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Everything posted by krazykat

  1. And if the Bills tank again those divides will still remain.
  2. Forget his time in Detroit, here is the list of Pro Bowl talent he had, i.e., players that made the PB on his watch, in Chicago: Glyn Milburn Brian Urlacher Olin Kreutz Ted Washington Marty Booker Jerry Azumah Do we have that kind of talent here, now? Other notable players in Chicago on Jauron's watch: Keith Traylor Alex Brown RW McQuarters Anthony Thomas Leon Johnson Rosevelt Colvin Yeah, pretty trashy collection of talent there. So, would you then say that your statement is true, or false?
  3. Your notion of 'insults' now on at least two occasions seems to include any statement that arbitrarily hurts your feelings including simple disagreements. What are you, 20 and part of the "everyone's a winner" generation. Get a grip, eh. And I agree, so do all other posters that bring substance. So how about talking to all the people that don't bring anything of any substance and do all that.
  4. 2001 Bears Season Opponent W/L Ws Ls 2001 San Francisco W 12 4 2001 Green Bay L 12 4 2001 Green Bay L 12 4 2001 Baltimore L 10 6 2001 Tampa Bay W 9 7 2001 Tampa Bay W 9 7 2001 Washington W 8 8 2001 Atlanta W 7 9 2001 Arizona W 7 9 2001 Cleveland W 7 9 2001 Cincinnati W 6 10 2001 Jacksonville W 6 10 2001 Minnesota W 5 11 2001 Minnesota W 5 11 2001 Detroit W 2 14 2001 Detroit W 2 14 13 -3 119 -137 Record of Teams Beaten 85 -123 Playoffs 2001 Philadelphia L 11 -5
  5. 2001 Bears Season Opponent W/L W L Ws Ls 2001 San Francisco W 1 12 4 2001 Green Bay L 1 12 4 2001 Green Bay L 1 12 4 2001 Baltimore L 1 10 6 2001 Tampa Bay W 1 9 7 2001 Tampa Bay W 1 9 7 2001 Washington W 1 8 8 2001 Atlanta W 1 7 9 2001 Arizona W 1 7 9 2001 Cleveland W 1 7 9 2001 Cincinnati W 1 6 10 2001 Jacksonville W 1 6 10 2001 Minnesota W 1 5 11 2001 Minnesota W 1 5 11 2001 Detroit W 1 2 14 2001 Detroit W 1 2 14 13 3 119 137 Record of Teams Beaten 85 123 Playoffs 2001 Philadelphia L 11 5
  6. 2001 Bears Season Opponent W/L W L Ws Ls 2001 San Francisco W 1 12 4 2001 Green Bay L 1 12 4 2001 Green Bay L 1 12 4 2001 Baltimore L 1 10 6 2001 Tampa Bay W 1 9 7 2001 Tampa Bay W 1 9 7 2001 Washington W 1 8 8 2001 Atlanta W 1 7 9 2001 Arizona W 1 7 9 2001 Cleveland W 1 7 9 2001 Cincinnati W 1 6 10 2001 Jacksonville W 1 6 10 2001 Minnesota W 1 5 11 2001 Minnesota W 1 5 11 2001 Detroit W 1 2 14 2001 Detroit W 1 2 14 13 3 119 137 Record of Teams Beaten 85 123 Playoffs 2001 Philadelphia L 11 5
  7. Guy as well, and meant with all sincerety. As to the skin being the going rate, yes, I know. I just think that it's amusing that those same people accuse others of having a thin skin at times too on top of the girlish preoccupation with "being offended," usually implicitly. I.e., where have all the "men" gone. Appreciate the kind comments otherwise! I don't expect everyone to agree as that would be foolish, but it's a big retarded to do what you, I, and others do, by throwing out stats and other data and information and having it be countered by statements made in a press conference or official team statements or something along those lines. be There really should be another forum for those that don't always believe everything that Chris Brown and the team's representatives say as if it's absolute certainty given their histories.
  8. Very nice ax, and thank you! I will send you a response on this personally unless VOR puts something forth between now and then. You're a stand up guy. Or gal perhaps I suppose. LOL Unfortunately I've got to continue working well into the night and early tomorrow a.m., so look for a personal mesage from me sometime on Sunday or very late tomorrow perhaps. Thanks!!
  9. What "tone?" Damn, some of you have thin skin! Because I already know what I'm going to say and haven't seen anything even remotely as indepth or comprehensive coming from him yet. How's that! Otherwise, how about minding your own effin busines, eh! I meant it sincerely, not in any other way. Now you can quit with the looking for personality faults everytime I or another poster than you don't like states something that you and your thin skin find offensive. Otherwise, if you are thinking the same, then how about you lay something out. I've stated my terms. I don't have to write a damn thing if I don't feel like. How do ya like dem apples!
  10. If it's a pay article, shouldn't you respect that and just post excerpts in order to respect copyright laws?
  11. I don't know, is it? Here was the original question you posed; Here's a question for you: given what transpired last year, do you think the Bills underperformed, overperformed, or did about what you expected? So let's end this nonsense. You tell me what they did. I guarantee you that my answer will be deeper and more comprehensive than yours, so no fears. As to the statements above, that doesn't even answer the question, A, and B, you obviously don't remember what I've been writing making me question why I even bother engaging here. So get on with it, either answer your own question and quit getting distracted, or don't. If and when you do, I will give you my answer which will be a good post, I promise.
  12. Read between the lines, I've already laid out in pieces what my position is.
  13. Can't do. I asking for this for a reason, not simply to get you to lay out your reasons first. So go ahead. I'll be right behind you. Actually at Wegmans right now, I should get back when I get home late tonight.
  14. Let me ask you first, what do you think and why?
  15. That's right, but the real question is if we don't do well, what will be the excuses that people here continue to make instead of finally recognizing wat's really wrong and placing the blame where it belongs.
  16. Come on, you post relatively intelligently, don't start being a dope now. What do you think it would mean? Perhaps that no one really wanted him? I mean after his initial years in Tampa, seems as if he simply had a bunch of one-year stints everywhere until we picked him up, naturally. I'm not even gonna adddress this any further. It's pretty plain that if we hadn't hired him he'd probably be coaching HS football by now.
  17. LOL There's always the chance that he got those all by himself though. LOL Funny thing is that if we didn't already have a starting TE then people here would be raving about him too.
  18. 3.9 according to the stats. Or don't those stats stand now? What about his 10.5 sacks allowed? Relevant? I should actually know better than to ask that last one. Of course it's not, here. Now if we were discussing the Fins or Jets it would be the only stat that mattered though.
  19. And it damn sure wasn't good.
  20. OK, I'll play along; Then why did Schonert and Fairchild pull JP? And please don't tell me that Schonert had nothing to do with the decision. How about his other QBs coached, which ones did much? Or is that immaterial now too as to how good he may be? Yes, you can take his performance in Oakland and have it mean something. To insist otherwise is asinine. You also can't compare the two offenses. In ours last year the team kid-gloved Edwards in every way imagineable in order to see to it that he would sustain minimal pressure while that obviously wasn't the case in Oakland. More to come there as they lower the barriers a little bit this season. Edwards wasn't sacked all that much last year strictly because reducing pressure on him was a stated goal of the team prior to the season beginning. And if it's fair game to come down on another coach for having "missed time" then it's fair in the same discussion to come down on ours. And what's with all the fairyland approach to analyzing this team?
  21. You didn't answer the Schonert question, what was he doing in those years? On Fargas, please believe me when I say that I wasn't trying to slide something past you. I apparently inadvertantly looked at his '07 stats. However, you think that 3.9 ypc "right side" was impressive? And then please explain how Fargas managed to then get 4.2 ypc the following season "right side" with Cornell Green (ever heard of him) a career backup, starting in Walker's place? What's your explanation there? Here's Green's page: http://www.nfl.com/players/cornellgreen/profile?id=GRE133269 Over half of his NFL starts in an 8-year career were last year for the sucky 4-12 Raiders with one of the worst offenses in the league last year albeit ahead of us in most categories. And while you're at it, can you possibly explain how/why our O actually got significantly worse from '06 to '07, same OC, in fact, same OC with yet another year of experience and after having added Walker, who's good by your standards, and Dockery, who is clearly even better than Walker. Can you explain why in '06 we as a team logged 27 total offensive TDs and 9 rushing TDs while in '07 we logged only 20 total offensive TDs and 8 rushing TDs while out of the other side of your mouth you insist that our rushing game got better? And why the decrease in stats with the addition of Walker and Dockery? OK, so spare us the Fairchild sucked garbage as it would seem to me that simply by adding Dockery and Walker, assuming each is as good as you will strongly suggest if not staunchly insist, that alone would have and should have overcome anything so wretched that Fairchild could possibly have done. I mean it's not as if we were ranked 4th in the league in offense with only downward to move or anything. We sucked in '06 too leaving us little more room for downward movement, but hey, we sure did it by about 30%. Then when you're all done with you explanations, please reconcile that with what you were saying about fans here making stuff up.
  22. I think it's relevant in a discussion about Walker. Someone can't just lay out the assertion that he was a solid run blocker amidst evidence to the contrary and then follow it up with someone saying "AHHH, that's irrelevant" in spite of the fact that I realize that's how business is conducted here. And while you chastise their coaching, you ignore ours. Let me ask you, what was Schonert doing in 2002? How about 2004? Any guesses? Thanks. Unfortunately I haven't taken the time to note yours because they're (everyone's) are simply too voluminous. But we can go dig them up if need be.
  23. If he was such a good run blocker, then why did Fargas average almost his lowest production behind Walker on the right side? And why did the Raiders have the 29th ranked rushing offense too? Why the least rushing TDs with only 5? Also, I wouldn't say that Edwards had an ability to get rid of the ball quickly, I'd say that the majority of plays were designed that way. In other words, his not doing it would have meant that he wasn't doing what the play prescribed. We're gonna see a lot more sacks this year as they expect him to sit in the pocket a lot more. That will leave many here scratching their noggins and searching for more appropriate excuses.
  24. Thank you! He's an OK run blocker but not more, but he sucks royally in pass blocking against average or better competition.
  25. They also had a TE on his side almost every play too.
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