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Everything posted by Poeticlaw

  1. When is anyone going to understand we are not the "Bills" our logo has nothing to do with the Bills we are the "Buffalo" bills Our logo is the charging buffalo so if you want to go with Niagra Buffaloes or NY Buffaloes but anything outside of NY get your own name for your team!!!!
  2. Lets put it this way Edgerin James a player who did not play for th Championship colts Received a Superbowl Ring from The colts. Ill let you draw the conclusion.
  3. A little aggrivated so here is the brak down Phill sims 14 years 2576-4647 55.4% 199 tds 157 ints 78.5 passer rating 2 pro bowls Jim kelly 10 years 2874-4779 60.1 % 237 TDS 175 INT 84.4 passer rating 5 pro bowls Is he stating because phill simms giants won two Superbowls and one of them was against the Bills in which he didnt play that hes a better QB.
  4. The only thing that set Jim kelly apart from the other QBS was his ability to call his own plays and 4 straight AFC champions helped his case as well. Im glad hes in the HALL and hes definately in the top 20 al time for QBS. BUt personally and im not trying to sound bias in anyway but Phill simms is nowhere near the QB Jim kelly was.
  5. I just wished we had a true reciever on our team period. Lee evans is nothing more than a number two guy. I have love for the guy to he is an excellent deep threat receiver. Seriously he is nothing more than that, I would like him to be a smith, or a fitgerald having the combination of speed and wr posseion capability but hes not and it doesnt apper he will hes only good at running down the field and catching the ball as he blows by the slower corners in the leaugue.
  6. I was reviewing some past articles one where the were talking about drafting Big mike williamms to make our line the heavist in the NFL. Then it got me thinking we have been mentioned several times over previous seasons as either haveing thee heaviest or one of the heaviest lines in the NFL. Having a heavy line is great if you are going to utilize a power running game which we seem to get awy form more often than not. Having to heavy of a line means the pass protection isnt going to be as good which is probably why all our QBS since Kelly have beem failing miserably. ( just noting the posibility not stating the QBS have been elite or anything) It seems in review that its better to have lighter more nimble line man that can play both the run and the Pass. It seems if they were a little lighter the could be a little quicker on the feet to get underneath in the pass rush which we have been destroyed of on many occasions. So my question to the fan base is it possible that our line is too heavy to play both pass and RUN?
  7. It was the inferred position because Jerry Gray was still under contract and they did not want to lose him if Dick Lebeau chose not to take the position.
  8. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...ching-rdp_x.htm
  9. After a little thought I realized that Dick was proably upset he didnt get the Head Coaching Job in Buffalo after holding the title of Assitant head coach and assiting Jerry Gray with making our defense as stout as they were. Also after talking to Bill Cower he also mght have realized he was better to work for than Mularkey would be.
  10. We did let him go he didnt want to stay just to be an assistant coach he wanted more and WE ALL KNOW Jerry gray should have been let go and Dick should have been given the JOB and we would have one of the best defenses in the leaugue.
  11. You dont think warners 377 yards passing would have given him the MVp if they won the game and not FITZ
  12. Also QBS make the recievers. Moulds had no connection with Jim Kelly, But once FLutie got in there it seemed like there was nothing Erik Moulds couldnt catch. Now we all know JP made Lee Evans When Holcomb went in there he had no connection with Lee Evans but ERic Mould looked like he could catch again. Reinsert JP and Lee evans looked great again insert Trent and he looks mediocre at best. Thats just my observation at least here in Buffalo.
  13. "Early on in the Steelers' disappointing 2006 season, Holmes was criticized for his poor performance on special teams as a returner, a role in which he fumbled frequently. However, Holmes had better success as a receiver, displaying his athleticism and skill in several of the Steelers' games. He earned Week 6 Diet Pepsi Rookie of the Week honors for his performance October 15 against the Kansas City Chiefs, totaling 58 yards receiving and 13 yards rushing. Late in the season, Holmes replaced Cedrick Wilson in the starting lineup and finished the 2006 regular season with 49 receptions for 824 yards and 2 touchdowns. His best play of the season was also the last, when, in overtime of the Steelers' final game of the season against the Cincinnati Bengals, Holmes caught a pass from Ben Roethlisberger on a slant route and ran for a 67-yard touchdown to secure a win for the Steelers. He also returned a punt 65 yards for a touchdown on December 17 against the Carolina Panthers." Versus James Hardy 9 receptions for 87 yards and 2 TDS . There is no comparison Holmes is obviously better in his rookie season than what Hardy will do in his first 3 years combined. Therefore I see him as a bust in comparison.
  14. Why is it that the Dolphins, Patriots, Jets, and Colts have won the Superbowl and we will always be rembered as the only team in leaugue history to lose 4 straight??????? Pats- 3-3 undefated season losing the championship (none of the pats teams stood a chance against the 90 bills) Miami- 2-3- undeafted season including the championship Colts- 1-1 east 1-0 outside of east Jets 1-0 only win against Colts Bills -0-4 Pretty pathetic to put the jests over us considering we went to 4 and they only went to one but they still did what we could not which is they won. Considering how hard it is to get the superbowl and how its even harder to win the superbowl what is this teams chances of winning a superbowl before the permanent move out of Buffalo. I say based on current teams philosophy, management, coaching and players I dont see this team being with in 2 years of one at minimum. Think our waiting is bad the Jest have only been to Superbowl 3 how pathetic is that or is that a true reflection of the difficulty it takes to not only get their but win it. Miami could have been to two more if we didnt beat them but that would have been two less for us. Is there a point to this yes our team doesnt look super yet we get ticked off a what our team doesnt do or should have done. Ralph leanred one thing from TD keep the players cost down for better overall security for your team. Rember how each year we were regretting free agency because that meant players we liked were getting cut to get us under the cap or players would be renegotiated to get their salaries under the cap. Now if we cut the player its because he SUCKED not because of salary cap implications. Since we are not going to put us in the position to pay star players and inflate our salary cap we would need a miracle to even sniff the SUPERBOWL again.
  15. Shoot me all you want OVERPAID: Lee Evans not worth 9 mil a year Arron schoebel not worth almost 9 mil a year Cris Kelsay Not worth almost 7 mil a year Roscoe parrish not worth almost 5 mil a year Robert royal isnt worth anything certainly not more thatn 1.5 mil a year I have no problem with the lineman being paid what they are they are lineman and thats the average pay but considering they have a thousand yard rusher they have to be doing something right. Underpaid: Freddy deserves a little raise as does Greer other than that noone else has proved to be worth more than the current contract they have and some of the players on this team should take paycuts for their play.
  16. I dont believe in highlighting 7-9 teams as being the best. The best of what mediocracy no thank you. 7-9 is not a good record. But his best 7-9 team was 2006.
  17. an is the prowbowl starter in his first year...whats your point?
  18. Your putting way to much stock into a sham that is the probowl. He is not a probowl player and should be there and being a lowly fan I understand you might not believe me but if you listened to all the experts reporting on the prowbowl who should have been in and who didnt deserve to be there Jason peters was stated as being one who didnt deserve to b in it. Trading Peters would not make our francise look bad it will make them look good the inmats are not going to control the asylum. Peters was already given an upgrade contract before the 2007 season the very next season he wants to rework his deal and holds out for one hurting the team by being selfish. Trading him would send the message honor your deal and respect your team. You can ask for renegotions but not at the expense of your team. he wrote his only ticket out if that is what happens. Personally I am all for it the line didnt miss a beat the first two games of the season he is replaceable dont be a fool to think hes not.
  19. then why is he ranked 26 out of 39 in FG%?
  20. in order to underachieve his team has to bee good enough to achieve. Team isnt that good and dont let the 5-1 record taint your thought process. This team doesnt know how to win or even how to win aginst teams that are above .500 and certainly dont know how to win aginst playoff teams and have never won in the last three seaons against the pats.
  21. With TDS team WE expecte playoffs, WE expected a suprbowl. With TDS team we had talent and Expectaions. Post TD we HOPE for the playoffs, we DREAM of a Superbowl. Post TD barely has the talent to beat college teams and are aspirations are higher than our expectaions. TDS team clearly the winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. First off the Cardinals play in the NFC, Second this is their first Superbowl in the history of the superbowl, Third this team was the lions before they became mediocre now the finally turned the corner to the first superbowl trip. Our team isnt as inept as the LIONS and Bengals simply becuase those teams have better talent on their teams alone make them more inept than we are. We now we have average talent yet we expect super results it wont happen until we get the type of talent that the Cardinals have, or the bengals have or the Lions have and on top of that the coaches have to know how to utilize the strenghth of thier players and their teams in order to win. I find your post appalling an uneducated, you are certainly a distraught fan but dont let it erode your thinking
  23. Name one WIDE reciever he has in Philly... NONE, NOW name one WIDE reciever he would have in Buff-LEE EVANS. He will still have two quality RBS in Lynch and Jackson as he does with Westroolk and buckholter(sp) . The only thing he had there he doesnt have here (yet) is LJ smith hs third favorite target at TE. Other than that our offense would be an upgrade to what he had. To think he would get bench is a brainless conclusion. He has been to the playoffs every year he has started 10 or more games in a season with a team the has had minimal talen at best. DONVAN would be the upgrade this team needs to make the playoffs this year alone!!!
  24. What is it with you people. Hes a QB and one of the elite the prime age for a qb is 30 break down for the qb is genrally 35-38. Now how old is one of the superbowl qbs lets see 37 and in the superbowl man thats old hes washed up? Man how many times have you guys stated you would want brady hes 31 and mcnabb is 32 please. we could get 4 years out of him and really groom his replacement.
  25. Now what has Edwards done to desreve the status of GREAT???? hes an average QB with potential, it just happens that he has more potential of getting injured than anything else. Hes not great and MCnabb has done nothing but win with similar or less talent then ours. I would do the trade. We already proved in the first two games peters wasnt missed.
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