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Everything posted by krazykat

  1. Oh boy! Maybe we can get Emmitt too.
  2. Rotating cup? Sounds painful...
  3. They open two stores per year in order to assure quality. You can look on their website for which stores are next. I believe they have the next few sites listed there. Don't recall seeing NC though.
  4. As average as Teague is we can't afford to cut anyone at line unless they suck.
  5. Of course he does and I'm sure that Gandy does too. Anyone we sign will "potentially dominate" under McNally. They just won't actively dominate. We'll be the best team on paper. We'll just have issues translating that to the field.
  6. I think it's probably good that they do so that they can recognize how much they talked up Bledsoe when he came here and apply that to their realities about Tom Donahoe and the current team. It's a big slap in the face to the egos of anyone that thinks you can have your team be competitive just because fans want it to be that way. Every decision the Bills make is great. Until of course reality sets in. Notice that these guy's arguments predate his time with the Bills big time.
  7. According to Bills fans it's no squat either. Otherwise why did we go after Willis.
  8. Great. So instead, he'll sit on the bench and then walk next season and we won't see a thing for him. BRILLIANT!
  9. It's not like it could have been both. DOH
  10. Not sure where you're reading this, but that's not according to many. Sometimes I wonder where some people get their info. From what I've read this draft is so deep with OL especially guards that we have a great shot at getting one in the seocnd round even later. RBs are suppposed to be pelentiful too.
  11. We draft 55th and 86th. That's a ways down. If we do draft linemen I sure hope we can gte a stater at 55th. I dont' see how we can get a first round pick without trading something too important to the team.
  12. If he plays like Williams, then for the money he might be a very good deal. If we overpay him and don't get anything uot of him for what we pay him, we might have two huge linemen, but size isn't everything.
  13. Yep, I can't really say I feel too sorry for this guy.
  14. Right. We all know how many players just "lose their luster" come draft day and how few teams are interested in anything but 20 or so players.
  15. You can always sell him the projector for $900 and "pay him" $900 for the job. That way you have a receipt against any poor workmanship etc. I'd find out who does that kind of work in your area and who does it well. Get an estimate from them. If it comes in at below 900, use them. If not, then consider using that guy. There are ways around making the payment for the job the projector. See above. Make a contract and make part of the stipulation that he doesn't get the projector for $900 until the job is complete. That way it's a cashless transfer yet you're covered. Some of the rest of you need to seriously consider taking a vacation. It sounds like bitter, cranky old men central here.
  16. And all we have to hope for is that those players will want to come to Buffalo which appears to be at least somewhat of a problem.
  17. Right. Followed by a glass of vinegar with tomatoes disolved in it.
  18. Sure, and Flutie is now available and perhaps we can trade Henry for Todd Collins or better yet, bring Billy Joe Hobert back in. We can have four QBs. Flutie, Collins, RJ, and BJH.
  19. Maybe we'll find out that Rivers was signed to play guard. I'd prefer it if Donahoe didn't work at all. Let Modrak do his work for him. Maybe then we would have a shot at being a decent team.
  20. They should start a new program: Select a GM and select a line.
  21. He may not be the typical 45 year old, but he's still 45. He's definitely not as strong as a typical 27 year old NFL lineman either. Good point on the Bills problem.
  22. This whole thing with Krumrie and his little test is cute and good print, but if college football players leaving school can't beat a 45 year old man in strength drills then they shouldn't even be coming to the NFL. Seems to be some sort of bare minimum test. If Krumrie were 35 then maybe this would have some meaning. Is he gonna keep doing this as if it's impressive when he's 50? 60? Big deal. That's the problem with the Bills, they live by cute little stories and not big, bad, mean players.
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