned into stuff about how you thought I thought. Boy, I have no idea why I would think you were addressing me. (yes, I'm being sarcastic) Otherwise I have no idea what you're talking about either or why you bothered to quote and respond to my comment. I can't tell you why.
  16. I understand that, but odds are all built around a majority rules system of sorts. 7/8 win teams also aren't playoff teams. So what's your opinion for the disagreement between what many if not most of the writers say and the VOs? We can IF ourselves into the next millenium. IF Edwards flops we'll be lucky to win five games too.
  17. They'll probably defer it until after the 24-hour Favre coverage once they get all the cams installed in every room and bathroom in Brett's house. They may even have collectors splicing into the sewer pipes leading from his house to assemble collectables. A great case can be made for Pearson. That was a really cool era of the NFL. Dallas had Robert Newhouse too, and Preston Pearson, Billy Joe Dupree, and Scott Laidlaw. Not to forget Staubach. Very entertaining.
  18. Jones is well into his 30s. He probably only has a season or two left. Peters will only improve and is just at the forefront of his prime. (Generic Note: sorry about the negativity on Peters)
  19. I've been trying to figure out how good we will be this year. Both our O and D sucked last year but our D has made some very good upgrades. Stroud is capable of playing like a monster and we have Simpson and Poz back from injury and added Mitchell and some depth to D. Offensively it's a little scarier since our best lineman by good margin is holding out and we really haven't made too many changes to it otherwise and Hardy's not really making a bid to be ROTY in the early going to understate the situation. On top of that he's battling a hamstring issue which could linger. But here's where the confusion really kicks in. Most of the writers say we can or should make the playoffs this year. Bills fans are obviously split on this. But why then does Vegas have us at 7.5 for a season O/U then? That isn't suggestive that the average shmo thinks we will make the playoffs. Also, looking at the Vegas odds, if we're really that good, then why are we just above the Jets, Ravens, and Lions for season win totals? Why are we ranked 21st in odds to win the SB and behind Cincinnati, Denver, Arizona, and Philadelphia there? Why are we ranked 11th of 16 and ahead of only the Jets, Chiefs, Ravens, Raiders, and Dolphins to win the AFC Championship? Once the playoffs start any team is just as unlikely or likely to have to face the Pats, so that can't be it. These odds are from just days prior to the opening of camp, so Peters can't be it. I just don't see the reason why the money says one thing which is pretty significantly off. The question may be rhetorical and nothing I've stated is negative. It's just a question. I openly admit that I think we're not a playoff team regardless of the notion that I would like it to be.
  20. This isn't Pop Warner. It's professional football. Did we say the same thing about Butler who had two years left on his contract? why not? Who in the NFL as a player really cares about winning so much that they're willing to take half, or less, of their open market value in exchange for that. Brady gave up a bunch but he already had one of the richest contracts in the NFL. Peters doesn't even have anything close to the richest for his position yet he's a top-10 player there easily, likely higher, and isn't even remotely compensated accordingly. Why not? This is a business first and foremost and if you don't believe that then you're fooling yourself. And I know that you understand that it is. Who knows what's going on, but you say he should just ask. Evans has done that and they haven't given him a new deal. So you're assuming that when Peters does publicly, and it's foolish to think that he hasn't said anything at all in private, the team will respond. That's a poor assumption. You can make the same argument you made for Peters to closeout your post for Butler or Schobel. So why doesn't that apply to them? At least be consistent in your positions. The Bills also gave Peters an extension BEFORE he became one of the top performing LTs in the league or even took a snap at LT. Does that factor in somehow?
  21. He's also just getting into his prime. If you think about it this is the perfect time for him to pull a stunt like this. The Bills brass thinks far too highly of their own team. Without Peters the offense isn't going to do anything significant this year.
  22. What takes it to a crusade level is all of the slamming of each other. I posted one thing, one, and everyone went bananas. Otherwise let's move on to football since you actually made some comments there. You mention us overpaying for rotational and backup players, I don't see us overpaying but I also don't see the problem with signing the players you have before they hit the open market. Well, OK, but many people thought we overpaid for Kelsay, then Schobel, and Schobel had four years or something before he hit the market. Just about everyone around the league thought we overpaid for Williams, Dockery, and even Walker. You don't think we overpaid for Tripplett who was a backup before he got here? How about Royal, the most expensive TE in Bills history to date. Butler had two seasons left. So why the hurry to "lock him up?" Evans is gone after this year and I see no hurry there either. Williams would have been and RFA after this year and they jumped to lock him up. So your statement makes no sense unless you think that none of those players was overpaid or needed to be locked up when Evans hasn't been. I guess we'll have to disagree on that too. I just don't think you'll find much support for your notions there. And also, I am not naive enough to think there have been no communications between the Bills and Peters, however the ultimate issue comes down to, who is being hurt more by Peters not being there? The Bills? That's purely opinion. Our offense sucked last year. So we can figure out why and discuss it, or simply ignore everything and say what makes us all individually happy. I just can't see that without our best lineman, or who is our best now, Butler, Dockery, that we will do any better. And if we don't do any better, can you possibly see any major changes within this organization that will set us back? I have no idea how you can't. Some of the biggest stink if we don't post a winning season will emanate from right here. I mean if you mean in monetary terms, fine. But who cares. Do you care whether the team or Peters has more money? It's all obscene anyway and if that were the issue we'd all be totally disgusted with all of them. The question is what will be the status of the team without Peters. Peters is going to get his one way or another. We're not going to carry him on the roster for three more years "just to show him." If he holds out the entire year we'll trade him. But if that happens, we will probably suck again on offense and Brandon may never see season two, Jauron should be fired along with the most of the rest of his staff except for April. And if that happens then do you think that's a good thing? And personally i think people have "attacked" you because you keep saying the same thing and it doesn't appear you want to take the view of the other side, try and throw something positive out there sometime and people might back off I have said many things positive and it's made absolutely no difference and it's ignored. Most of the time I'm just trying to discuss football. And I've addressed some of the repetitiveness but I've also answered these charges numerous times, so how can you honestly and in good faith say this and if I post the answer again someone else will talk about how repetitive I am. What I don't understand is why so many people here are drawn to and read posts that they say they hate? They're clearly marked. Dont' like the topic, don't go in. Is that complicated? But going in to B word and then accuse others of being negative and of repetitiveness is insane. Also, what's more positive, saying that Peters is a great player and the team needs him more than he needs them, or saying that we can do without him? Isn't that a little subjective? It sure is. And that's my point, the mob determines what the positive things are. That's why everyone here is real supportive now but if we happen to be 4-10 with two weeks to go and Edwards stinks the joint up all of a sudden a lot of sentiments simply in attempts at discussion that were not allowed here now will be the popular view while anyone suggesting that the team has some bright spots will be called names. Happens every year. You think that Peters has more to lose, I think that the team has infinitely more to lose. The team may fall apart if the OL plays poorly and without Peters it's doubtful that it'll be better than last year. We might do poorly, get a new GM and HC who then trade Peters, and in that scenario, which of the two IYO would have taken the greatest hit, Peters or the team?
  23. Did they bring Madden on to conduct all that. LOL http://www.bangcartoon.com/2007/oldflame.htm
  24. They could have made a better one of Kelly. It looks like he's standing there wondering if he remembered to lock his car or not.
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