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Everything posted by krazykat

  1. Of course. Levy's god and nothing that happened in Chicago is Jauorn's fault. They would have been 16-0 if they hadn't had a GM. He was the perfect pick. It was also smart to trade away picks to reach for McCargo when we needed more talent. I'd ask the same question about McCargo.
  2. We'll see how calm he is in the pocket when the heat starts coming against this line for real.
  3. Marv's getting his ass kicked as a GM. One more offseason like this one and he's gonna get the boot.
  4. Good point. You'd think that at 81 going into his first season he'd at least have a record. Great point!
  5. I'll do the tar. Strip down to your shorts...
  6. Thoughts? Sure. I think when you're discussing your team in this context you know you're in trouble. If "how many friends" a player has is what will make him great, then it's time to start following a new sport. If Holcomb starts for that reason, then we're screwed. It's a simple as that.
  7. Sorry, make that 0-16
  8. Normally many would agree. But this season it's 0-19 until proven otherwise.
  9. More lobbying by Wilson on the fans' behalf to assist with this season.
  10. Well, as long as that's honestly what you think. We hope that it's going to be the start back to credibility. We've heard the same thing for five seasons and let's face it, all the same people and types of people optimistic now were optimistic then too. What we believe doesn't make a damn bit of difference. It doesn't even matter what the coaches or players believe. Most of the 32 teams believe that they are going to the playoffs. What matters is talent and putting it together. He made a great point, how many players do we have that rank in the top 12 at their position? None really. Sure, we can all dream that McGahee, Evans, Spikes (after his injury), Clements, and some of our young talent are among the top 12s, but all we're doing is dreaming. It takes talent to win in the NFL. We just don't have it. Unless of course you believe eveything that Levy, Jauron and the coaches say.
  11. Which will be like when, after the Miami game?
  12. Doesn't sound as if the offense if promising in the early going.
  13. McNally's line has sucked since he got here. He's supposed to be able to take a bunch of crud players and get something out of them. Who cares what McNally says. He's an average coach and nothing special. Peters doesn't play LT, LG, C,, and RG all at once. Maybe we'd be better if he did. As to the comment about being lost at the LOS, maybe you would be too not knowing where the heat's coming from on any given play. Losman got a few games here and a few games there. Anyone thinking that was a fair audition is on crack. McNally's a moron. If our line doesn't improve this season I say we kick his a$$ outta here. All we've had is talk about how McNally was going to take every other team's trash and turn it into something special. Yeah, we've got something special alright, one of the worst lines in the league. If you were a QB would you be excited to play behind our line? Or Willis? As to Peters, put me in the I'll believe it when I see it category. If everything that these overrated coaches said was true we'd be challenging to go the Super Bowl this seaosn. As to the first comment, it wasn't exactly the fans most enjoyable season to watch either.
  14. Less than Huff and more than Sims.
  15. Anyone thinking that Whitner is going to justify his 8th round draft pick status this season is being naive. We won't know what Whitner is until next season or maybe even '08. He'd far too young to perform immediately in the NFL. There haven't been a lot of SSs drafted in round one of the draft though over the years.
  16. It's gotta qualify for one of the all-time greatest returns ever even if it didn't go for a TD. A thing of beautty!
  17. He's had lots of practice with his golfing season starting early every year.
  18. Just spend another $270 on an authentic Whitner jersey. Sounds like some workable solutions have been offered. You could always go to a uniform store too. They should be able to help.
  19. It'd be a blast like Pinto Guy to just travel in some comfy bus to all Bills games.
  20. You are he riffraft.
  21. Did he live up to anyone's expectations? Does he have something other than a terrible O-Line this year? Who says that the coaching staff won't once again be inept? How much experience do all the primary coaches have in their roles? What experience does Jauron have with offense and what is there in the history of either Fairchild or Jauron that might suggest that they have a history for running their backs until they "can't stand anymore?"
  22. Also, Aikman and Warner aren't that great. How would they have been not behind some of the best lines to ever play the game. I mean Orlando Pace is arguably the best T to play the game. We all know how good the Dallas line was.
  23. How were the lines on those teams? If you took the QBs from those teams and put them on teams with equally bad lines as those teams had good lines, would they have won SBs? I noticed that you overlooked Williams, Theisman, and Rypien on the Skins, Hostetler, Dilfer, Brad Johnson. Were they great? How were their lines? So once again, what's the common thread then? The QBs? I don't think so.
  24. There's no cause for concern. If we can't find a G to play to CVs level then we're hurtin. Preston should easily be able to take over the role.
  25. You're sure right about Villarrial. But last year everyone thought he was great. Peters has a lot of upside. Let's hope it works out.
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