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Everything posted by Poeticlaw

  1. Really it was a 1 score plus 2 we got with in 2 then were down by 9 within seconds.
  2. NE had 4 near losses last season but they were undefeated. I live in NE and My buddies told me after the first game of the season they were going undefeated for the year based on their schedule. They were right. I proposed a question based on our schedule it looks very weak and with each week we improve and grow confidence as team and continue to find ways to win whether we had control or not we still won regardless of the other team. Its only a question is it possible, do you Billieve its possible? All i know is the strength of the schedule is weak, Trent has had two very impressive comebacks, these type of things build confidence build character. The defense is in the top 5. This team has a history of improving over the second half of football. Yes we can all say realistically the team could be 10-6 or 11-5 defiantely facing their first playoff season since 1999. But until we lose one IS IT POSSIBLE?
  3. Ill play... With the Bills being the only undefeated team in the Leugue they will be a Monday night game as the Pats proved last year undefeated equals big numbers and these two being the play off teams unlike the Blow out that will take palce in Chicago this is the best choice of the week and the Bills win to become 15-0 with their next game agains the Defenders of the 16-0 season record the NE Patriots in Buffalo.
  4. Aside from the east 2 with Miami, Jets and the Pats divisonal foes always the toughest no matter how weak the schedule. There are only 2 teams on our schedule that are going to be a real challenge and they are The Chargers and The Broncos lets say we split all the above games thats 4-4 we are 3-0 which means poetenially the worse we should be is 12-4 throw a hiccup in there and maybe we are 11-5 improve the caliber of this team we already know we can stop the run so that means 2-0 against the fish. The jets are tricky because of farve but not impossible to take 2-0 pats shoould be easy to beat they came out flat from the beginning of the season and the fish exploited them for what they really are this year 8-8 at best. So that leaves the Chargers and the BRoncos maybe 0-2 or 1-1 hopefully 2-0 Hmm what am i saying that this team stands a chance of doing the unthinkable this year Let me break down further @StL very winnable @Ari on rd- first test defines season Bye week SD home- 2 wks to prepare and at home should be a W @ miami- heat factor? Should b winnable Jets home- winnable rd NE- Confidence up sb 8-0 9-0 after this game Pats season done at this point home Clevland Please need I say more @KC looking like worse team in leaugue @SF home- wont lose MIAM Toronto WILL NOT LOSE @ jets Winnable ****BIG GAME @ Denver-14-0 going in biggest test of our ability to be play off caliber win here and the trophy is ours NE Home-We should not rest our starters with the chance of history on the line 16-0 Take the lime light from the PATS and do 1 better 19-0 Biggest home game in history going undefeated. 16-0 at worse 12-4 with a first round bye and a home playoff game Lets keep the faith just like the pats before us we have suffered long enough time to reap the rewards.
  5. This team still has a lot of improving to do. We almost choked againt a team that should have been a walk over. We still pulled out the win that is great for us. But to see we are a powerhouse in the AFC is an OVERSTATEMENT at the moment. The Bills have won 3 in a row not all pretty the only unit that has looked consistently good is the Defense which is currently ranked 5th in the NFL that is a big climb from 30th last season. They have amde the big plays and big stops when needed and has not allowed a 100 yd rusher to date. Special teams has always been a highlight and they are up and down, The offense has made up for their inefficiencies in the 4th qtr what we need them to do is come out blazing and improve their third down %. We are 3-0 and if we improve our gameplan we should be 4-0 after sunday hopefully this is the case but no matter what as a fan who has watched this team lose way too much over the years its nice to see them undefeated after three. Still they are getting no respect yet and even though the comeback was great the experts still view it as a game we almost let slip away that should have been an easy trouncing.
  6. Since we lost Flutie we have had a quite a few QBS incabable of 4th qtr comebacks. Qbs who crumble with the game on the line. JP had the first 2 comebacks back to back late in the season of 2006 which was the first 2 we have had in about 6 years. However now we have had 2 by a second year Qb in the last two games of the first 3 games. These type of comebacks especially todays when you march down and bring us within 2 and the defense gives up seven on the next drive and come back and win anyway this gives the offense and the team great character and confidence. Yes we can comeback. Yes we can win when the games on the line. Ys we can overcom mistakes and stil win. This team is going to do good things this years as they keep winning and building confidence in this team. I am a JP supporter but hat I saw in Trent in the 4th qtr defined him as a Qb and a leader of this team. He was calm, poised, an meticulous whent he game was on the line. He didnt feel the anxity to force plays and only made plays that kept the chins moving. I still say the jury is out on his ability to play in bad weather (wind, rain, snow) but he has purely proven to me today why he has unseated JP as the starter. Dick Jauron needs to play to win everygame if he stands a chance he needs to learn from the 4th qtr an come out with all cylinders firing and establishing a lead that the otherteam cannot comback from. Take a page from the Dolphinns pats game today the Fish came out swimming like sharks and never let up. I would still like to see that dominance before i say whole heartedly we are a playoff team but we are looking good at 3-0 with a 4-0 easily within our sights. lets keep getting stronger its nice not to have to dig out of the cellar and we are always better in the second half 12-4 or 13-3 is very likely but i don care about the reocrd I want a team that can be competitive enough to win in the playoffs and the 4th qtr comebacks aids in the transition from mediocre to competetive.
  7. Or maybe the boys were still to dehydrated and lathargic from their hot game last week and they finally mustered the engery in the 4th qtr because the were on the verge of losing to the worse team in the AFC if not the NFL
  8. If seattle was able to blow them out and we blew seattle out there should be no reason we lose this game. 4-0 is a nice way to start a season if we are to be called a playoff caliber team we have to beat the teams we are suppose to beat an St louis is a team we are suppose to beat!!!!!!!!!
  9. Darn. I took my time and tried to ensure the accuraciy I over looked that yes 2-0 in 2003 did not win thrid game until week 5 and finished 6-10.
  10. I looked at the previous seasons to see the last time we were 2-0 Here is what I found 2007- Week 5 before 2nd win 2006- Week 4 before second win 2005- Week 5 before second win 2004- Week 8 before second win 2003- Week 5 before second win 2002- Week 3 before 2nd win 2001- week 13 before 2nd win 2000- This was the last year we went 2-0 but finished 8-8 Did not win 3rd game until week 7 So after looking at that and then looking at our next opponet I said ooo we are playing the Raiders Good% chance of wiining that one and what if we do win that when was the last time we went 3-0 to start a season I am not going to list all the years becuase it was that long ago 1992-It was not until week 5 that we lost and lost 2 in a row going ito the bye making them 4-2 going ito the bye. Im not going to say I am overly excited but It is very exciting to know that we are about to bring the 90's record into 2008. And also knowing that we are a second half team the thought of 3-0 and two winnable NFC games going into the bye week gives great hopes for this season
  11. He wont get his full pay from the Bills they will do an injury settlement and he will be free to sign with any team but the Bills after week 10.
  12. No quaetions about Edwards...hmm.... What about his abiltiy to throw in the bad weather of Buffalo, his ability to throw the ball down the field more than 15 yards, his ability to estabish a rapport with lee evans, his ability to stay healthy for a full season, his ability to progress compared to his aility to reamian stagnant. Preseason isnt a measuring stick for an offense so there still are many questions about the offense especially with the LT out. The rumors still reamim about Toronto and will never go away until they are moved there. To think we can beat the Pats is some serious optimism with equal ignorance. We are a team with no real secondary to stop their reicevers, No pass rushing to get to the QB like the giants, and a coach who will play not to lose against a team like the pats which always equalls a loss. We are not going to be any better than 8-8 which isnt a playoff number or a breakout. THis team is going nowhere until Ralph dies and the Dick leaves town!!!!!!!!!!
  13. http://buffalobills.com/blog/index.jsp?post_id=3200
  14. Tuesday March 25, 2008 Losman In Attendance: The Bills offseason conditoning program got underway this morning with around 50 players present according to the team's website. Among those in attendance is QB J.P. Losman. He showed class by showing up to the voluntary workouts despite asking to be traded. The players were put through beginning paces as they work on strengthening their performance while staying healthy. Strength and conditioning coordinator J.T. Allaire is keeping track of all players strength and body composition at this point. They go through a seven step functional movement screening. The players will go through weight training and cardiovascular training as well as agility exercises.
  15. The voters probably forgot that the Bills played a 3-4 defense how else would the second most prominant pass rusher be overlooked? Bruce Smith Lets see 1985-1999 3-4 defense 11x prowbowl 12x all pro 4x AFC player of the year 2x NFL defensive player of the year 200 career sacks - 29 from washington 2000-2003=171 sacks from 85-99 Howie Long 81-93 8x prowbowl 6x all pro 2x NFL Defensive player of the year 1 x AFC Defensive player of the year 91.5 career stats Sorry but it looks like bruce got the shaft to me unless there are 4-3 years I am over looking.
  16. Actually the difference is when the Pats play us out of a bye week they blow us out. When we play them before the bye week its a close game.
  17. They were also both 6 round picks and Bell and portis were 2 rd picks and gary was a 4th rd pick. Denver has had a succesful running game with out drafting in the First round.
  18. I have been reading to many posts that has the emphasis on "we need a Rb whether its turner, lynch and the out of reach peterson". Its also stated we need to use our first round pick to fill this need. Why are we so focused on the RB position. The three time superbowl champs NE Patriots have only spent one first round pick on a RB and that was last year for Lawerence Maloney. Ill tell you this from living in a NE area and knowing about their players he was brilliant in the first 4 games of the year he was fresh he was new and wait he had Corey dillon who is a strong runner they complimneted each other well. However he might not be the primary guy the think he might be. I think the thing that amazes me and people are happy with our Defense?? Our projected starters without the draft...Crowell, Ellison and A converted Wire. Are we seriously happy with this wow! Also our CB projected startes in MCgee, THomas and Youbouty again everyone is happy with this. The majority is happy with dealing with these in the 2nd and third rounds. Why? Anthony Thomas is more of a starter than Wire, Ellison, THomas and Youbouty. Granted we would like a star running back but i personally dont see one in the first round of this draft that is worth losing picks on just to improve a servicable need and lose out on upgrading our needs on the defensive side of the ball. We can get a good back in the second round. We need to get a LB or A CB in the first round and I have been watching these these positions closely and we would be foolish to lose out on Willis or Hall considering one will be there if not both will be. We dont have Peyton Manning thus our team does need a defense. Rght now we barely have one.
  19. I personally dont understand your priorities of our teams needs going into the draft heres why... We have 3 running backs on the roster A-train viable starting running back- Shaud Williams- viable back-up and fred jackson who had a 4.7 yd per carry average in Nfl europe has a shot to compete as well. http://www.nfleurope.com/players/playerpage/1093 We lost Takeo Spikes and London fletcher thats 2 lbs with really only one starting option on the roster with Crowell. We lost Nate with a questionable third round pick from last years draft and a career back up fighting for his spot with an already shakee Mcgee. Therfore the way I see the priorities of this draft are as followed. 1.lb 2. Cb 3. Rb So if Willis, hall and lynch are all sitting there at 12 Im drafting Willis if willis is gone Im drafting Hall only if both are gone which is highly unlikley would I draft lynch. THere are atleast 3 running backs i would feel comfortable getting in the second round. We have had success in the second round with THurman and Henry both were game changing running backs our first round picks such as Smith and Mcgahee having quite worked out that well. Also its a pipe dream to think that peterson will be available at 12 Jon Gruden really likes him.
  20. For this I only used Rbs that rushed for over 1000 yds in 2006. 50% of the RB's that rushed over 1000 yds were drafted in the 2nd rd or later Willie Parker wasnt even drafted. Also the RB that i see most bills fans drooling over from San Dieago Michael Turner, he was drafted in the 5th rd 154 overall. This is just to point out that we dont need to use our First round pick to get a featured back and this list doesnt even include the first round busts. The most disheartneing thing i ound in this research is the in the same draft we took Mcgahee at 23 Larry Johnson was taken at 27 imagine how nice it would have been to draft him instead. My point is in this draft there are alot of rbs taht will be available in the 2nd rd that could be a featured back. To me its safer to use our 2nd rnd pick then to lose out on a player that could be an impact player from the first round. Name Overall Yds YPC Willie Parker undrafted 1494 4.4 Chester Taylor 207 1216 4 Rudi Johnson 100 1309 3.8 Brian Westbrook 91 1217 5.1 Ahman Green 76 1059 4 Frank Gore 65 1695 5.4 Travis Henry 58 1211 4.5 Ladell Betts 56 1154 4.7 Julius Jones 43 1084 4.1 Tatum Bell 41 1025 4.4 Tiki Barber 36 1662 5.1 Joseph Addai 30 1081 4.8 Larry Johnson 27 1789 4.3 Steven Jackson 24 1528 4.4 Deuce McAllister 23 1057 4.3 Warrick Dunn 12 1140 4 Fred Taylor 9 1146 5 Thomas Jones 7 1210 4.1 Jamal Lewis 5 1132 3.6 LaDainian Tomlinson 5 1815 5.2 Edgerrin James 4 1159 3.4 Ronnie Brown 2 1008 4.2
  21. I must disagree with you becuase a RB is not our number one need in this draft therefore one should not be picked in the first round. The whole NFL world knows peterson will not be there at #12 so its not even worth speculating. Our two pressing needs going into the draft is LB and CB. We do have a vaible running back in A-train going into this season and we can also get a viable RB in the 2 rd and even as late as the third round. My favorite is pittman the other 2 heavy favorites are irons and bush and realistically anyone of those three RB will be good enough to step in. The front office improved our line for the specific reason that they had planned on not having a featured back this season. The primary focus of this draft will be defense to get them younger and faster and hopefuly improving them and finding players that best fit Jaurons system. So in my perspective unlike most its the defense that needs the concetration right now.
  22. Does anyone rember what they were doing during this game? I know i was watching it on TV in my room that i rented waiting to go to work but ended up being an hour late because the second half was so incredible to watch i couldnt leave my house till it was over.
  23. 1. Dan Marino 2. Peyton Manning 3. Bret Farve 4. Jim Kelly 5. John Elway 6. Warren Moon 7. Steve Young 8. Troy Aikman 9. Joe Montana 10. Tom Brady
  24. Pittman was truly impressive. He seem to see the holes well. Bush and Darrius walker were good too. I wouldnt be upset as long as its one of these three when the rest are off the board. Considering the resigning of A-train we will not draft a RB in the first rd.
  25. But the fact is he was drafted in the 3rd rd and only played 3 games all year he might not be the answer at corner. Ther first round pick will either be a LB or CB possibily both if trades are made like last year. They will not draft a RB in the first rd this year.
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