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Everything posted by krazykat

  1. LOL, you challenging me on fan status! LMAO Oh, sure, I'll answer that. I tremendously enjoyed leaving sports bars early last year after watching the team put up 120 yards, 2 1st-downs, and convert 1 3rd-down converstion through 3 quarters. I thought that was very impressive. I really loved the way we couldn't even get into the red zone. I thought that was exilerating and entertaining. You? I thought it was very exciting watching us convert fewer red zone TDs than teams like San Francisco, Oakland, Detroit, Kansas City, and even Miami, and the Jets. I mean who wouldn't get all wet over that. And by all means, how can anyone knock a team that ran fewer plays than any other team including those mentioned above. Not much room for criticism there. I thought it was great watching Edwards lead the offense to absolutely no points in over half of his games while being poised. I thought it was also great watching Edwards throw zero TDs in two of every three games. I mean hell, most other teams have to watch ten or twelve games to see a passing TD, but here in Buffalo we got one every third game. I'm getting all wet just thinking about the offensive power as I write this. I enjoyed watching us beat all those really good teams. (List follows on the next line) I enjoyed watching Dick Jauron extend his losing streak to six straight seasons. It's not easy getting six season long streaks going. I hope he makes the Wall of Fame one day, he definitely deserves it. I immensely enjoyed watching our D allow more 3rd down conversions than any other team in the league. Didn't you. And let's not forget how enjoyable it was having a team with the 27th ranked most yards per play allowed. Nothing like offensive action in a game. I thought that all that and more was really great. I'm looking forward to a lot more of it this year, aren't you.
  2. The salary cap from a percentage standpoint hasn't escalated anymore than it has in past years perhaps less than in most. Get the facts on that. But in our case our team salary is escalating due to player extensions to guys like Brad Butler who hasn't proven a damn thing yet, Spencer Johnson a backup to date, Kyle Williams a very nominal starter tops, Derrick Dockery making over twice what Peters is a G, and Walker who plays RT making significantly more also. It cracks me up, the ones of you claiming to want this team to do the best seem to be the ones that think that this situation isn't unreasonable. You should all join the Front Office because you think identically and make excuses with the best of them.
  3. Sure is for putting him in this ... [i don't even know what to call it] situation. Ridiculous understates the matter. I mean come on now, you have a Pro Bowl LT, LEFT Tackle, that's making less than many F-ing BACKUPS! And yet, you don't see a problem with that. Unreal. Funny how I'm the one charged with hoping the worst fot the team. Gotta love message boards. The centers of independent thinking they surely are not.
  4. The answer's no Bill. Many of these people are happy to have a condo in the stained underwear of the team's ruling elite.
  5. Who says he wants sympathy? He wants money. He wants more than Williams, Walker, Dockery, Spencer Johnson, Kawika Mitchell, etc. ShEEt, Brad Butler got $9M in new money in a new deal. This team is run by the pathetic. When are most of you going to say something about it?
  6. I don't think it's a bluff at all. He'll sit out and play the last six like other players do. He knows that the team will eventually fork over whatever they can if they did it for Docker, Walker, Williams and guys like Peerless Price to a lesser extent. He also knows that this team doesn't have a chance in hell of improving offensively if he's not here. The Bills balls are in a vice on this one and Peters' hand is on the handle.
  7. What are your thoughts on the way they handle contracts? For example, two seasons ago we extended Schobel our best DL by a long shot. The following offseason they give Kelsay more on a per season basis necessarily causing issues with Schobel, and rightly so. Then they do the same thing last year with Dockery and Walker who aren't close to what Peters is. This year it's Kyle Williams who now makes more than Peters. So we have a rotational DT making more than one of the top LTs in the business. We don't even have to talk about Lee Evans, the team's only proven wide receiving talent. So here we have two of the team's best players that are both underpaid no matter which angle you come from. Relative to lesser players in less important positions, ranked by others at their position around the league, etc. And we have a Front Office that is doing what precisely, scratching their heads trying to figure out why Peters is unhappy and why Evans appears to be leaving at the end of the season. Do any of you that think this team manages well support this idiocy? Are you sure that you believe that this team manages well? Without Peters the only achievements that Edwards is gonna attain to is number of limbs in traction. After Evans leaves following this season, Hardy had better be ready to be the #1 WR. Either way, from the way this team manages you'd think that they only look at the piece of paper that's immediately in front of them and have absolutely no clue as to what this team will look like in years ahead or how one contract eats up money that might be better off earmarked for better players instead of guys like Kelsay, Kyle Williams, and Langston Walker or even Derrick Dockery at the absurd money he got as a somewhat above average G. But that's our Bills! Gotta love 'em!
  8. LOL I think it's safe to say that Williams not attending has nothing to do with his contract. Maybe he got stuck at church and can't get up from praying in thanks for that contract.
  9. http://www.nfl.com/draft/story?id=09000d5d...mp;confirm=true It's all formula at this point. McKelvin should be in by Saturday at the latest.
  10. Sweet! Didn't see that. Thanks!
  11. The Pats become just like every other playoff team without Brady. He is that squad. Belichick has never done squat without him. Pretty much the exact same team sucked up a storm with Bledsoe on it. I wouldn't wish injury on anyone, but I'm gonna be like a kid at Christmas if Brady gets knocked out and I wouldn't mind seeing how great Belichick and the Pats are with Cassel at the helm.
  12. 2 more to go, no? Did we sign McKelvin and Ellis?
  13. All I know is that if we keep yanking QBs after one starting season of not leading us to the playoffs, we'll never find a starter. As to Brandon, if he wasn't originally on board with Jauron's hiring then he may very well pull the plug after this season. I've never heard him quoted either way, but who knows, maybe he thought that Jauron was a poor hire as was the case, and is eager to not see his legacy get tarnished so deeply and so soon without at least putting his seal of approval on matters first. I know I wouldn't want to go down as a result of someone else's poor decisions. The media and the fans for sure aren't going to be supportive of Jauron for a fourth season if he doesn't produce a winning season, and IMO they also aren't going to consider Schonert's OJT status either and if the O doesn't improve mightily this season, they'll have seen enough already from just one more inexperienced stab in the dark for OC. But I can easily see Brandon moving on.
  14. No, that''s not correct. Here is the definition of "hope", 1. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment. 2. Archaic. To have confidence; trust. v.tr. 1. To look forward to with confidence or expectation: We hope that our children will be successful. 2. To expect and desire. See synonyms at expect. You're confusing that with "desire", 1. To wish or long for; want. 2. To express a wish for; request. Do we all "desire" Trent to play well and the Bills to win? Absolutely. Do we all have hope that that's what will unfold? Far from it. So no, I'm not an "Edwards hopeful" and neither are you based on what you said. We are both desirous of seeing that he succeeds however. Of course desire and reality are often far apart as we all well know from life's experiences.
  15. All the time, I love myself.
  16. Meanwhile, here is Wikipedia's write up of Wilson which is absurdly short in comparison to anyone I mentioned above. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Wilson It also lacks substance and is composed all but entirely of administrative horsesh--.
  17. Yes, let's. First of all it's not even a reasonable comp to include anyone from primarily before the modern NFL era of at least 14 games and in Wilson's same era. So let's start in the 60s then which dismisses just about everyone but Davis, Halas, Hunt, Mara, and the Rooneys. We agree on Halas as would anyone. Apparently we agree on Mara too. You say that Davis would not have been anything without Wilson and what a joke that is. Davis head coached the Raiders to an overall winning record after coaching at other levels. He was also the commissioner of the AFL that everyone here touts so highly when discussing Bills football lore. This is straight out of Wikipedia: With Davis in control, the Raiders became one of the most successful teams in all of professional sports. From 1967 to 1985 the team won 13 division championships, one AFL championship (1967), three Super Bowls (XI, XV, & XVIII) and made 15 playoff appearances. I can see how that would be insignificant here. Right, and in your mind he shouldn't have been inducted I suppose. OK. Frankly all credibility of yours just got entirely washed down the tubes, but hell, join the group. The adored AFL here wouldn't have even existed for Wilson to have a team if not for Hunt! From Wikipedia on Hunt: Today's "descendants" from the AFL, the Patriots, Bills, Jets, Titans, Broncos, Chiefs, Raiders, Chargers, Dolphins and Bengals would not have existed if it hadn’t been for Lamar Hunt. What’s more, the NFL’s Cowboys, created specifically to drive the AFL out of Dallas, would not have existed. Neither would the Vikings, an NFL franchise that was given to Max Winter to pull out of the original eight-team American Football League; nor would the Falcons, which the NFL gave to Rankin Smith to deter him from the AFL’s Miami franchise. And neither would the Saints, whose franchise was granted by the NFL after certain Louisiana congressmen pushed the AFL-NFL merger to completion. Thus, fourteen professional football teams would not have existed in fourteen cities today, if Lamar Hunt had not had the vision and the courage to “fight the establishment”. That leaves the Rooneys. I will agree that they are the weakest of the owners that made it, nevertheless, if you read up on them you will find their list of accomplishments no worse than Wilson's yet far more extensive. But you know what, they have 5 SB wins under their belts to 0 for Wilson and the ownership of each has a lot to do with it too. When they meddled they won, when Wilson meddles, everyone suffers from the team to the fans. That's all you should need to know. Otherwise, Wilson never played or even coached pro ball. You say that Davis wouldn't have been anything without Wilson, but that's hogwash. And believe me, I can't stand Davis today. He's a fossil that should have sold his team years ago and has no credibility left. But that doesn't erase his list of achievements to date. Carry on!
  18. LOL Yeah, that would make sense, particularly given last year. But hey, since when did sense or reason ever enter into things here.
  19. Some people here live to get irritated. I truly think that they enjoy it. Regardless, you can't even bring up decent topic discussions, of which I sincerely thought this would be one, without A, people not even addressing the initial point, and B, doing it even remotely effectively. And what's with you, you're usually right in the middle of the fray. What'd you do, get stoned the second you woke up?
  20. Yet, you have the irresistable urge to open your mouth and reply anyway. Obviously you're not being honest here because you at least knew the topic. And since when does my hoping alter what will happen or what I believe will happen? I "hope" for a Super Bowl win, but with what we have infesting OBD, I think I'd have a better chance of sprouting a second set of genetalia.
  21. And Edwards has yet to come even close to JP's 17/9 TD/INT ratio, his completion percentage of ~ 63% in either of the last two seasons, or JP's 11th ranked rating in '06 of 84.9. But hey, as long as he has good pocket presence, what do TDs matter.
  22. Isn't that the assumption that I made? But in your mind it would be fine to yank him for next season in spite of his only having started a single season then? I guess what I'm driving at is that if we only keep giving our QBs a fraction of one season, and no matter how fragmented, and only one entire season to prove anything, IMO we will never find a QB. Every other team it seems gives their QBs at least two and often three or four seasons of starting prior to ditching them. Not here though. Nope. We screw with their psyches for a season, then start them, then replace them. I just don't think that's a good way to do business. Since Bledsoe left we have only had one QB start an entire season, Losman in '06.
  23. Do I hope he does well and helps our team? Sure I do, just like I did Bledsoe, Holcomb, Losman, etc. What I think doesn't matter now, does it? Or as long as I start talking positively about the young QB it will all be OK, is that it? Do I have that kind of power?
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