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Everything posted by krazykat

  1. Down and goners.
  2. That's all we've had is young up and comers. The problem is that they've all down and went.
  3. Do you really think it makes a difference?
  4. It plays like the replacements too.
  5. Funny how you guys read into some things. Some of us are simply concerned that perhaps we could be making better hires. Unlike you and others that probably go running down the halls with your fingers in your ears, shouting so that npo one else can get a word in edge wise, talking about how there's gonna be a 12 game swing from this season to next, we actually care about who's gonna be leading our team in the hopes that maybe we'll just have some reason for thinking that we may win 10 or 12 games. Are all of you broke? The way you talk about the Bills I'd half expect you guys to run out of the house to go buy the last product that you saw on some commercial. Run out, pay for it, get back, next commercial and ZOOOOM! You're gone again and keep repeating the exercise until you're out of money and have all sorts of crap that you don't need. LOL What a bunch of pigeons.
  6. make that "not being in favor of a second chance"
  7. People always say stuff like this after someone like Jauron gets hired. Mularkey and others. What if he didn't learn from his rookie mistakes? What if he kept trying the same things over and over again while he was there with no ability (or desire) to change anything? Did anyone ever think that might have been the problem. Second chances! How nice. I can't imagine anyone being in favor of a second chance, but why does it have to be here in Buffalo? Did it ever occur to you that he could get worse too. I mean it's not like we have much talent here. We have no lines. Villarrial was much younger in Chicago and he'll be into his 30s next year and he's one of our "top" linemen. Who cares about smart and humble. If he's that smart, then explain his stint in Chicago. Who cares about humble. We're gonna have the most humble and best charactered coaching staff in history maybe, but who cares if we can't win.
  8. Suppose they were. Do you really think that this Bills team is better?
  9. You may like his style just fine. What matters is results. Some fans are guilty of the same things that Wilson and Marv, and Donahoe, are criticized for. Falling into a supportive role simply because someone's a good guy. Everyone loved Mularkey from what I can remember, but look at his record. So, Jauron and Levy are beautiful people. That still doesn't mean that either knows what they're doing.
  10. Yeah, the Rams line was outstanding.
  11. They should be paying us to come.
  12. "And try talking to fans who attend games these days. Those true champions of the game, the ones devoted to the NFL Buffalo Bills experience, are few and far between. Sad to say, they and their families have been driven out of Ralph Wilson Stadium by a new breed of ticket holder: one who views the game as an excuse to engage in a full day extravaganza of excessive drinking, swearing, and all around idiotic behavior that includes abusive actions and unprintable words hurled directly at the team and the coaches." It isn't garbage, she's dead on! Undisicplined irresponsible fans that have no control over their drinking and filthy language and behavior are ruining the gameday experience for many around them in the stadium. And she's right, no coach, ref, player, or any other person in the sport should have even consider concerns of health or safety, ever, whether they are in the stadium or not. It's not as pervasive as she seems to imply, but it's a growing problem. I used to think that the only two stadiums where I wouldn' t want to go see Bills games are in Oakland and maybe Philadelphia from what I've heard. But when I think about opposing fans in our stadium in recent years I can't really say that I'd be too eager to come to ours unless I had a big group.
  13. "...Well excuse me for thinking we could squeeze out a field goal from there. But this is not the time to whine and complain. It’s the time to point fingers. And I’m pointing mine at Peyton Manning. Let’s face it: He’s a choke artist." LMAO
  14. "Kraft and Belichick praised the team's commitment to above-average performance, a philosophy that led to a season-ending streak of four straight wins, a loss, a wild-card playoff win, and then Sunday's 27-13 defeat at the hands of a fired-up Denver team." "My guys have become the team to beat in the NFL," said Coach Belichick, looking out over the honking, bustling afternoon traffic as it streamed around the parade. "Every team out there knows they have to bring their 'A' game when they take us on. Damned if that wasn't what the Broncos did, too. Kind of takes the edge off the day, but, you know, we've been looking forward to this parade for a long time." "Everyone enjoys a nice parade," added Belichick. LMAO
  15. When the hell was the last time that this team did what was right for the team!
  16. And DAMMIT, for once I'd like to see a Samoan coach in there as well! As well, where are the Ukranian candidates!
  17. Donahoe wanted to bring in his own guys. He had a plan. Remember.
  18. LOL I agree.
  19. Which makes everyone wonder why he was in favor of keeing Mularkey around.
  20. Is this like a big shock or something considering that he was supposed to interview today? What's he supposed to do, arrive 15 minutes prior to his interview?
  21. I wonder if Ralph has Florida plates on his car. I know he lives in Detroit, but I think after a certain age the Constitution says you have to get Florida plates.
  22. Manning's had a heck of a 1st quarter. LOL
  23. LOL. Wondering when someone was going to react.
  24. Well, we've had plenty of luck and haven't had a lot of injuries in recent seasons and just somehow I think most people don't consider us anywhere near perfect. Just call it a freak hunch.
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