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Everything posted by Poeticlaw

  1. Quote form Little Giants "Just remember, football is 80% mental and 40% physical. " considering we ae only winning 40 % of our games I think weve got the physical down. Now its time to find the 80% mental
  2. Isnt the better question how many of the 6 wins are attributed to his coaching???????? Off hand I cannot not think of one!!!!
  3. I dont like the post name-REBUILD- that would entail we have something that was built and needs to be knocked down and restarted again. This term usually applies to a team that has aging veterans and its time to rebuild and becuase of that you are willing to give a 3 year rebuiliding phase to do so. WE rebuilded in 2001 then again in 2004 but we havent built anything since 2004 yet. We are still a 1/2 dozen players shy of being built. So I say finshing building this thing this year and lets start producing!!!!
  4. I do!!! I find it appalling that we start of 5-1 and could possible end up 1-9 that is pathetic considiering no significant injuries to the bunch that started 5-1 what happened and to think that no one is going to be held liable for it is appalling as well.
  5. WOW so we must be the crap on the bottom of thier shoes since MIAMI has beaten us twice, JETS have beaten us twice and I see no way that the PATS lose to us in the Finale but we can hold there since we are 0-5 in the CRAP division of teams that are all tied for 9-5 in the divison.
  6. Actually if they did plan on extend peter the last game of the season would be the best time to do it still counts towards this year not next.
  7. Currently Peters is singed thru 2010 @ 3 mil a year so i dont know where you are getting your numbers form except maybe peters desired contract.
  8. I was watching MIKE AND MIKE this morning who first off said Peters wasnt worhty of the pick but on the crawl I saw that Albert Haynesworth had a clause in his contract that if he was to be named to the probowl the team could not GIVE him the FRANCHISE TAG. Does this mean we have a shot to get him probably not since the team will most likely apply the tranisition tag whcih allows them to match any offer given but no picks would be given up if they decided not to match. But it might be harder to get him with his sprained MCL because teams might not want to overpay incase this turns into a lingering injury. Goo thing is that he should be back for the playoofs to give us an opprotuinty to see if there are any lingering affects. I say get this beast improve that DL. Bad Knee and all hes better then the whole DL line we have now
  9. DE in first round DUH
  10. I was thinking about it and here is what i came up with: We are not very good on defense We are not very good on offense We are GREAT on Special teams. OK so now we know what we are lets see how we improve them based on coaching style: Coach is conservative play it to the vest, play not to lose so what do we need first? Defense we need to build up the defensive side of the ball We need passrushers and lbs and CBS and Safeties that can play every down, get to the QB, break up the passs, Force fumbles and create turnovers. Pure playmakers. So This year we should be completley focused on doing Just that building the defense only with the exception of SIGNING A TRUE CENTER and a back up QB!!!! The offense already fits their style of play its just that the defense cannot get off the field when they need to and the offense seems to do better when the defense is making plays and giving them good field position like the specail teams does. Then next season address whatever holes are left on defense and the fill the holes on the offense. Then what we should see is a consistent team that knows how to make plays and has the defense to keep us in the play not to lose philosophy and then maybe we should see the makings of a winning team then if at that point ole dick cannot get it done show him the door and bring in someone who can. Since we know if Ralphy boy truly signed him to an extension hes not eating the contract.
  11. We dont need a back up in 09 We need a starter one with durability an arm and the ability to play in the elements of nov/Dec. Bring in the competition it is not a gimme for trent.
  12. NO guarantees he be the starter???? What are you smoking???? Mcnabb would be the starter hand s down!!!!
  13. I am positive we stil dont have a starting QB I am Positive we dont have a Legitimate #1 possesion reciever I am positive the BIlls need to upgrade at Center I am Positive that DiCK is not the right HC for the JOB I am Positive that the OC has no clue I am positive that the DC has no clue I am positive Lynch is a ahrd nose trucjk of runner who needs to get the ball often I am positive that Jackson is a burner who needs to get the ball often I am positive I dont know who the FB is on the team or if we have one and what he actually does for our team I am positive that Josh reed is the best RECIEVER on the Team in the slot position only I am Positive that # 13 needs more playing time I think he can develope into another Legitimate reciever. I am Positve that once we have 2 legitmate receivers and a legitmate recieving TE that LEE EVANS will be the burner he is I am positive unless this team makes serious changes next year we will be sitting once agian at 7-9 with DICK signed and all I am Positive the bend but dont break defense gives way too much cushion for receivers to catch the ball allowing dries to continue. I am Positive that there is really not too many psoitve thing to say about the Bills a s a whole
  14. YEs there are two positves. Lynch actually rushed for over a 100 yards for the game Lynch has rushed for over a 1,000 yards for the season.
  15. But if he was the GM he would be able to talk about the contract.
  16. its the conservastive approach we dont want to lose the game by tunring the ball over ... it happened anway
  17. Whetehr he here or not I agree whats the secreacy of stating yes we resigned him to a 3 year deal. Avoid the distractions of the media constantly asking this question unless there is no contract where as you dont want to respond until the end of the season where it is more approriate to respond.
  18. I hate reading on this board that we are playing for a draft position so lets LOSE games. Where the pats have been picking in the bootom of the forst round and trading their own players or draft picks and they still have a good team and dont play for a draft position either. This team needs to win, find a way to win learn to win know they can win and you cant do that by losing out. Thoughwe know based on Jaurons record that the best they will do anyway is 7-9 but tahts no the point you had the game and you LITERALLY FUMBLED IT AWAY. Now the only thing I wnat to see from this point forward is trying to win period! However I would like them to use tese next to weeks to trully evaluate underutilized players get them in thier Playing if Edwards is ready start him god knows he needs the work but if hes a no go start the 3rd stringer see what we have in him on game day. Start # 13 as a #1 or # 2 reciever lets see what he can really do lets see what we treuly have here.
  19. IT will never happen JP would take any job in the NFL instead of resiging with the BILLS he purely despise the way the organization has treated him and has handled like a proffesional if I were hime I wouldnt even llok bak after i left this organization I wouldnt even say a word about them when asked i would say BUffalo WHO? I play for ______ now and that is my focus.
  20. These are the same two who stated in October the exentsion was made. Until the BUFFALO BILLS CONFIRM IT IS NOT REAL.
  21. Thats only becasue Detroit is a career losing team where as it should have been unlikely that the Phins went winless withthe talent they ahd on the team.
  22. Becuase lee evans isnt as good as all the fans are making him out to be.
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