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Everything posted by Poeticlaw

  1. Personnally I have no problem letting go of Moulds, i would like to see the QB(whomever it is) get away from the Moulds offense and start spreading the ball around to receivers wha are open. The point to that is we new this might be a possibilty and Antonia Bryant was the Best available on the market and would have been a good addition to the receving core and we signed Davis njury prone who might not make it through the first 5 games. I agree Tripplett was a good addition and would have complemented Sam adams nicely, I just hate seeing players released with no viable replacement ( I wanted Sam adams cut too so dont get me wrong here). Milloy was the BEST safety on our team so our secondary is now weaker. No you want to talk about the OL maybe fowler will be serviceable at the position maybe we will be lucky enough not to get another Mike williams, But we have drafted OL the last 3 years and who is a starter???? We have drafted DL the last 3 years who is the starter?????? Stating that we are going to fill the DL/OL STARTERS through the draft is liking telling the craps table i bet 1,000,000 i will through snake eyes. Also I beleive TD used that word alot "potential", had a few injuries in his career but he has the potential. Offense is going to be hard to watch. Ans the defense is being dismantled the only inspiring string of hope to hold onto going into the next season Defense will keep us in it. Im sorry if I seem pesstimistic about the upcoming season. Really unless JP is starting and we get a viable back up at RB a Run stopping DL and a good SS it doesnt look all that promising. Truthfully i hope i am dead wrong and we improve through out the year but when you look realistically at the competition in the leaugue you would be hard pressed to find a way to put us in the top 16 teams and it hard to get excited about finishing in the bottom 16.
  2. Faith in Marv's ability to do what is best for the team at QB- I hope that the Bills fans do not have a short memory. Jim Kelly was Marv's career saver. In one year Todd Collins, Alex Van Pelt and Boby Hobert/Hebert was his career ender. So let me remain a little skeptical about Marvs abilty to evaluate QB talent. And after Jaurons merry go round of Qbs in Chicago I will be even more skeptical of their abilty to evaluate the QB position.
  3. I couldnt agree with you more
  4. Sorry I am not just a post about Yet another post explaining how if we only sign player 'X' or paid to get coach 'Z' and Marv would spend money, etc we would be in the SB next year. Marv is cleaning up the mess left by TD just like TD had to clean up the mess from Butler. The only mess Butler had was high priced players we had a playoff team until TD dismantled it and got us out of the so called "cap jail" yet we are always releasing players to get under the cap and able to sign more players. Lets look at the mess Marv has to clean up- we need a coach with head coaching experience-got him-not even in my top 32 choices but ok he cleaned it up. We need recievers so he signing of all of them and yup letting the 2nd best one go-good job cleaning it up now we really will have the best recieving core in the leaugue. We need a veteran to challenge for the QB spot so we get one that has what 1 NFL start but bygollie he was better than all the other walkons and 3 rd stringers in NFLEUROPE whoohoo-hes definately got that one covered. We need DL amd OL released 1 Dl got one DL still need DL- Sorry but I am a fan fo 16 straight years overly optimistic each and every year, personally I dont mind most of the changes being made and i do think we might be competitve in 2 years maybe 3 im OPTIMISTIC about 2. Unless they told me JP is the starter of all 16 games next season, there is nothing exciting me, Nall yeah he might be ok, I definatley dont want to see Holcomb and I hope marv does all the psotgame interview because Jauron well hes just....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I dont need big name sigings I threw out a list of 12 2nd and 3 tier players we could have had that are all gone that would have made us better. Granted Im not an NFL scout I dont know what makes a NFL caliber player, but then again these guys draft players who are never to be seen again so they are not that good either. A #1 pick could be a bust or a star just as a walkon can be a bust or a star. QBs in the first round could be a star or the one picked last in the 6th round could be a star. I really dont care. I am not oppsed to the moves, but we still have many holes and they are not filling them and theres only 3 weeks left till the end of the first signing period and the draft, I just ant to see quality guys who have started at leatr 32 games signed that is essentially my point!
  5. Well Ralph did the right thing after the season ended and ended the tenior of the director of the biggest emotional roller coaster ride of the Buffalo Bills fan era. Dismissing TD was the best thing he could have done for the organization. Raplh gets a clean slate and an opprotunity to right the ship. But you cannot raise the titanic so he brings in a fan favorite Marv Levy to inspire us for the dismall season he knows we are going to have in the upcoming season or maybe he didnt maybe he thought he could be a bigger player in FA until the new CBA agreement. I know fans dont want us or the press calling Ralph cheap but lets look at it thus far..... 1.MM quits not fired after his circus the previous year and Raplh pays out no $$$. 2.Marv comes in as Director of football-no contract info available hmmmm cannot be alll that much and is probably saving a bundle after letting go of TD. 3. Hired the cheapest recycled HC in the NFL and cheap assitants. 3. We want to keep Moulds but we are not going to pay him he needs to take a pay cut when he just renogiated his big contract last year for us why should Eric take the cut? 4. Free agency well thus far it has been a joke of off season moves yes we are building depth but we are not paying any real money to these players except the overpaying for TE Royal-hopefully he proves hes worth 2 mil a year. 5. QB competetion with a veteran-career 3rd stringer and back ups spent real money there?? Read the article on TBD seems like Holcomb will be given an opprotuinty but they only spoke Highly of Nall and JP seems to me Holocmb will be a 3rd or cut. 6. Resigned all of our WR that couldnt catch the Balls in the only game of the season Eric didnt play. Great they can play special teams no offense we are really upgrading here. Reed has already proven with Drew hes not a #2 reciever, yes hes definatley a slot reciever but it seems like we have 3 of these and no #2 when Eric is released or traded. 7. We signed a center who has less starting experience then any of the line men we have now... really upgrading here....doesnt seem that way. 8. Need a DT for our new defense and nobody in the draft or Free agency looks like they are going to fit the BILLS. No improvemnet here either. Which brings me to my point of this post is it Ralphs intent to get us to the playoffs or to get younger and cheaper salaries and hope that they have enough hunger to compete with the top 12 teams in the leaugue? Becuase i have to say for the first time in 16 years I am totally uninspired about this upcoming season and veiw us as the next Lions/Arizona/Houston of this leaugue for the upcoming season how embarrsing going from greatness to the cellar At least when TD was there he made moves that inspired us to Billieve. Any one else feel this way or is it just me... and Ive never been this pesstimistic about the upcoming seasons as i am about this one.
  6. To think that Eric Moulds would be a combeack player of the year going to Phillyis totally proposterous. First off Mcnabb is a lousy throwing QB and Terrell Owens made him look Great. Last time I checked Moulds is atleast 10 steps lower than Terrell Owens. Eric would see even more of a drop off in the Eagles offense.
  7. If and when Eric Moulds Leaves the only thing were are very sure of is that Lee Evans becomes number 1 reciever. Listening to Marvs comments on Josh and how other have compared Josh to a ricky prohel(sp) Marv hopes that he is. Well Ricky was a career slot reciever and that is where Josh Reed is best suited he is not a number 2 hes most comfortable in the slot that is where he excells the best. Andre Davis has played the #2 role and did pretty good the year he stayed healthy. He has speed and decent hands, needs improvemnt in route running though thats mostly due to his lack of playing time because of his foot injuries. He has really good potential to fit the number 2 role unless we can sign some one better because right now there is noone id feel comfortable with in the number 2 spot. Parrish is definately number 4 good speed needs to improve oon the hands might be able to challenge for the number 2 spot but he's still too short. Another thing i have seen in this post is Mcgee losint time on special teams ????? afraid of him getting hurt so it hurts our depth when he has given us the best feild position we have seen from a KR in 6 years. He might not BE a DEION Corner but hes definatley a DEION returner and that is more valubale. IT would hurt our offense the most if hes not returning Kicks IMHO.
  8. Well I can tell you that you are a very intelligent person when you use terms such as blowjobs and tard in the same post, probablya 9th grader ill presume. As far as you being a couch coach every player in the leaugue speaks highly of Bledsoe its only the fans of NE and Buffalo that feel differently about him. We were once those fans that desired Bledsoe so enough on that one. So for the fact that JP would beat out any drafted QB he would he has NFL experience and hes very talented and most of the people on this board knows hes better than Hocolmb adn more talented and skilled than any QB coming out of this years draft. The thing that might of illuded you is why I feel 100% that JP wont be released or traded "this year" is money. it makes financial sense to keep all 3 qbs for a combine 4.5mil dollars which is cheaper than the "LOWEST PAID STARTER IN THE NFL ALONE". So for using my financial sense I am a "tard" you will see I will be right.
  9. http://www.cswstats.com/samples/data/1Z9.txt http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/stories...tml?page=2(read this one Marv gives us optimism ooops didnt he retire instead abanding the bills sinking ship?) Im not sure how good of an evaluator of talent Marv is. I loved him as the coach of our great team in the 90's. However, the most painful thing about Marv that has sat with me for a long time is this. After Marv failed at starting Todd Collins alex vanpelt and Billy joe herbert on the season he realized he was in over his head and retired at the end of the season. Can he judge QBS dont know he was given a lucky charm with Jim Kelly for 11 years. JIm ran the offense, Jim was the QB. Now hes being tested by bringing in NAll we will see.
  10. http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/1033 The other thing that should give you hope is this is going to be JP's 3rd NFL season where RJ came to us going on his 4th nfl season and couldnt beat out a 40 year old QB.
  11. The signing of Nall is not an indication that the new braintrust does not have confidence in him. The idea is crystal clear to me-JP was handed a job from what the veterans belive is one of the top 3 qbs in the leaugue(drew Bledsoe). He never earned the respect of his peers because he was given the car and the keys without any competition. They know he will beat out any rookie from the draft coming in so bringing in someone who will fight just as hard for the starting job as Holcomb and JP means that if JP wins he will have the respect to go with it because he competed and the team sees that the best QB won and it was a fair competition. Personally I see Nall winning the compettition "this year" with JP as the Back up and Holcomb playing third or released. As far as the comparison to RJ well first-JP is not Brittle. JP is a Leader. JP is smarter than RJ. JP is not the sack target the RJ was. JP is far more talented than RJ. JP hopefully will be ready to show this year hes deserving to be a starter in the NFL. However, I think Nall wins it out this year. JP learns alot this year and will get an oprrotunity next year which will be a prime year for him. http://www.nfl.com/teams/story/BUF/7611354 I will reiterrate a point that very few on here pay attention to. In JPs first year during preseason he broke his leg he was unable to "practice" for 10-12 weeks. He was off to a great start in preseason giving all of his fans hope that he was going to be a great player. So compile the fact of a player trying t regain preinjury form with the fact that he didnt compete for the starting job and that spells disaster which he faced last season. However, he did improve form the first half starting to the second half starting which indicates he could be ready this year or he might need one more true year to show the greatness he showed during the preseason prior to his leg breaking. All the fans were excite about him, bootlegs, rollouts, his ability to scramble and the crispness he had on the balls. JP had a rookie year last year and i dont fault him for his situation, but what i do state is if he is the starter this year its becasue he truly earned it. The final thing i will state and you can take it to the bank I know I am 100% right. JP will not be released or traded period. His contract is so cap freindly for our team he could be the third stringer with out us worrying about cap dollars of the QBs. He signed an incentive laden deal which means the more he plays the more he earns the less he plays well the less he earns all 3 qbs are going to make around 1.5 mil this year thats 4.5 mil less than the lowest tiered NFL starting QB alone.
  12. I think you need to proofread your own post before proposing the ESPN question. The Bears will have seven days to match, and with $9.6 million of cap room, they are expected to do so. ---The are expected t match the offer BECUASE they have the cap room.----However----The Bears aren't saying exactly what they are going to do. No mention in there of what you stated---So let me get this straight Clayton...The Bears are expected to match the offer, but you arent sure what they are going to do? It was very clear to me--Bears expected to match offer because of their cap room, however the Bears are not stating what position they are taking on matching the offer or not. Its just an expectation that they will. Which means we are not throwing crazy money at him and essentially the Bills just did the Bears work for them.---Where is our commision check?????
  13. Another thing to take note with is that the players we the fans desperately wanted to add to our roster signed with other teams for an average of 7 mill a year. Inexperienced fans make the mistake and look at our cap and see we are 16 mil under but do not look at this years free agents AND tentative free agents next season and do not take into consideration a rookie cap that must be available by July. At the start of free agency we had 16 rfa/ufa and released players to replace 7 players via draft and 9 players via free agency not to mention players the want to upgrade via free agency. So no break it down 16 players 16 mil thats an average of 1 mil per player. We are not going to pay evry player 1 mil some will get 500k and other wil get 3 mil at most this team cannot afford any big star named players this season. Which is another reason Moulds needs to be cut for the 5.3 this year and 5mil next. But Marv is picking up blue collar players these are players that will work hard to play and i see nothing wrong with what hes doing. Sorry no of the signings makes the Post starter giddy about his team but over all the team is improving. Plus lets look at the teams that spend alot of money on players -Oak-no playoffs in how many years. Washington 1st playoff last year in how many years hes been buying players before he realized it was the coaching. Thats just to point out 2 but the fact is not how much you pay the player but how well the TEAM plays as a WHOLE. Im not very optimistic Im realistic about next season 7-9 but its a positive building session instead of the Hype that surrounded TD and his F/A and drafts 5 years of beeing let down we cant be let down this upcoming year we can only be impressed if the do anything good at all. Plus I d rather be good for the next 5-10 years than for next year only!!!!!
  14. http://www.nfl.com/teams/news/NE Marv is learning from the Patriots, dont go after the players that other teams are driving up the price but go after the bargain signings after the first wave is over. What has Marv done wrong that makes him look bad? Released Mark Campbell upgraded with Royal Released Sam adams-tried to get pickett ufa-Justan Bannan- upgraded with triplett ufa-reed equaled out resigned Added depth/speed/KR specialist andre davis-not a bad signing made an offer to Wells to be an uppgrade over Bennie Anderson at LG. Still needs a safety,DT and LT which 2 of the 3 could be addressed in the draft. He is spending smart money not over paying for players that we call stars, but getting serviceable players that are an upgrade over what we have now and creating depth of spot starting capability. A blue print of the succes in NE, Furthermore noone can hurt their legacy when the team hasnt even made the first snap of regular season yet. An free agency has just wrapped up its first week and the draft hasnt happened yet. Really have some patience.
  15. http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/jp_losman http://tulanegreenwave.collegesports.com/s...man_j.p.00.html http://www.unc.edu/~mirabile/Wonderlic.htm Look I understand everyone is going to have differrent opinions when it comes to JP, However I am not on the fence when it comes to him. HE needs to start all 16 games this upcoming year 8 games isnt enough.Hes the only QB we have had since Jim Kelly I have been excited about and this was before the bills even drafted him. I have used this comparison in past post but everyone stated the Eli Manning sucked in his first season which he started 9 games and was worse statisically in every categroy than JP and looke lost on the feild and then last year he is a playoff contender whom I still think is a worse QB than JP. Rookies need 2-3 seasons to blossom into the QB they know. There were experts I read before the 2004 draft that stated he needs 3-4 years to be an NFL QB, Which brings me to the point that Drew SHould have never been released. However, in regards to Holcomb making the LKine look better than JP well Holcom is a 9 year vet need I state more? Final point I would not waste another 1st round pick on a QB especially when we are a team in other pressing needs and much better players in the draft than the three QBs.
  16. well Big Ben does not choke when it matters the most... it's a good start to be a good NFL QB... 634327[/snapback] No Seatle did it for him, to make him look like the champiom he is <<
  17. Looking at the players available from where we picked 2 and where we picked 3 and how we all kept talking about a DE that draft as well this would have been a better pick than parrish http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/players/draft/422573-draft info http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/422573-playing stats
  18. Matt Leinart Weaknesses: Durability is somewhat of a concern. Had a rotator cuff injury that forced him to miss his sophomore season in high school, tendonitis that bothered him in 2004 and required off-season surgery that shelved him in the spring of 2005. Lacks ideal speed. Not a threat to take off and run. His delivery quickness is slower than the ideal. He possesses adequate-to-good arm strength, but lacks elite NFL arm. He will not be able to fit the ball into some tight spaces that NFL quarterbacks with excellent arm strength can execute Vincent Young Weaknesses: His mechanics need a lot of improving. Shows a low release point and, for the most part, shot-puts the ball as a passer. A better runner than passer at this point. Does not show a good comprehension of reading defenses and making progression reads. Is extremely raw as pocket passer and will need a lot of developmental tutelage in that area in the NFL. Most of his experience has been as a shotgun quarterback in a "read-option" system. Still lacks ideal decision-making skills. Shows adequate-to-good, but not great arm strength. Tries to force things when they are not available. Must learn to better protect the football. Takes too many chances when protection is breaking down and throws too many passes up for grabs. Is impatient in the pocket. Frequently takes off too early and does not allow his receivers enough time to separate. There is also concern regarding his mental capacity due to his marginal score on the Wonderlic Test. Jay Cutler Weaknesses: He has a lot of room to improve in terms of his overall mechanics and consistency. He has a bit of a windmill delivery. Has a tendency to drop his arm and wind up, especially when throwing on the run. Needs to quicken his release. Will telegraph too many of his throws. Takes too many chances throwing the ball up for grabs. He can be streaky as a passer and will lose the "strike zone" too frequently. He has a tendency to throw off his back foot and force throws under pressure. He needs to become more consistent when throwing timing routes. Will release too late at times on timing routes. Needs to show more consistency when trying to get rid of the ball before the WR gets out of his break.
  19. Insider Analysis Grade 69 Expert's Take He lacks the bulk and strength you would like, but his movement skills make up for his shortcomings. He has a good understanding of leverage and plays with a good level of intensity. He is explosive coming off the ball, takes a good first step and takes good angles to his blocks. He shows that he can get to the second level and get to a moving target. He has very good quickness and running ability and he does a good job of pulling on traps and screens. He needs a lot of work and improvement in technique. He is a very good athlete who needs to work on the little things like his base and keeping his head up and locking on with his hands. He has good lateral movement, but does a poor job of picking up stunts and twists because he gets his head down and he lacks anticipation. He can be knocked back into the pocket by the strong bull rush. He is at his best when he can fire out and attack and when he is in space. He has the raw athletic ability to be an outstanding player but he needs to improve his technique. He does not appear to have the versatility to line up anywhere else on the offensive line than at the guard position
  20. I totally agree and have already posted in other posts my veiws on this but the main point I want to get too is this JP has played 8 NFL games let me state it again JP has played in 8 NFL games hes showed brilliance in KC and Miami its not hios fault the coaching staff well they sucked and didnt continue to play JP to his strengths. Hell the only rb running the ball was Mcgahee noone else so when Mcgahee was out of the line up it was what..a pass, and the defense knew it because the play calling was predictible in every second half. The lions have given Harrington 4 seasons and was aloso willing to give him another. The Chargers were ready to give up on brees playing a carousel with flutie and drafted a guy in the first round. Houston is still giving Carr a chance to prove hes starter capable. The fact is he needs 16 straight games and if hes a bust after that hes a bust but players like Tim hasslbeck,Drew Brees, and the panther starting QB whos name is escaping me right now will show you that the third season is the season they blossom as QBS. Unfortunately the Bills fan base is never happy and very impatient and want to go to the playoffs again and they dont want to wait three years to do it. It has to be now, right now. THey are even critizing the approach to free agency this year. Marv may be old but he is being smart grabbing guys now that people arent lpaying attention to and when the Bills still have more money to spend then the rest of the leaugue get the right key positional player in the second half of Free agency. A page clearly stolen from the NE patriots.
  21. I have a HUGE problem with taking any of the three QBS available in the first round. The QB class is weak at best and none of them are First round material. The second problem I have with this idea is that JP is still the best option of the 3 being mentioned and the current one we still have on our team. Nothing is goint to be an upgrade to what we have and I dont want to see the Bills waste another 1st round pick on a QB when there are other more pressing needs or talented peple in the first 3 rounds. Furthermore JP was not put into a position last season to succeed. Asking a rookie who hasnt thrown more than 5 passes in the NFl coming off of a leg injury to Step into a playoff contending team and replace a seasoned Veteran who the players greatly respected and revered was a no win situation. Players like Moulds and adams did not help his situation either. The coaches didnt even play him to his strengths, and there is no comparison to Bigbens situation, Pittsburgh had a running team with three players who can run the ball we only have one and Maddox well hes not Bledsoe, no matter what the fan base thinks of him the Players around the leaugue want him as there starter because he gives them the best chance to win. Lets hope there is a genuine oppen competition for the position and let JP earn his starting spot and the respect of his players, hes still a raw talent but I have seen great skills this kid possesses and if we mold him this year the right way he will be a top 10 qb for years to come.
  22. Sounds like we signed another backup hope we didnt overspend again Grade 67 Expert's Take Bowen is a veteran whom Washington signed away from Green Bay as an RFA a few years ago, but he never became the player the Redskins hoped he would. He is not good enough to start and is just average as a backup, because he never really developed into a dominant special-teams player. He is a one-dimensional player in that he is much better vs. the run than the pass. He is just an average athlete, and he struggles at times to play in space. He'll get some looks as a backup, because he is tough, smart and offers some veteran leadership.
  23. what about sam gash, larry centers, doug flutie?
  24. http://www.inspire21.com/site/ecards/Today_gift.html Same quote by E. Roosevelt
  25. A 1 year contract is smart on both the team and the players behalf. Andre Davis has something to prove and that is that hes not as injury prone as he has been 3 of the last 4 years. If he can prove himself worthy this season he could get a better multy year contract with us or another team next year. Plus hes a depth move this year for a 3 0r 4th receiver that could be worth more if he moves into say a #2 slot and does well if Moulds is gone. On the flipside. A one year contract for a player that has questions about him is good for the Bills because if he doesnt work out its not as big hit this year and nothing next year.
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